F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
82 1,430.79 # 1,430.79 # 1,430.79
1 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00008/2024-202 BILL/00008/2024-2025 19/04/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New Service Connection for NARUALA TW-2(JL NO-122, PLOT-70) Water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE DTE 000147 2004654769 09/04/2024 4.8 Naruala Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/13789) 4.8 25/BMD 24/04/2024 FAD/000232/2024 25/04/2024 FAD/000232/2024 4.8
2 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00302/2024-202 BILL/00302/2024-2025 10/05/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Quotation payment for application of Solar Power Plant of 10KWp at PATRASAYER PH-I water supply scheme under BMD PHE Dte. 000147 2004605859 19/02/2024 0.01 Construction of Grid-Connected solar photo -voltaic system for Patrasayer PWSS scheme Dist Bankura (SM/15313) 0.01 52/BMD 10/05/2024 FAD/000408/2024 15/05/2024 FAD/000408/2024 0.01
3 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00369/2024-202 BILL/00369/2024-2025 30/05/2024 DAS ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Arjunpur (Zone-N) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water Suppl 000147ORD/000314/2023-202 ORD/000314/2023-2024 1465/BMD 18/07/2023 13.08 Augmentation works for ARJUNPUR (Zone- N) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16966) 13.08 116/BMD 31/05/2024 FAD/000594/2024 03/06/2024 FAD/000594/2024 13.08
4 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00477/2024-202 BILL/00477/2024-2025 24/06/2024 M/S SOMA ENTERPRISES Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for newly sunk TW No-I, TW No-II & TW No-III of Baragaria Piped water supply scheme Block : Kotulpur under Bankur 000147ORD/000105/2023-202 ORD/000105/2023-2024 2066/BMD 11/09/2023 34.69 Baragaria Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/18789) 34.69 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 34.69
5 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00497/2024-202 BILL/00497/2024-2025 08/07/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Submission of Quotation for new service connection at Jamunabundh TW-I W/S scheme under BMD.PHE Dte. SM/18037 000147 2004785926 21/06/2024 5.68 Jamuna Band Pipe Water Supply Scheme (SM/18037) 5.68 530/BMD 16/07/2024 FAD/001169/2024 22/07/2024 FAD/001169/2024 5.68
6 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00534/2024-202 BILL/00534/2024-2025 15/07/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New service connection at Madhab bati Piped Water Supply Scheme t/w-III ,Madhabbati,Kuchiakole of joypur block under BMD PHE Dte. 000147 2004708211 03/05/2024 4.37 Madhab Bati Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/14522) 4.37 530/BMD 16/07/2024 FAD/001169/2024 22/07/2024 FAD/001169/2024 4.37
7 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00539/2024-202 BILL/00539/2024-2025 15/07/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Submission of Quotation for new service connection at Mouza Phulboni of Chakuparsole Zone-B ws scheme.SM/17426 000147 2004698471 25/04/2024 3.69 Augmentation of Chakuparsole Zone-B Water Supply Scheme (SM/17426) 3.69 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 3.69
8 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00540/2024-202 BILL/00540/2024-2025 15/07/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Submission of quotation for new service connection at Mouza Upar Amdahara of Chakuparsole Zone-B W/S scheme Boosting TW-I. SM/17426. 000147 2004677491 12/04/2024 1.9 Augmentation of Chakuparsole Zone-B Water Supply Scheme (SM/17426) 1.9 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 1.9
9 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00554/2024-202 BILL/00554/2024-2025 25/07/2024 CHAKRABORTY MINING & ENGINEERI Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Electrical and illumination works related to instruments and laboratory requirement for prosed water testing laboratory at P.H.E Dte Kanchanpur OHR site , Bankura under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE, Dte 000147ORD/000196/2023-202 ORD/000196/2023-2024 1019/BMD 22/05/2023 7.12 Infrastructure Development for Different Water Testing Laboratory regarding NABL Accreditation/Recognition under Bankura Division .PHE Dte. Related to Support Activities Under Jal Jeevan Mission. (SM/15259) 7.12 592/BMD 26/07/2024 FAD/001261/2024 29/07/2024 FAD/001261/2024 7.12
10 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00555/2024-202 BILL/00555/2024-2025 25/07/2024 KASHINATH DEY Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, & installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of ground water based piped supply scheme for Moynapur to accommodate FSTC under Jal Swapna missi 000147ORD/000193/2023-202 ORD/000193/2023-2024 1016/BMD 22/05/2023 17.72 AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASE PIPE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR MOYNAPUR TO ACCOMMODATE FHTC UNDER JALSAPNO MISSION UNDER JAYPUR BLOCK IN BANKURA DISTRICT UNDER BANKURA DIVISION P.H.E.DTE. (SM/09927) 17.72 592/BMD 26/07/2024 FAD/001261/2024 29/07/2024 FAD/001261/2024 17.72
11 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00599/2024-202 BILL/00599/2024-2025 31/07/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New service connection of P/H-II Dhuladanga W/S scheme 000147 200469086 15/05/2024 4.62 Dhula Danga Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/14176) 4.62 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 4.62
