F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date No of Bills Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Allotment Amount
84 102 3,106.82 # 3,109.52 3,109.52
1 Coochbehar Division SUCHITRO FUEL STATION supply of fuel januar and feb 2023 000098 02/10/2022 12/05/2023 10 416.24 Augmentation of Chilakhana piped water supply scheme. (SM/10148) 416.24 416.24
2 Coochbehar Division SHIBA ENTERPRISE Construction of pump house, Boundary wall at Head work site and laying of Pipe line and other allied works at inconnection with augmentation of NAGAR CHANGRABANDHA (Zone-II) PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED. (Part-B) 000098ORD/000009/2022-202 ORD/000009/2022-2023 25/CD 07/04/2022 1 3.93 Augmentation works for providing functional household tap connection within command area of NAGAR CHANGRABANDA Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10159) 3.93 3.93
3 Coochbehar Division ABHIJIT KUMAR DAS Providing FHTC, Repairing of Pump house, boundary wall and laying new Pipe line and other allied works at inconnection with augmentation of NIJTARAF PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED.(Part-C) 000098ORD/000011/2022-202 ORD/000011/2022-2023 27/CD 07/04/2022 1 27 Augmentation of NIJTARAF Piped water supply schemes (SM/10163) 27 27
4 Coochbehar Division NO 1 GURIAHATI CO OP LABOUR CO Providing FHTC & Laying P/Line at PAKHIHAGA PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000020/2022-202 ORD/000020/2022-2023 36/CD 07/04/2022 1 2.89 Retrofitting works for providing functional household tap connection(FHTC) eithin the cpmmand area of Pakhihaga Water Supply Scheme (SM/08150) 2.89 2.89
5 Coochbehar Division LONGLAST PIPES (INDIA) PVT. LT Sinking of 250mm x 200 mm Big dia. Tube well with UPVC Pipes & Strainer at 3rd Site of BARO DHAPERCHATRA PWSS under Cooch Behar Division PHE Dte. 000098ORD/000064/2022-202 ORD/000064/2022-2023 261/CD 24/05/2022 1 12 Augmentation works for Providing Functional House Hold Tap Connection (FJTC) within command area of Baro Dhaperchatra Piped water supply Scheme. (SM/10158) 12 12
6 Coochbehar Division GHOSH AND SAHA CONSTRUCTION Execution of different works related to AUG. of JAIGIR CHILAKHANA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000104/2023-202 ORD/000104/2023-2024 718/CD 25/07/2023 1 212.62 JAIGIR CHILAKHANA Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/16155) 212.62 212.62
7 Coochbehar Division BHARATI CHEMICAL AND SCIENTIFI Supply of different type of Chemicals for all Water Testing Laboratories under Cooch Behar Division, PHE Dte. 000098ORD/000138/2022-202 ORD/000138/2022-2023 524/CD 14/07/2022 1 2.4 Requirement of Chemical, Glassware and Instrument of Cooch Behar District Laboratory for NABL Accreditation under Cooch Behar Division P.H.E Dte. (SM/08722) 2.4 2.4
8 Coochbehar Division BRAJA GOPAL SAHA Execution of different works related to BARA MADHUSUDAN PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000140/2023-202 ORD/000140/2023-2024 806/CD 08/08/2023 1 5.3 BARA MADHUSUDAN PWSS (SM/16524) 5.3 5.3
9 Coochbehar Division TISTA LABOUR CO-OP CONT AND CO Providing functional house hold tap connection within command area of GAJENDRAPUR CHOWRANGEE Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. Part-B 000098ORD/000143/2022-202 ORD/000143/2022-2023 211/MTB 26/07/2022 1 4.81 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED GAJENDRAPUR CHOWRANGEE PWSS HALDIBARI BLOCK WITHIN COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT UNDER COOCH BEHAR DIVISION, P.H.E. DTE. (SM/14933) 4.81 4.81
10 Coochbehar Division M/S T R PARIK Execution of different works related to KHOLTA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000161/2023-202 ORD/000161/2023-2024 892/CD 31/08/2023 1 295.59 AUGMENTATION OF KHOLTA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/18788) 295.59 295.59
