F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date No of Bills Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Allotment Amount
7 11 345.06 # 160.93 160.93
1 Midnapore Division BELDA SAURYA PRABHA GUCHHA SAM Laboratory Maintenance bill from October 2022 to September 2023. 000051 1017/RWS/M 09/09/2024 5 21.78 Operational charges of PHED & NGO managed laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission under Midnapore Division for the FY 2023-2024. (SM/19061) 21.78 21.78
2 Midnapore Division SUKUMAR SANTRA Hiring of 01 (one) no, Motor Cab(standard) commercial with catalytic converter attachment with Bharat Stage as per prevalent applicable standard compliant new/not older then 30 (thirty) months from the date of 1st registration on daily hire basis for 12 000051ORD/000357/2021-202 ORD/000357/2021-2022 474/AE/MSS 30/08/2021 1 1.53 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Chandrakona Road Rly. Station to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Garhbeta-III, District - Paschim Medinipur. (SM/10091) 1.53 1.53
3 Midnapore Division DIPAK KUMAR DOLAI Construction of RCC Pile for Over Head Reservoir (in place of Intze type with solid raft) of capacity 300 CuM and Staging height 20 mtr. as per approved drawing (No:- PC-I/OHR/07/2012) with allied works for Gobindanagar & its adjoining Mouzas W/S Scheme w 000051ORD/000475/2022-202 ORD/000475/2022-2023 2270/MD 09/11/2022 1 24 Gobindanagar Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/10066) 24 24
4 Midnapore Division GOBINDA MAITY Sinking of Tube Well ,Laying distribution pipe line, Pump House, Boundary wall, Soil investigation, 400 CuM OHR (Intze type with pile foundation) & Accommodate FHTC under JJM with allied work for (i) Ranichak & its adjoining mouzas W/S Scheme, (ii) J 000051ORD/000499/2022-202 ORD/000499/2022-2023 2364/MD 21/11/2022 1 276.19 Ground Based Pipe Water Supply Scheme for Jote Kanuramgar & its adjoining mouzas. (SM/11622) 92.06 92.06
5 Midnapore Division SAI TUBE CO. Construction & Commissioning including FHTC (Civil Part) with 3 (three) months trial run for proposed Mini Pipe W/S Scheme for Mouza ¿ Haripura, Block ¿ Sabang, District ¿ Paschim Medinipur under Midnapore Division, PHE Dte. 000051ORD/000689/2021-202 ORD/000689/2021-2022 286/MD 15/02/2022 1 1.15 Ground Based Mini Piped Water Supply Scheme for Haripura mouzas, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. (SM/09680) 1.15 1.15
6 Midnapore Division UTSAV AGENCY Engagement of Laboratory Personnel (One Chemist, One Bacteriologist, One Laboratory Assistant & One Sampling Assistant) for regular analysis, testing and monitoring of water samples and others allied minor mtc. works of 10 Nos. Water Testing Laboratory un 000051ORD/000760/2023-202 ORD/000760/2023-2024 240/MD 01/02/2024 1 9.1 Operational charges of PHED & NGO managed laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission under Midnapore Division for the FY 2023-2024. (SM/19061) 9.1 9.1
7 Midnapore Division K & KABERI ENTERPRISE (PROP. G Training Programme in connection with skilling of Man power to Generate Employment Oppurtunities and to support implimentation of Jal Jeevan Mission Programme at different Places within Midnapore Division P.H.E Dte. (Part-B) ( Kharagpur-I Block) 000051ORD/000943/2022-202 ORD/000943/2022-2023 729/A/AE/K 10/11/2022 1 11.31 Detailed Project Report onTraining/Capacity Building Activities for various stakeholders under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) Support Activities. (SM/07379) 11.31 11.31
Total 11 345.06 # 160.93 160.93