12 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00624/2024-202 BILL/00624/2024-2025 01/08/2024 GOENKA ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Construction of Grid-connected Solar Photo-Voltaic system for Kukrakuri intake pumping station of Chhatna-Saltora PWSS scheme,Dist Bankura 000147ORD/000527/2023-202 ORD/000527/2023-2024 1891/BMD 17/08/2023 69.26 Construction of Grid-connected Solar Photo-Voltaic system for Kukrakuri intake pumping station of Chhatna-Saltora PWSS scheme,Dist: Bankura (SM/15330) 69.26 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 69.26
13 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00625/2024-202 BILL/00625/2024-2025 01/08/2024 M/S DAS & SARKAR ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of pumping machineries installed at CWR of Eklavya Model Residental School (ERMS) at Mukutmanipur, Khatra Sub Division under Bankura in the District of Bankura. 000147ORD/001054/2023-202 ORD/001054/2023-2024 2983/BMD 01/03/2024 4.52 Water Supply arrangement at Eklavya Model Residential school (EMRS) at Mukutmanipur, Khatra Sub- Division by creating source, Laying Rising Main & Distribution pipeline and Constructing CWR & Pump House (SM/18862) 4.52 789/BMD 21/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 22/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 4.52
14 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00626/2024-202 BILL/00626/2024-2025 01/08/2024 MITRA ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for newly sunk at TW No-I & T.W No-II of Harinashuli piped water supply scheme Block : Joypur under Bankura Mechan 000147ORD/000164/2023-202 ORD/000164/2023-2024 876/BMD 04/05/2023 23.71 Harinashuli Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/12422) 23.71 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 23.71
15 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00627/2024-202 BILL/00627/2024-2025 01/08/2024 PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERS CO-OPERA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of pumping machineries and other electro mechanical accessories for Proposed surface water based Dhabani under Water Supply Scheme Block- Barjora under Bankura Mechanical Divisio 000147ORD/000438/2023-202 ORD/000438/2023-2024 1769/BMD 01/08/2023 12.06 Proposed sub surface water based Dhabani pipe water supply scheme under Bankura Division, Block- Barjora, District: Bankura. (SM/18041) 12.06 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 12.06
16 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00629/2024-202 BILL/00629/2024-2025 01/08/2024 B T PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMITED Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Maliara ( Zone-A) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water Suppl 000147ORD/000301/2023-202 ORD/000301/2023-2024 1404/BMD 18/07/2023 51.28 Augmentation works for MALIARA (Zone- A) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17234) 51.28 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 51.28
17 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00695/2024-202 BILL/00695/2024-2025 01/08/2024 PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERS CO-OPERA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for newly sunk TW No-I, TW No-II & TW No-III of Panahar piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Divi 000147ORD/000167/2023-202 ORD/000167/2023-2024 2065/BMD 11/09/2023 27.3 Panahar Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/18790) 27.3 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 27.3
18 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00696/2024-202 BILL/00696/2024-2025 01/08/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New 3 Phase service connection for Sarenga OHR 000147 204365940 26/07/2024 7.53 Sub Surface water based Sarenga Piped water supply scheme, Block Sarenga under Khatra Sub-Division in Bankura District. (SM/11980) 7.53 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 7.53
19 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00697/2024-202 BILL/00697/2024-2025 01/08/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New 3 phase service connection for site Gargaria Zone A 000147 204365923 26/07/2024 3.18 Augmentation works for Gargariya zone A water supply scheme under sarenga water supply scheme (BRGF ph 1) under jal jeevan mission programme (SM/17281) 3.18 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 3.18
20 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00698/2024-202 BILL/00698/2024-2025 01/08/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New 3 phase service connection for site Gargaria Zone A 000147 204365939 26/07/2024 3.43 Augmentation works for Gargariya zone A water supply scheme under sarenga water supply scheme (BRGF ph 1) under jal jeevan mission programme (SM/17281) 3.43 692/BMD 01/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 06/08/2024 FAD/001348/2024 3.43
21 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00705/2024-202 BILL/00705/2024-2025 07/08/2024 SWAPAN ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of Low Lift pumping machinery and other electro mechanical accessories for Augmentation of piped water supply scheme for Kenjakura and its adjoining Mouzas water supply scheme 000147ORD/001090/2023-202 ORD/001090/2023-2024 3065/BMD 12/03/2024 17.98 Augmentation of piped water supply schemes for Kenjakura and its adjoining mouzas (Phase - I). (SM/17441) 17.98 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 17.98