11 Coochbehar Division RADIANT Preparation of DPR for Augmentation of KUCHLIBARI (Zone-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme under MATHABHANGA Sub-Division of Cooch Behar Division,P.H.E.Dte. 000098ORD/000164/2022-202 ORD/000164/2022-2023 623/CD 16/08/2022 1 3.08 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED KUCHLIBARI ZONE-II PWSS (SM/13225) 3.08 3.08
12 Coochbehar Division CHAKRABORTY ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to GURIAHATI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000168/2023-202 ORD/000168/2023-2024 945/CD 04/09/2023 1 29.97 AUGMENTATION OF GURIAHATI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/09298) 29.97 29.97
13 Coochbehar Division RADIANT Preparation of DPR for Augmentation of HEMKUMARI (Zone-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme under MATHABHANGA Sub-Division of Cooch Behar Division,P.H.E.Dte. 000098ORD/000169/2022-202 ORD/000169/2022-2023 628/CD 16/08/2022 1 3.02 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASE HEMKUMARI ZONE-II ACCOMODATE FHTC IN HALDIBARI BLOCK WITHIN COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT UNDE COOCH BEHAR DIVISION . (SM/13148) 3.02 3.02
14 Coochbehar Division TAPAN CHANDA Providing FHTC Construction of 450 cum OHR and Laying of Pipe line Construction of Pump House & B/Wall Sinking of Tubewell at 3rd Site of RAMPUR ZONE ¿ I I PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION (PART ¿A) 000098ORD/000178/2022-202 ORD/000178/2022-2023 650/CD 22/08/2022 2 60.06 Augmentation of RAMPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/11272) 60.06 60.06
15 Coochbehar Division NO 1 GURIAHATI CO OP LABOUR CO Providing FHTC and Laying of pipe line, Const. Of Pump house , B/Wall at 3rd T/W site and other allied work of PAKHIHAGA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION (PART ¿A) 000098ORD/000184/2022-202 ORD/000184/2022-2023 658/CD 23/08/2022 2 34.62 Pakhihaga Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/05058) 34.62 34.62
16 Coochbehar Division DAS ENTERPRISE Providing FHTC & laying of Pipe line and other allied works at Madhya Hudumdanga PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000196/2022-202 ORD/000196/2022-2023 666/CD 23/08/2022 1 7.18 Augmentation works for providing Functional House hold Tap Connection Within the Command Area of MADHYA HUDUMDANGA Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10141) 7.18 7.18
17 Coochbehar Division SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Providing FHTC & Construction of pump house, Boundary wall (2nd t/w site) and laying of Pipe line other allied works at DUMNIGURI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION. (Part-C) 000098ORD/000201/2022-202 ORD/000201/2022-2023 676/CD 23/08/2022 1 15.35 Augmentation of Dumniguru Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/10008) 15.35 15.35
18 Coochbehar Division GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Constructions of 250 Cum OHR as per Departmental Design & drawing , Providing F.H.T.C ,New laying DI Pipe Line & other allied work at CHHAT RAMPUR PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION (PART ¿D) 000098ORD/000217/2022-202 ORD/000217/2022-2023 706/CD 27/08/2022 1 3.9 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED CHHAT RAMPUR PWSS TUFANGANJ I BLOCK WITHIN COOCHBEHAR DISTRICT UNDER COOCHBEHAR DIVISION , PHE DTE (SM/16520) 3.9 3.9
19 Coochbehar Division M/S PRADIP KUMAR PAL Providing FHTC Construction of 250 cum OHR Construction of Pump House & Sinking of Tubewell at JHAUKUTHI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION (PART ¿A) 000098ORD/000221/2022-202 ORD/000221/2022-2023 710/CD 27/08/2022 1 34.13 Augmentation of JHAUKUTHI Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10220) 34.13 34.13
20 Coochbehar Division KHOKAN DAS Providing FHTC & other allied works at JHAUKUTHI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000235/2022-202 ORD/000235/2022-2023 719/CD 27/08/2022 1 3.68 Augmentation of JHAUKUTHI Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10220) 3.68 3.68
