F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date No of Bills Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Allotment Amount
3 29 120.67 # 119.97 119.97
1 Midnapore Mechanical Division WBSEDCL Electrict quotation bill for TW-I of Satyapur pwss (Ref Consumar ID-204468704),Application No-2005000243,Application Type-New Connection,Name of CCC-Lowada ccc, block-Debra 000146 2005000243 09/12/2024 27 119.13 SATYAPUR AND IT'S ADJOINING MOUJAS PWSS (SM/13038) 119.13 119.13
2 Midnapore Mechanical Division THE GODFATHER TRADING COMPANY Supply and installation of Sign Board for depicting the scheme details of different on going Solarization works for the purpose of Geotagging at different PWSS under Khejuri block under Midnapore Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte. in the Dist. of Purba Medi 000146ORD/000135/2024-202 ORD/000135/2024-2025 648/HESD 08/07/2024 1 1.05 Rejuvenation of Electro-Mechanical components of Mukutshila, Zone-II PWSS in the District of Purba Medinipur under JJM programme. (SM/16654) 0.35 0.35
3 Midnapore Mechanical Division P.K.ENGINEERING Providing and installation of pumping machinery and other electromechanical equipment for newly newly sunked Tube well at P/H No-I, Zone-I Baranalgerya Water Supply Scheme under Midnapore Mechanical Division, P.H.E. Dte 000146ORD/001253/2020-202 ORD/001253/2020-2021 33/W/MMD 11/01/2021 1 0.49 Bara Nalgerya Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/06300) 0.49 0.49
Total 29 120.67 # 119.97 119.97