22 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00709/2024-202 BILL/00709/2024-2025 07/08/2024 M.S. ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation for Belatikri Zone-B water supply scheme under Sarenga water supply scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal 000147ORD/000570/2023-202 ORD/000570/2023-2024 2027/BMD 01/09/2023 30.25 Augmentation works for Belatikri, Zone-B water Supply Scheme under Sarenga water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme. (SM/17292) 30.25 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 30.25
23 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00711/2024-202 BILL/00711/2024-2025 07/08/2024 EASTERN INDIA SALES & SERVICE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Miscellaneous work for Gaseous Chlorination System at Head work site for Augmentation works for Dhemushunya (Zone-IV) of Raipur Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme under Ban 000147ORD/001096/2023-202 ORD/001096/2023-2024 3071/BMD 12/03/2024 13.41 Augmentation works for Dhemushunya (Zone-IV) of Raipur Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme (SM/17714) 13.41 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 13.41
24 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00712/2024-202 BILL/00712/2024-2025 07/08/2024 WEST BENGAL ENGINEERING CO. Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Barjora water supply scheme (Left out mouzas of Barjora Block under B 000147ORD/000299/2023-202 ORD/000299/2023-2024 1402/BMD 18/07/2023 54.19 Augmentation works for BARJORA Water Supply Scheme (Left out mouzas of Barjora Block under B.R.G.F Phase -I) (Zone-IV). (SM/17701) 54.19 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 54.19
25 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00713/2024-202 BILL/00713/2024-2025 07/08/2024 DIPALI CONSTRUCTION Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Nikanjapur & Adjoining mouza water supply scheme (Zone-B) (BRGF Phase-I) under Bankura Mechani 000147ORD/000554/2023-202 ORD/000554/2023-2024 1990/BMD 28/08/2023 28.5 Augmentation works for Nikunjapur and its adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme (Zone- B) under Onda Block (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17712) 28.5 720/BMD 07/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 09/08/2024 FAD/001427/2024 28.5
26 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00715/2024-202 BILL/00715/2024-2025 08/08/2024 KINGKINI TRADERS Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Akui (Zone-A) piped water supply scheme(BRGF Phase-I) under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE D 000147ORD/000358/2023-202 ORD/000358/2023-2024 1694/BMD 28/07/2023 6.83 Augmentation of Akui Zone-A Water Supply Scheme (SM/16943) 6.83 731/BMD 08/08/2024 FAD/001460/2024 13/08/2024 FAD/001460/2024 6.83
27 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00716/2024-202 BILL/00716/2024-2025 08/08/2024 KINGKINI TRADERS Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for newly sunk TW No-I & TW No-II of Manikbazar piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE 000147ORD/000173/2023-202 ORD/000173/2023-2024 886/BMD 04/05/2023 4.43 Manik Bazar Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/16705) 4.43 731/BMD 08/08/2024 FAD/001460/2024 13/08/2024 FAD/001460/2024 4.43
28 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00717/2024-202 BILL/00717/2024-2025 13/08/2024 WEST BENGAL ENGINEERING CO. Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Telibedia ( Zone-M) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water Sup 000147ORD/000441/2023-202 ORD/000441/2023-2024 1770/BMD 01/08/2023 48.24 Augmentation works for TELEBEDIA (Zone- M) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16964) 48.24 734/BMD 13/08/2024 FAD/001517/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001517/2024 48.24
29 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00719/2024-202 BILL/00719/2024-2025 08/07/2024 M/S SOMA ENTERPRISES Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for proposed ground water based Handulia piped water supply scheme Block Simlapal under under 000147ORD/000564/2023-202 ORD/000564/2023-2024 2031/BMD 01/09/2023 35.67 Proposed sub-surface Water Based Handulia Piped Water Supply Scheme Under Bankura Division,Block-Simlapal,District-Bankura. (SM/18044) 35.67 734/BMD 13/08/2024 FAD/001517/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001517/2024 35.67
30 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00720/2024-202 BILL/00720/2024-2025 13/08/2024 M/S SOMA ENTERPRISES Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Joykrisnapur ( Zone-I) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water 000147ORD/000300/2023-202 ORD/000300/2023-2024 1403/BMD 18/07/2023 37.04 Augmentation works for Joykrisnapur (Zone - I) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17694) 37.04 734/BMD 13/08/2024 FAD/001517/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001517/2024 37.04
31 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00721/2024-202 BILL/00721/2024-2025 13/06/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Load Enhancement charges for SASPUR ZONE-B Water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE DTE 000147 201558894 11/04/2024 0.84 Augmentation of Sashpur Zone-B Water Supply Scheme (SM/17421) 0.84 789/BMD 21/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 22/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 0.84