21 Coochbehar Division CHAKRABORTY ENTERPRISE. Providing FHTC & Addl. laying of Pipe line and other allied works at DHALUABARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION. 000098ORD/000236/2022-202 ORD/000236/2022-2023 722/CD 27/08/2022 1 5.2 Augmentation of dhaluabari water supply scheme (SM/09822) 5.2 5.2
22 Coochbehar Division MS BIDYUT SARKAR Providing FHTC & Construction of Pump house at HW site & 2nd Site GOSANIMARI ZONE ¿ I PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000240/2022-202 ORD/000240/2022-2023 726/CD 27/08/2022 1 3.77 Augmentation of Gosanimari piped water supply scheme. (SM/10150) 3.77 3.77
23 Coochbehar Division SWAPAN KR.SARKAR Providing FHTC & Repairing of OHR B/Wall suplly Stairecase constn of Addl. Phouse at Dhaluabari PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000241/2022-202 ORD/000241/2022-2023 727/CD 27/08/2022 1 20.57 Augmentation of dhaluabari water supply scheme (SM/09822) 20.57 20.57
24 Coochbehar Division MATARA CONSTRUCTION CO. Construction of 600 cum OHR Providing FHTC & New UPVC Pipe line & other allied works (PART ¿A) atBALARAMPUR ZONE ¿ I PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000250/2021-202 ORD/000250/2021-2022 899/CD 24/12/2021 1 37.69 Retrofitting Cum Rejuvenation of existing ground water baed Balarampur piped water supply scheme (SM/10006) 37.69 37.69
25 Coochbehar Division BIJOY ROY Name of Work: Execution of different works related to KHAGRABARI AREA adjacent to CHAKCHAKA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION PART N 000098ORD/000255/2023-202 ORD/000255/2023-2024 1022/CD 22/09/2023 1 47.78 AUGUMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED CHAKCHAKA ZONE I PWSS COOCHBEHAR II BLOCK WITHIN COOCHBEHAR DISTRICT UNDER COOCHBEHAR DIVISION , PHE DTE (SM/15934) 47.78 47.78
26 Coochbehar Division MATARA CONSTRUCTION CO. Providing FHTC Pump House SSPost & New UPVC Pipe line and other allied works (PART ¿B) at RAKHALMARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000269/2021-202 ORD/000269/2021-2022 948/CD 31/12/2021 1 13.41 AUGMENTATION OF RAKHALMARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/09299) 13.41 13.41
27 Coochbehar Division S & P ENTERPRISE Construction of 150 cum OHR Providing FHTC Sinking 250mm X 200mm Big dia Tubewell & New UPVC/DI Pipe line & other allied works (PART ¿A) at RAKHALMARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000275/2021-202 ORD/000275/2021-2022 954/CD 31/12/2021 1 38.41 AUGMENTATION OF RAKHALMARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/09299) 38.41 38.41
28 Coochbehar Division DULAL MAJUMDER Procurement of Chemicals Glassware & consumables for Mekhliganj Sub-District Water testing Laboratories 000098ORD/000312/2022-202 ORD/000312/2022-2023 921/CD 26/09/2022 1 3.13 Procurement of Chemicals & Consumables, Glassware etc. and Annual O & M of water testing laboratories . (SM/06622) 3.13 3.13
29 Coochbehar Division SANKAR BANIK Providing F.H.T.C & Restoration of damage Pipeline allied Work at GOPALPUR Water Supply Scheme P.H.E Dte 000098ORD/000317/2022-202 ORD/000317/2022-2023 926/CD 26/09/2022 1 4.33 BARA GOPALPUR PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13161) 4.33 4.33
30 Coochbehar Division SENGUPTA ENTERPRISE Uploading charges of (https://ejalshakti.gov.in/imisreports/IMISReportLogin.aspx) related to FHTC under Jal Jeevan Mission in presence of JJM Login authority under Cooch Behar Division, PHE Dte. (Part-A) 000098ORD/000398/2023-202 ORD/000398/2023-2024 1288/CD 21/11/2023 1 0.97 AUGMENTATION OF BAKSIRHAT PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/10050) 0.97 0.97
31 Coochbehar Division SUBHAS CHANDRA ROY Laying of Pipe Line & Construction Of 250 CUM OHR At BARA PINJARER JHAR PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000400/2022-202 ORD/000400/2022-2023 1133/CD W 03/11/2022 1 8.01 BARA PINJARIRJHAR PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13163) 8.01 8.01