32 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00722/2024-202 BILL/00722/2024-2025 21/08/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY WBSEDCL, Quotation Bill for new power connection at Bhairabpur Pump House augmentation work under Barjora (Left out mouza) (zone-IB) water supply scheme (SM/17245) 000147 2004858354 14/08/2024 13.18 Augmentation works for BARJORA Water Supply Scheme (Left out mouzas of Barjora Block under B.R.G.F Phase -I) (Zone-IB). (SM/17245) 13.18 789/BMD 21/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 22/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 13.18
33 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00726/2024-202 BILL/00726/2024-2025 21/08/2024 DEBJYOTI BASU Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Talanjuri (Zone-F) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water Supp 000147ORD/000311/2023-202 ORD/000311/2023-2024 1410/BMD 18/07/2023 4.91 Augmentation works for Talanjuri (Zone ¿ F) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17236) 4.91 789/BMD 21/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 22/08/2024 FAD/001580/2024 4.91
34 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00728/2024-202 BILL/00728/2024-2025 27/08/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New 3 phase service connection for Pabra w/s Scheme 000147 204369051 31/07/2024 4.59 Proposed sub surface water based Pabra pipe water supply scheme under Bankura Division, Block- Saltora, District: Bankura. (SM/17231) 4.59 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 4.59
35 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00729/2024-202 BILL/00729/2024-2025 27/08/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Additional Quotation payment for diversion of HTOH line due to objection of local people for effecting of new connection at Dhansimla T/W-II 000147 860308625 24/07/2024 0.95 Dhan Simla Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/16706) 0.95 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 0.95
36 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00731/2024-202 BILL/00731/2024-2025 28/08/2024 KINGKINI TRADERS Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Name of Work: Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for newly sunk TW No-I & TW No-II of Digha piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Divi 000147ORD/000177/2023-202 ORD/000177/2023-2024 937/BMD 12/05/2023 4.96 Ground water based Diga pipe water supply scheme, under Bankura Division, Block -Onda, Dist - Bankura. (SM/11923) 4.96 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 4.96
37 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00732/2024-202 BILL/00732/2024-2025 28/08/2024 ABHIJIT MUKHERJEE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of pumping machineries and other electro mechanical accessories for Proposed surface water based Pabra under Water Supply Scheme Block- Saltora under Bankura Mechanical Division, 000147ORD/000446/2023-202 ORD/000446/2023-2024 1774/BMD 01/08/2023 15.12 Proposed sub surface water based Pabra pipe water supply scheme under Bankura Division, Block- Saltora, District: Bankura. (SM/17231) 15.12 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 15.12
38 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00733/2024-202 BILL/00733/2024-2025 28/08/2024 PRADIP KUMAR DHABAL Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Aguri bandh Punisole & its adjoining mouzas water supply scheme (Zone-D) under Onda Block (BRGF 000147ORD/000716/2023-202 ORD/000716/2023-2024 2173/BMD 30/10/2023 21.75 Augmentation works for Aguri Band Punisol & its adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme (Zone- D) under Onda Block (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17258) 21.75 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 21.75
39 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00734/2024-202 BILL/00734/2024-2025 28/08/2024 DEBJYOTI BASU Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Cherabasta (Zone-K) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water Sup 000147ORD/000312/2023-202 ORD/000312/2023-2024 1411/BMD 18/07/2023 4.65 Augmentation works for CHERABASTA (Zone- K) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17697) 4.65 838/BMD 29/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 30/08/2024 FAD/001687/2024 4.65
40 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00790/2024-202 BILL/00790/2024-2025 04/09/2024 ABHIJIT MUKHERJEE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machinery with other electro mechanical accessories for newly sunk TW No I and TW No II of Bhubut piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE Dte 000147ORD/000112/2024-202 ORD/000112/2024-2025 423/BMD 27/06/2024 22.44 Bhubut Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/16700) 22.44 936/BMD 17/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 18/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 22.44
41 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00845/2024-202 BILL/00845/2024-2025 17/09/2024 INDRAJIT MITRA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories at Exsistingt TW I,III,IV and V for Augmentation of Chuamosina and Adjoining mouza water supply scheme (Zone-A) B 000147ORD/000143/2024-202 ORD/000143/2024-2025 486/BMD 09/07/2024 20.67 Augmentation of Chuamasina Zone-A Water Supply Scheme (SM/17696) 20.67 936/BMD 17/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 18/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 20.67
42 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00846/2024-202 BILL/00846/2024-2025 04/09/2024 M/S BIPUL BANERJEE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories at tail end site for Augmentation work for Augmentation work for Sonadaha( Zone-Q) under Bankura -I ,II and Borj 000147ORD/000166/2024-202 ORD/000166/2024-2025 508/BMD 09/07/2024 5.34 Augmentation works for SONADAHA (Zone- Q) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17240) 5.34 936/BMD 17/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 18/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 5.34
43 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00847/2024-202 BILL/00847/2024-2025 11/09/2024 EASTERN INDIA SALES & SERVICE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift and Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Kendbani (Zone P) under Bankura -I ,II Borjora Block Water Supply 000147ORD/000526/2023-202 ORD/000526/2023-2024 1890/BMD 17/08/2023 13.42 Augmentation works for KENDBONI (Zone- P) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16968) 13.42 936/BMD 17/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 18/09/2024 FAD/001931/2024 13.42
44 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00939/2024-202 BILL/00939/2024-2025 24/09/2024 MAHADEV ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift and Low Lift pumping machineries and other electro mechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Harialgara (Zone O) under Bankura -I ,II Borjora Block Water Sup 000147ORD/000517/2023-202 ORD/000517/2023-2024 1882/BMD 17/08/2023 13.1 Augmentation works for HARIALGARA (Zone- O) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16967) 13.1 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 13.1
45 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00940/2024-202 BILL/00940/2024-2025 24/09/2024 M/S NABIN GOPAL SENGUPTA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machinery with other electro mechanical accessories at OHR, CWR and Tail end site for Augmentation of Radhanagar (Zone I) piped water supply scheme(BRGF Phase I) under 000147ORD/000120/2024-202 ORD/000120/2024-2025 430/BMD 27/06/2024 17.33 Augmentation of Radhanagar Zone-I Water Supply Scheme (SM/17690) 17.33 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 17.33
46 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00941/2024-202 BILL/00941/2024-2025 24/09/2024 M/S NABIN GOPAL SENGUPTA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories at Existing TW I to IV for Augmentation of Chakuparsole and Adjoining mouza water supply scheme (Zone-A) Block-Bi 000147ORD/000141/2024-202 ORD/000141/2024-2025 484/BMD 09/07/2024 24.39 Augmentation of Chakuparsole Zone-A Water Supply Scheme (SM/17425) 24.39 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 24.39
47 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00942/2024-202 BILL/00942/2024-2025 24/09/2024 M.S. ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of pumping machineries and other electro mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Indpur piped water supply Scheme Block-Bankura-I under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE Dte, D 000147ORD/000990/2023-202 ORD/000990/2023-2024 2850/BMD 09/02/2024 101.77 Augmentation of Indpur Piped Water Supply Scheme. Block- Bankura I, District- Bankura (SM/18036) 101.77 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 101.77
48 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00943/2024-202 BILL/00943/2024-2025 24/09/2024 A.G.ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Joytunga ( Zone-H) under Bankura -I ,II & Borjora Block Water Supp 000147ORD/000529/2023-202 ORD/000529/2023-2024 1893/BMD 17/08/2023 50.13 Augmentation works for Joytunga (Zone - H) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16961) 50.13 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 50.13
49 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00944/2024-202 BILL/00944/2024-2025 24/09/2024 P.K. ENGINEERING Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Kalayani (Zone-A) and Adjoining mouza water supply scheme (BRGF Phase-I) under Bankura Mechan 000147ORD/000609/2023-202 ORD/000609/2023-2024 2083/BMD 12/09/2023 5.83 Augmentation works for KALYANI (Zone-A) and its adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme under Onda Block (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16958) 5.83 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 5.83
50 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00945/2024-202 BILL/00945/2024-2025 24/09/2024 M/S BIPUL BANERJEE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro mechanical accessories for proposed Tubewell-II of Bikrampur piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. Block 000147ORD/001087/2023-202 ORD/001087/2023-2024 3063/BMD 12/03/2024 11.78 'Augmentation works for Bikrampur and its adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme under Onda Block (BRGF Ph - I Project).' (SM/17700) 11.78 999/BMD 24/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002067/2024 11.78
51 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00946/2024-202 BILL/00946/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY quotation Bill for New Pump house no.1 at Katalda under Danara w/s scheme augmentation work (SM/17297) 000147 2004852721 30/08/2024 1.3 Augmentation Works for Dhanara and its Adjoining mouza Water Supply Scheme under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme. (SM/17297) 1.3 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 1.3