32 Coochbehar Division MS BIDYUT SARKAR Providing FHTC & other allied works at GOSANIMARI ZONE - I PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000413/2022-202 ORD/000413/2022-2023 1224/CD 28/11/2022 1 99.41 Augmentation of Gosanimari piped water supply scheme. (SM/10150) 99.41 99.41
33 Coochbehar Division HIRAK CONSTRUCTION Providing FHTC & other allied works at RASIKBILL ZONE ¿ I PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000416/2022-202 ORD/000416/2022-2023 1226/CD 28/11/2022 2 33.4 Augmentation of Rasikbil piped water supply scheme. (SM/09300) 33.4 33.4
34 Coochbehar Division S AND P ENTERPRISE Construction of 450 cum OHR Providing FHTC & New UPVC Pipe line & other allied works (PART ¿A) at SITAI ZONE ¿ I I PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000420/2021-202 ORD/000420/2021-2022 1518/CD 15/03/2022 1 149.54 Augmentation of Sitai piped water supply scheme. (SM/10147) 149.54 149.54
35 Coochbehar Division NABIN DEBNATH Construction of 300 cum OHR Providing FHTC New Pipe line & other allied works (PART ¿A) at ANDARAN FULBARI ZONE-II PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000425/2021-202 ORD/000425/2021-2022 1475/CD 10/03/2022 2 26.9 AUGMENTATION OF ANDARAN PHULBARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/10049) 26.9 26.9
36 Coochbehar Division SWAPAN KUMAR ROY Construction of 300 cum OHR Providing FHTC New Pipe line & other allied works (PART ¿A) at ANDARAN FULBARI ZONE-I PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000426/2021-202 ORD/000426/2021-2022 1476/CD 10/03/2022 1 7 AUGMENTATION OF ANDARAN PHULBARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/10049) 7 7
37 Coochbehar Division HIRAK CONSTRUCTION Laying distribution system of pipe line with FHTC under Chandamari PWSS PHED. (Part-B-5) 000098ORD/000427/2022-202 ORD/000427/2022-2023 195/SD 27/06/2022 1 4.99 AUGMENTATION OF CHANDAMARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/09302) 4.99 4.99
38 Coochbehar Division SHIBA ENTERPRISE Providing FHTC, Construction of boundary wall, repairing of reservior,baoundary wall and laying new UPVC pipe line and other allied works at in-connection with augmentation KAUWARDARA PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED.(Part-A) 000098ORD/000428/2021-202 ORD/000428/2021-2022 1524/CD 15/03/2022 2 27.63 Augmentation of Kauardara Water Supply Scheme (SM/09808) 27.63 27.63
39 Coochbehar Division GHOSH AND SAHA CONSTRUCTION Providing FHTC, Sinking of big dia tube well( 250 mm X 200 mm), Construction of pump house, boundary wall, Repairing of boundary wall at head work site and laying of UPVC pipe line and other allied works at in-connection with augmentation NALANGIBARI P 000098ORD/000430/2021-202 ORD/000430/2021-2022 1526/CD 15/03/2022 1 33 Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme (SM/09823) 33 33
40 Coochbehar Division GHOSH AND SAHA CONSTRUCTION Constructions of 350 OHR as per Departmental Design & drawing , New laying of UPVC/DI Pipe Line(PART-A) , Providing F.H.T.C & other allied work at Kaminirghat PWSS under Cooch Behar Division , P.H.E Dte. 000098ORD/000431/2021-202 ORD/000431/2021-2022 1515/CD 15/03/2022 1 45 AUGMENTATION OF KAMINIRGHAT PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/09810) 45 45
41 Coochbehar Division Z STAR COMMOTRADE PVT LTD Providing FHTC Construction of 300 cum OHR and Laying of Pipe line at MORADANGA ZONE ¿ I I PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION (PART ¿A) 000098ORD/000431/2022-202 ORD/000431/2022-2023 1333/CD 19/12/2022 1 13.17 Augmentation of MARADANGA Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/14112) 13.17 13.17
42 Coochbehar Division SAIMONS CO- OPARATIVE LAB CONT Providing FHTC, Construction of boundary wall, repairing of reservior,baoundary wall and laying new UPVC pipe line and other allied works at in-connection with augmentation KAUWARDARA PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED. .(Part-B) 000098ORD/000432/2021-202 ORD/000432/2021-2022 1527/CD 15/03/2022 1 16.07 Augmentation of Kauardara Water Supply Scheme (SM/09808) 16.07 16.07
43 Coochbehar Division SWAPAN SAHA Execution of different works related to GHUGHUMARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000451/2022-202 ORD/000451/2022-2023 1427/CD 29/12/2022 1 5.55 Augmentation of GHUGHUMARI Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/16531) 5.55 5.55
44 Coochbehar Division GHOSH AND SAHA CONSTRUCTION Execution of different works related to NAHARHATBANDAR PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE NBC1/PHED A. O.: 977/1-5/NBC-1; DT: 19-01-23 000098ORD/000457/2022-202 ORD/000457/2022-2023 1508/CD 19/01/2023 1 160 AUGMENTATION OF NAHARHAT BANDAR PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/11486) 160 160
45 Coochbehar Division NABIN DEBNATH Execution of different works related to PUTIMARI BAKSIBAS PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE NBC1/PHED A. O.: 978/1-5/NBC-1; DT: 19-01-23 000098ORD/000458/2022-202 ORD/000458/2022-2023 1509/CD 19/01/2023 1 30.77 PUTIMARI BAKSIBAS PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13816) 30.77 30.77
46 Coochbehar Division HARIDAS GHOSH Execution of different works related to KOCHABARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE NBC1/PHED A. O.: 983/1-5/NBC-1; DT: 19-01-23 000098ORD/000463/2022-202 ORD/000463/2022-2023 1514/CD 19/01/2023 1 60.87 KOCHABARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13342) 60.87 60.87
47 Coochbehar Division ASHIM KUMAR CHAKRABORTY Providing FHTC 3rd Site Pump House Boundary Wall SSPost with soak pit Sinking 250mm X 200mm Big dia Tubewell & New UPVC/DI/GI Pipe line and other allied works (PART ¿B) at CHILAKHANA PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000465/2021-202 ORD/000465/2021-2022 1605/CD 24/03/2022 1 22.99 Augmentation of Chilakhana piped water supply scheme. (SM/10148) 22.99 22.99
48 Coochbehar Division M/S. NITYAGOPAL BANIK Execution of different works related to CHHITRI BARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE NBC1/PHED A. O.: 985/1-5/NBC-1; DT: 19-01-23 000098ORD/000465/2022-202 ORD/000465/2022-2023 1516/CD 19/01/2023 1 9.27 CHHITRI BARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13213) 9.27 9.27
49 Coochbehar Division MESSRS A.B.G CONSTRUCTION Providing FHTC 3rd Site Pump House Boundary Wall SSPost with soak pit Sinking 250mm X 200mm Big dia Tubewell & New UPVC/DI/GI Pipe line and other allied works (PART ¿B) at SITAI ZONE ¿ I I PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000466/2021-202 ORD/000466/2021-2022 1604/CD 24/03/2022 1 5.72 Augmentation of Sitai piped water supply scheme. (SM/10147) 5.72 5.72
51 Coochbehar Division Z STAR COMMOTRADE PVT LTD Execution of different works related to SITALKUCHI ZONE -III PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1014/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 24-01-23 000098ORD/000492/2022-202 ORD/000492/2022-2023 1557/CD 24/01/2023 1 28.95 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED SITALKUCHI WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ZONE-III TO ACCOMMODATE FHTC IN SITALKUCHI BLOCK (SM/13379) 28.95 28.95
52 Coochbehar Division MANABENDRA DE Execution of different works related to KUCHLIBARI Z 2 PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1013/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 24-01-23 000098ORD/000493/2022-202 ORD/000493/2022-2023 1558/CD 24/01/2023 1 15 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED KUCHLIBARI ZONE-II PWSS (SM/13225) 15 15
53 Coochbehar Division LONGLAST PIPES (INDIA) PVT. LT Sinking of 250mm x 200 mm Big dia. Tube well with UPVC Pipes & Strainer at 3rd Site of MARICHBARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division PHE Dte. 000098ORD/000500/2021-202 ORD/000500/2021-2022 1448/CD 10/03/2022 1 10.65 Rejuvenation of MARICHBARI Water Supply Scheme (SM/10369) 10.65 10.65