52 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00947/2024-202 BILL/00947/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Quotation Bill for New Pump house no.2 at Katalda under Danara w/s scheme augmentation work (SM/17297) 000147 2004852849 30/08/2024 2.58 Augmentation Works for Dhanara and its Adjoining mouza Water Supply Scheme under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme. (SM/17297) 2.58 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 2.58
53 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00948/2024-202 BILL/00948/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New Service connection at Sanbandha of Ekteshwar water supply scheme under BMD PHE Dte. 000147 2004899929 12/09/2024 0.04 Construction of Grid-Connected solar photo -voltaic system for Ekteswar PWSS scheme Dist Bankura (SM/15312) 0.04 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 0.04
54 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00949/2024-202 BILL/00949/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New 3 phase connection for Banshi water Supply Scheme 000147 204386910 29/08/2024 3.87 PROPOSED GROUND WATER BASED BANSI PIPE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME, UNDER BANKURA DIVISION , BLOCK : SARANGA, DISTRICT : BANKURA (SM/18038) 3.87 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 3.87
55 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00951/2024-202 BILL/00951/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New 3 phase connection at Phulberia W/S Scheme (near school) 000147 204386914 29/08/2024 3.44 Augmentation works for Piped Water Supply Scheme for Phulberia & Its Adjoining Mouzas under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme (SM/17707) 3.44 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 3.44
56 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00953/2024-202 BILL/00953/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New Service Connection for Birdabanpur Tw-1 Water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE DTE 000147 2004867472 06/09/2024 5 Brindabanpur Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/18437) 5 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 5
57 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00954/2024-202 BILL/00954/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New Service Connection for Brindabanpur Tw-2 water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE DTE. 000147 2004867493 06/09/2024 3.45 Brindabanpur Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/18437) 3.45 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 3.45
58 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00955/2024-202 BILL/00955/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New Service Connection for Telrui Tw-2 Water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division PHE DTE 000147 2004867512 06/09/2024 3.45 Telrui Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/13711) 3.45 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 3.45
59 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00956/2024-202 BILL/00956/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Upward revision of contract Demand from 120KVA to 155 KVA at 11KV having Consumer ID : 942304500 at the premises at Anandapur, Saltora water supply scheme(Intake), Bankura. 000147 RO/BNK/Bul 22/07/2024 2.17 Augmentation of Sub- Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme for Saltora PWSS for providing Functional household Tap Connection (FHTC). Block- Saltora, District- Bankura, West Bengal. (SM/10292) 2.17 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 2.17
60 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00957/2024-202 BILL/00957/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Upward revision of contract Demand from 60KVA to 98 KVA at 11KV having Consumer ID : 942304600 at the premises at Biharinath, Saltora, Bankura. 000147 RO/BNK/Bul 22/07/2024 1.71 Augmentation of Sub- Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme for Saltora PWSS for providing Functional household Tap Connection (FHTC). Block- Saltora, District- Bankura, West Bengal. (SM/10292) 1.71 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 1.71
61 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00958/2024-202 BILL/00958/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Upward revision of contract Demand from 100KVA to 138 KVA at 11KV having Consumer ID : 942304300 at the premises at Jhantipahari water supply scheme(Intake), Jhantipahari, Bankura. 000147 RO/BNK/Bul 22/07/2024 2.23 Augmentation of Sub- Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme for Jhantipahari to accommodate FHTC in Chhatna Block, District- Bankura. Block- Chhatna, District- Bankura, West Bengal. (SM/10293) 2.23 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 2.23
62 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00959/2024-202 BILL/00959/2024-2025 25/09/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Upward revision of contract Demand from 50KVA to 80 KVA at 11KV having Consumer ID : 942309800 at the premises at Indpur Xone-1, Kaladihi, Bankura. 000147 RO/BNK/Bul 22/07/2024 1.92 Augmentation of Indpur Piped Water Supply Scheme. Block- Bankura I, District- Bankura (SM/18036) 1.92 1011/BMD 25/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002098/2024 1.92
63 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00978/2024-202 BILL/00978/2024-2025 27/09/2024 KINGKINI TRADERS Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of External illumination system at P/H of adjoining mouza of Danna piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. Block : Patrasayer, Dist: Bankura. 000147ORD/000126/2024-202 ORD/000126/2024-2025 1075/BMSD 05/07/2024 4.27 Danna Piped Water Supply Scheme. (SM/18302) 4.27 1050/BMD 27/09/2024 FAD/002168/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002168/2024 4.27