54 Coochbehar Division RAJAT ROY Providing FHTC Laying of Pipe Line & other allied works at SITALKUCHI ZONE III PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000505/2022-202 ORD/000505/2022-2023 1233/CD 28/11/2022 1 7.9 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED SITALKUCHI WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ZONE-III TO ACCOMMODATE FHTC IN SITALKUCHI BLOCK (SM/13379) 7.9 7.9
55 Coochbehar Division AUXILIARY TUBEWELL DRILLERS Sinking of 250mm x 200 mm Big dia. Tube well with UPVC Pipes & Strainer at Different Location ofANDARAN FULBARI ZONE I & II PWSS under Cooch Behar Division PHE Dte 000098ORD/000507/2021-202 ORD/000507/2021-2022 1455/CD 10/03/2022 1 10.72 AUGMENTATION OF ANDARAN PHULBARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/10049) 10.72 10.72
56 Coochbehar Division AUXILIARY TUBEWELL DRILLERS Sinking of 250mm x 200 mm Big dia. Tube well with UPVC Pipes & Strainer at 3rd Site of DEOCHARAIPWSS under Cooch Behar Division PHE Dte. 000098ORD/000509/2021-202 ORD/000509/2021-2022 1457/CD 10/03/2022 1 4.58 Rejuvenation of DEOCHARAI Water Supply Scheme (SM/10364) 4.58 4.58
57 Coochbehar Division MS SSB CONSTRUCTION CO Execution of different works related to BHUTKURA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000513/2022-202 ORD/000513/2022-2023 1631/CD 08/02/2023 1 42.75 BHUTKURA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/14730) 42.75 42.75
58 Coochbehar Division AMBITIOUS ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to AUG. of KHATTIMARI ZONE-II PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000523/2022-202 ORD/000523/2022-2023 1678/CD 13/02/2023 1 53.6 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Khattimari Zone-II PWSS (Dinhata-II) (SM/13153) 53.6 53.6
59 Coochbehar Division GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Providing FHTC Works, Laying of pipe line Constructions of 3rd site Pump House, Boundary Wall at PANISALA W.S.S under Cooch Behar Division P.H.E.Dte. 000098ORD/000528/2021-202 ORD/000528/2021-2022 1628/CD 29/03/2022 1 2.89 Augmentation of Panisala PWSS. (SM/16526) 2.89 2.89
60 Coochbehar Division BIJOY ROY Providing FHTC Works, Laying of pipe line Constructions of Switch Room, Boundary Wall at SINGIMARI PASCHIMPAR W.S.S under Cooch Behar Division P.H.E.Dte. PART A 000098ORD/000533/2021-202 ORD/000533/2021-2022 1633/CD 29/03/2022 2 40.95 Rejuvenation of SINGIMARI PASCHIMPAR Water Supply Scheme (SM/10362) 40.95 40.95
61 Coochbehar Division MS BIDYUT SARKAR Execution of different works related to BAISGURI KHANDA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1242/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 02-03-23 000098ORD/000552/2022-202 ORD/000552/2022-2023 1774/CD 02/03/2023 1 39.28 BAISGURI KHANDA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/13284) 39.28 39.28
62 Coochbehar Division MAHENDRA CHHETRI Execution of different works related to CHAUDANGA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000553/2022-202 ORD/000553/2022-2023 1610/CD 03/02/2023 1 5.73 CHAUDANGA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13146) 5.73 5.73
63 Coochbehar Division DAS ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to DEBOTTAR BAKSHIGANJ PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000555/2022-202 ORD/000555/2022-2023 1702/CD 13/02/2023 1 35.11 Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme DEBOTTAR BAKSHIGANJ (BLOCK-HALDIBARI) (SM/13287) 35.11 35.11
64 Coochbehar Division M/S BADAL CH SAHA Preparation of DPR for Bhoram Piped Water Supply Scheme under Cooch Behar Sadar Sub-Division of Cooch Behar Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000098ORD/000557/2021-202 ORD/000557/2021-2022 1541/CD 17/03/2022 1 6.75 Procurement of service consultants for preparation of DPR of New Piped Water Supply Scheme for uncovered rural area of Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar and Coochbehar District in West Bengal. (SM/11505) 9.45 9.45