64 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00980/2024-202 BILL/00980/2024-2025 01/10/2024 PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERS CO-OPERA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Betanal Zone-B piped water supply scheme(BRGF Ph-I) under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. 000147ORD/000366/2023-202 ORD/000366/2023-2024 1698/BMD 28/07/2023 34.66 Augmentation of Betanal Zone-B Water Supply Scheme (SM/17418) 34.66 1064/BMD 01/10/2024 FAD/002233/2024 03/10/2024 FAD/002233/2024 34.66
65 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00985/2024-202 BILL/00985/2024-2025 03/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New service connection at CWR site of Tilaboni Piped Water Supply Scheme Mouza-Jamda,Vill-Tilaboni GP- Lakshmisagar JL No-38, Plot no.-67 of Simlapal block under BMD PHE Dte. 000147 2004905891 24/09/2024 5.04 PROPOSED SUB SURFACE WATER BASED TILABONI PIPE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME, UNDER BANKURA DIVISION , BLOCK : SIMLAPAL, DISTRICT : BANKURA (SM/17227) 5.04 1070/BMD 03/10/2024 FAD/002275/2024 04/10/2024 FAD/002275/2024 5.04
66 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/00987/2024-202 BILL/00987/2024-2025 03/10/2024 M/S BIPUL BANERJEE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift & Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for proposed ground water based Pirra Bakra piped water supply scheme Block Khatra under unde 000147ORD/000571/2023-202 ORD/000571/2023-2024 2035/BMD 01/09/2023 22.61 PROPOSED SUB SURFACE WATER BASED PIRRA BAKRA PIPE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME, UNDER BANKURA DIVISION , BLOCK : KHATRA, DISTRICT : BANKURA (SM/18042) 22.61 1070/BMD 03/10/2024 FAD/002275/2024 04/10/2024 FAD/002275/2024 22.61
67 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01022/2024-202 BILL/01022/2024-2025 04/10/2024 MENAKA ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for proposed ground water based Katabani piped water supply scheme under Bankura Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. Bloc 000147ORD/000528/2023-202 ORD/000528/2023-2024 1892/BMD 17/08/2023 21.69 Kataban Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/14526) 21.69 1079/BMD 04/10/2024 FAD/002310/2024 05/10/2024 FAD/002310/2024 21.69
68 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01023/2024-202 BILL/01023/2024-2025 04/10/2024 MENAKA ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation of Puncha & its adjoining Mouzas water supply scheme (Zone-C) under onda block (BRGF Phase-I) und 000147ORD/000556/2023-202 ORD/000556/2023-2024 1992/BMD 28/08/2023 28.3 Augmentation works for Puncha & its adjoining Mouzas Water Supply Scheme (Zone- C) under Onda Block (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17285) 28.3 1079/BMD 04/10/2024 FAD/002310/2024 05/10/2024 FAD/002310/2024 28.3
69 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01024/2024-202 BILL/01024/2024-2025 04/10/2024 TAPAN KUMAR SARKAR Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of MCC cum PDB and other electromechanical accessories for source Augmentation works for Barjora water supply scheme (Left out mouzas of Barjora Block under BRGF Phase I) (Zone I 000147ORD/001034/2023-202 ORD/001034/2023-2024 2966/BMD 29/02/2024 20.01 Augmentation works for BARJORA Water Supply Scheme (Left out mouzas of Barjora Block under B.R.G.F Phase -I) (Zone-IA). (SM/16974) 20.01 1079/BMD 04/10/2024 FAD/002310/2024 05/10/2024 FAD/002310/2024 20.01
70 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01093/2024-202 BILL/01093/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Quotation for new serrvice connection at Morar Z-A TW-I Mouza Chowgan.SM-17237 000147 2004905110 19/09/2024 3.52 Augmentation of Morar Zone-A Water Supply Scheme (SM/17237) 3.52 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 3.52
71 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01094/2024-202 BILL/01094/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Quotation for new service connection at Marar Zone-B TW-II Mouza Agunkumari ,Block Bishnupur.SM/17243 000147 2004905030 19/09/2024 3.76 Augmentation of Morar Zone-B Water Supply Scheme. (SM/17243) 3.76 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 3.76
72 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01095/2024-202 BILL/01095/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY WBSEDCL Service connection charge for Pakhanna (Manachar) water supply scheme Barjora block under BMD,PHE Dte.(SM/16697) 000147 5004384490 13/09/2024 15.86 Ground Water Based Pakhanna (Manachar) Pipe Water Supply Scheme under Bankura Division, Block - Barjora, District - Bankura. (SM/16697) 15.86 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 15.86
73 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01096/2024-202 BILL/01096/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY WBSEDCL Service connection charge for Pratappur (Manachar) water supply scheme, Barjora block under BMD,PHE Dte. (sm/16695 ) 000147 5004377738 04/09/2024 4.3 Ground Water Based Pratappur (Manachar) Pipe Water Supply Scheme under Bankura Division, Block - Barjora, District - Bankura. (SM/16695) 4.3 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 4.3