65 Coochbehar Division Z STAR COMMOTRADE PVT LTD Execution of different works related to GHOKSADANGA ZONE - II PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1243/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 02-03-23 000098ORD/000557/2022-202 ORD/000557/2022-2023 1782/CD 02/03/2023 1 70 AUGMENTATION OF GHOKSADANGA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/11977) 70 70
66 Coochbehar Division PALLAB BHAWAL Construction of 450 cum OHR Providing FHTC & New UPVC Pipe line & other allied works (PART ¿A) at SITAI ZONE ¿ I PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 000098ORD/000559/2022-202 ORD/000559/2022-2023 1282/CD 02/12/2022 2 145.83 Augmentation of Sitai piped water supply scheme. (SM/10147) 145.83 145.83
67 Coochbehar Division M/S SOBHA & CO. Preparation of DPR for Angarkata Paradubi Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub-Division of Cooch Behar Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000098ORD/000571/2021-202 ORD/000571/2021-2022 1387/CD 04/03/2022 1 9.44 Procurement of service consultants for preparation of DPR of New Piped Water Supply Scheme for uncovered rural area of Jalpaiguri, Alipurduar and Coochbehar District in West Bengal. (SM/11505) 9.44 9.44
68 Coochbehar Division PALLAB BHAWAL Execution of different works related to UCHALPUKURI ZONE - II PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1121/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 13-02-23 000098ORD/000572/2022-202 ORD/000572/2022-2023 1690/CD 13/02/2023 1 5.42 Augmentation of Ground Water Based UCHALPUKURI ZONE-II Piped Water Supply Scheme to Accommodate FHTC in Mekhliganj Block within Cooch Behar District under Cooch Behar Division, P.H.E. Dte. (SM/13157) 5.42 5.42
69 Coochbehar Division MALAY KR.DEB Execution of different works related to JIRANPUR PART B PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1119/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 13-02-23 000098ORD/000576/2022-202 ORD/000576/2022-2023 1856/CD 14/03/2023 1 111.82 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER JIRANPUR ZONE-I (B) ACCOMODATE FHTC IN HALDIBARI BLOCK WITHIN COOCH BEHAR DISTRICT UNDE COOCH BEHAR DIVISION (SM/13149) 111.82 111.82
70 Coochbehar Division JAL PRAVAHIKA PRIVATE LIMITED Execution of different works related to MAHISHCHARU PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1207/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 01-03-23 000098ORD/000580/2022-202 ORD/000580/2022-2023 1770/CD 02/03/2023 1 1.1 MAHISHCHARU PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13207) 1.1 1.1
71 Coochbehar Division SUBHAS CHANDRA ROY Execution of different works related to BARA GOPALPUR PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1109/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 13-02-23 000098ORD/000586/2022-202 ORD/000586/2022-2023 1671/CD 13/02/2023 1 3.79 BARA GOPALPUR PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13161) 3.79 3.79
72 Coochbehar Division M/S TORSHA CONSTRUCTION Execution of different works related to NIJTARAF PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000587/2022-202 ORD/000587/2022-2023 1677/CD 13/02/2023 1 12 NIJTARAF PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME at HALDIBARI. (SM/13120) 12 12
73 Coochbehar Division BENGAL YOUTH UN EMPLOYED ENGIN Execution of different works related to SAJHERPAR KHATALBARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000588/2022-202 ORD/000588/2022-2023 1676/CD 13/02/2023 1 73.48 SAJHERPAR KHATALBARI (SM/13877) 73.48 73.48
74 Coochbehar Division MS SSB CONSTRUCTION CO Execution of different works related to KHARIJA DURGANAGAR DWITIA KHANDA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000592/2022-202 ORD/000592/2022-2023 1672/CD 13/02/2023 1 1.99 KHARIJA DURGANAGAR DWITIYA KHANDA PWSS (SM/14449) 1.99 1.99
75 Coochbehar Division S & P ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to ABUAR PATHAR PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1335/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 24-03-23 000098ORD/000593/2022-202 ORD/000593/2022-2023 1963/CD 24/03/2023 1 152.3 ABUAR PATHAR PWSS (SM/14202) 152.3 152.3
76 Coochbehar Division SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to Aug. of MUKUL DANGA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1377/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 28-03-23 000098ORD/000655/2022-202 ORD/000655/2022-2023 1999/CD 28/03/2023 2 23.15 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED MUKUL DANGA PWSS MATHABHANGA - II BLOCK WITHIN COOCHBEHAR DISTRICT UNDER COOCHBEHAR DIVISION, PHE DTE (SM/16473) 23.15 23.15
77 Coochbehar Division SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to PHULBARI PART-A PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSIONSE,NBC-1,PHED A.O. No.: 1366/1-5/NBC-1; Dt.: 28-03-23 000098ORD/000657/2022-202 ORD/000657/2022-2023 1988/CD 28/03/2023 1 50 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED PHULBARI PART A PWSS (SM/16518) 50 50
78 Coochbehar Division PARAUDDIN MIAH Extension Work order for Hiring of Diesel Vehicle of Bolero Maxi cab for the Office use of Assistant Engineer, Cooch Behar Sadar Sub-Division, PHE Dte. for 6 Months (February 2023 to July 2023) 000098ORD/000737/2022-202 ORD/000737/2022-2023 1575/CD 31/01/2023 2 1.08 AUGMENTATION OF CHANDAMARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/09302) 1.08 1.08
79 Coochbehar Division GOUTAM KUMAR DAS Execution of different works related to SITALKUCHI Z2 PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000779/2022-202 ORD/000779/2022-2023 1695/CD 13/02/2023 1 6.69 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Sitalkuchi Water Supply Scheme Zone-II to Accommodate FHTC in Sitalkuchi Block. (SM/13289) 6.69 6.69
80 Coochbehar Division BIJOY ROY Execution of different works related to BOXIRHAT PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000792/2022-202 ORD/000792/2022-2023 1868/CD 14/03/2023 1 15 AUGMENTATION OF BAKSIRHAT PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/10050) 15 15
81 Coochbehar Division UDAY CHAKI Execution of different works related to DAKSHIN BAJHEJAMA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 000098ORD/000799/2022-202 ORD/000799/2022-2023 1872/CD 14/03/2023 1 1.17 Augmentation of Dakshin Bajejama Water Supply Scheme. (SM/09807) 1.17 1.17
82 Coochbehar Division MATARA CONSTRUCTION CO. Central team visit at different GP programme & Villages and PWSS in 12 nos of Block under Coochbehar Division PHE Dte.(19/02/2024 to 21/02/2024) 000098ORD/000807/2023-202 ORD/000807/2023-2024 340/CD 19/02/2024 1 0.98 Information Education Communication (IEC) Activities related to judicious & safe use of drinking water, water conservation, water quality issues under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) Support Activities (SM/18162) 0.98 0.98
83 Coochbehar Division MATARA CONSTRUCTION CO. Central team visit at different GP programme & Villages and PWSS in 12 nos of Block under Coochbehar Division PHE Dte.(22/02/2024 to 24/02/2024) 000098ORD/000808/2023-202 ORD/000808/2023-2024 345/CD 20/02/2024 1 0.96 Information Education Communication (IEC) Activities related to judicious & safe use of drinking water, water conservation, water quality issues under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) Support Activities (SM/18162) 0.96 0.96
84 Coochbehar Division SWAPAN KR.SARKAR Training for improvement of Skillness of Pump Operator & Valve Operator of different PWSS of Cooch Behar-II Block held at khagrabari under Cooch Behar Division, PHED. 000098ORD/000835/2022-202 ORD/000835/2022-2023 1617/CD/B 03/02/2023 1 0.4 AUGMENTATION OF KHAGRABARI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/13403) 0.4 0.4
Total 102 3,106.82 # 3,109.52 3,109.52