74 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01097/2024-202 BILL/01097/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Service connection charge for Krishnanagar (Manachar) water supply scheme Barjora block under BMD,PHE Dte.(SM/16696 ) 000147 5004377600 04/09/2024 13.35 Ground Water Based Krishna Nagar (Manachar) Pipe Water Supply Scheme under Bankura Division, Block - Barjora, District - Bankura. (SM/16696) 13.35 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 13.35
75 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01098/2024-202 BILL/01098/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY Shifting work of 11KV HT power line at Mathurabati HW site under B.M.D PHE Dte 000147 860314941 01/10/2024 4.38 Mathurabati Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/12417) 4.38 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 4.38
76 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01099/2024-202 BILL/01099/2024-2025 22/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY New service connection at Kalpathar of Kustara Augmentation site (SM/17242) under BMD, PHE, Dte. 000147 2004859499 14/08/2024 1.28 Augmentation works for KUSTORA (Zone- W) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/17242) 1.28 1092/BMD 22/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002373/2024 1.28
77 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01100/2024-202 BILL/01100/2024-2025 23/10/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY NET BILLING Meter quotation bill for Grid connected Solar PV system for Beliator PWS scheme BMD,PHE Dte, to Beliatore CCC, CL.kw30 (SM/15311) 000147 : 20046905 10/09/2024 0.22 Construction of Grid-Connected solar photo -voltaic system for Beliatore PWSS scheme, Dist- Bankura (SM/15311) 0.22 1100/BMD 24/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 28/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 0.22
78 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01112/2024-202 BILL/01112/2024-2025 24/10/2024 SUNRISE ENGINEERING CORPORATIO Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of High lift and Low Lift pumping machineries and other electromechanical accessories for Augmentation work for Bonkati (Zone R) under Bankura -I ,II Borjora Block Water Supply 000147ORD/000524/2023-202 ORD/000524/2023-2024 1888/BMD 17/08/2023 52.37 Augmentation works for BONKATI (Zone- R) under Bankura - I, II & Barjora Block Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph - I Project). (SM/16969) 52.37 1100/BMD 24/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 28/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 52.37
79 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01113/2024-202 BILL/01113/2024-2025 24/10/2024 JAL PRAVAHIKA PVT LTD Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination System for Augmentation of Dubrajpur Zone-A water supply scheme under Dubrajpur water supply scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission progremme 000147ORD/001093/2023-202 ORD/001093/2023-2024 3068/BMD 12/03/2024 34.66 Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme for Dubrajpur, Zone-A and its adjoining Mouzas under Simlapal Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme (SM/17440) 34.66 1100/BMD 24/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 28/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 34.66
80 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01115/2024-202 BILL/01115/2024-2025 24/10/2024 PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERS CO-OPERA Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination System for Augmentation of Kuldihi water supply scheme under Sarenga water supply scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission progremme under Bankura 000147ORD/001094/2023-202 ORD/001094/2023-2024 3069/BMD 12/03/2024 36.21 Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme for Kuldiha and its adjoining Mouzas under Sarenga Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme. (SM/17302) 36.21 1100/BMD 24/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 28/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 36.21
81 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01116/2024-202 BILL/01116/2024-2025 24/10/2024 A.K.INDUSTRIES Acceptance cum Formal work order for the work of Providing, installation of Pumping machineries with other electro-mechanical accessories for Augmentation works for Kuldiha & its adjoining mouzas under Sarenga water supply scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal J 000147ORD/000568/2023-202 ORD/000568/2023-2024 2034/BMD 01/09/2023 54 Augmentation of Water Supply Scheme for Kuldiha and its adjoining Mouzas under Sarenga Water Supply Scheme (BRGF Ph-I) under Jal Jeevan Mission Programme. (SM/17302) 54 1100/BMD 24/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 28/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 54
82 Bankura Mechanical Division 000147BILL/01117/2024-202 BILL/01117/2024-2025 22/05/2024 DEY ENTERPRISE Formal work order for the work of Providing And Installation Of Pumping Machineries, Substation Equipments And Other Electro-Mechanical Accessories at Head Works site for Improvement of Khatra-Ranibandh-Hirbandh Water supply Scheme, Block- Ranibandh, Dist 000147ORD/001000/2020-202 ORD/001000/2020-2021 1319/BMD 18/11/2020 105.5 Laying distribution system, rising main, construction of OHR and boundary wall including provision of FHTC under balance work of Improvement of Khatra-Ranibandh-Hirbandh Water Supply Scheme under Jal Swapna & Jal Jeevan Mission Programme. (SM/10295) 105.5 1103/BMD 24/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 28/10/2024 FAD/002396/2024 105.5
Total 1,430.79 # 1,430.79 # 1,430.79