Sl. No. | Division
Working Divisions
System Order No
System generated Order No. for the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Order Date
Date of Issuance of the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Memo Number
Memo no. for Work Order Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
Vendor Name
Vendor Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Order Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order
337 | 13,394.92 | ||||||
1 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001065/2020-2021 | 12/10/2020 | 3944/EMD | JOYSHREE CONCERN | Supply, delivery & installation of Sub- mersible P/m alongwith allied elec. & mechanical works at P.h No.-III under Chunchura W/S Scheme 24Pgs (N) | 8.98 |
2 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000018/2021-2022 | 13/07/2021 | 2524/EMD | C.M.S. ENGINEERING CONCERN. | Supply, delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical and mechanical works , VS and auto-chlorinator at P/H no II under Sukdoani W/s scheme | 8.58 |
3 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000003/2021-2022 | 27/01/2022 | 112/EMD | S.P. ENTERPRISE(SILIGURI) | Supply delivery & installation of Submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical works and mechanical works,voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P/H no. II under Bhangatushkhali W/S Scheme Dist.-24 Pgs (N) | 9.57 |
4 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001048/2020-2021 | 22/01/2021 | 36/EMD | D.S. ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of auto-chlorinator at P/H no I&II under Hudarati W/s scheme | 0.12 |
5 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001055/2020-2021 | 12/10/2020 | 3945/ EMD | BOSE & CHATTERJEE INDUSTRIES | Supply, delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical and mechanical works , VS and auto-chlorinator at P/H no IV under Chunchura W/s scheme | 1.48 |
6 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001057/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3949/EMD | M/S S.R. ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical and mechanical works , VS and auto-chlorinator at P/H no II under Chunchura W/s scheme | 1.50 |
7 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000004/2021-2022 | 04/03/2022 | 97/SEMC-III | WEST BENGAL ENGINEERING CO. | Interconnection of difft. units WTP at (filter house, clear water P/H Chemical House, MCC Panel of clear water pump near clear water p/station) by laying cable of diff sizes at surface WBWS for arsenic affected areas of Habra-gaighata ADJ mouzas North 24 | 123.24 |
8 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001059/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3967/ EMD | RAKA ENTERPRISE | Supply & Installation of submersible pump along with allied electro mechanical work voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at jhupkhali | 2.53 |
9 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001060/2020-2021 | 12/10/2020 | 3942/ EMD | A.G ENTERPRISE,KOL-54 | Supply, delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical and mechanical works , VS and auto-chlorinator at P/H no I under Chunchura W/s scheme | 1.46 |
10 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000014/2021-2022 | 16/02/2022 | 381/EMSD-I | SEN ENTERPRISE | Supply & delivery of stand by pump motor set at P/H No.I under Jhupkhali W/S Scheme. Dist.24 pgs | 0.52 |
11 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000015/2021-2022 | 16/02/2022 | 382/ EMSD-I | SOMNATH ENTERPRISE | Supply & delivery of stand by pump motor set at P/H No.I under Chhota Sehara W/S Scheme. Dist.24 pgs | 0.55 |
12 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000017/2021-2022 | 21/05/2021 | 1231/EMSD I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Emergency hiring of generator for Yass | 0.81 |
13 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000097/2021-2022 | 24/05/2021 | 1264/EMSD-I | DIPALI CONSTRUCTION | Emergency Hiring charges of mobile silent type DG set in the situation of cyclone YAAS 2021 at under Atapur W/S Scheme | 0.20 |
14 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000013/2021-2022 | 16/02/2022 | 380/EMSD-I | M/S. S.M. ELECTRICAL | Supply & delivery of stand by pump motor set at P/H No.I under Rampur W/S Scheme. Dist.24 pgs | 0.61 |
15 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000024/2022-2023 | 08/08/2022 | 3035/ EMD | SANKAR PRASAD DUTTA & CO, | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator at (inconnection with Aug. work related to FHTC) Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Korakati W/S Sch | 10.14 |
16 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000089/2021-2022 | 21/05/2021 | 1235/EMSD-I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Emergency hiring charges of 1 no.45 KVA mobile silent DG set on the situation of cylone YASS 2021 at P.H.-H/L Z-II under Hingal ganj Aug. W/S Scheme | 0.91 |
17 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000091/2021-2022 | 03/06/2021 | 1381/EMSD-I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Emergency hiring charges of 1 no.30 KVA mobile silent DG set on the situation of cylone Amphan 2020 at P.H.-H/L Z-II under Hingalganj Aug W/S Scheme | 0.82 |
18 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000092/2021-2022 | 21/05/2021 | 1242/EMSD-I | AVINABA ENGINEERING CONCERN | Emergency Hiring charges of 1 no. 30 KVA mobile silent type DG set in the situation of cyclone YAAS 2021 at P.H.-I under Barunhat W/S Scheme | 0.96 |
19 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000095/2021-2022 | 27/05/2021 | 1308/EMSD-I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | Emergency Hiring charges of mobile silent type DG set in the situation of cyclone YAAS 2021 at under HingalGanj W/S Scheme | 0.73 |
20 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000096/2021-2022 | 24/05/2021 | 1263/EMSD-I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | Emergency Hiring charges of mobile silent type DG set in the situation of cyclone YAAS 2021 at under hingalganj W/S Scheme | 0.82 |
21 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000075/2021-2022 | 28/05/2021 | 1327/ EMSD-I | KASHINATH PAL & CO. | Supply and delivery of Caocl2 of kanaikathikanthaberia W/S for disinfecting of drinking water on situation YAAS. | 0.94 |
22 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000076/2021-2022 | 04/06/2021 | 1401/ EMSD-I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | Hiring charges of mobile silent type DG set open type DG set on emergency basis for the himgalganj W/S on the impending cyclonic storm YAAS under EMD | 0.73 |
23 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001118/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3970/EMD | MAHAMAYA ENTERPRISE. | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Rampur w/s scheme | 1.97 |
24 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001119/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3969/EMD | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Rampur w/s scheme | 1.97 |
25 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001080/2020-2021 | 14/09/2020 | 572/ EMSD-II | ABHISEK ENGINEERING CONCERN | Restoration of external Illumination arrabgement after Amphan cyclone in diffrnt. PWSS under EMSD-II | 2.25 |
26 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000074/2021-2022 | 31/05/2021 | 1343/ EMSD-I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | hiring charges of mobile siletn type DG set on emergency basis under Hingalganj W/S scheme | 0.73 |
27 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000005/2022-2023 | 19/04/2022 | 752/EMD | B.B. CONCERNED | Supply, delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical and mechanical works , VS and auto-chlorinator at P/H no II under Tushkhali W/s scheme. | 8.64 |
28 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000006/2022-2023 | 19/04/2022 | 753/EMD | S.P. ENTERPRISE(KOLKATA) | Supply, delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allied electrical and mechanical works , VS and auto-chlorinator at P/H no I under Tushkhali W/s scheme. | 8.67 |
29 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000176/2021-2022 | 13/07/2021 | 2520/EMD | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. I under Joygopalpur w/s scheme | 1.60 |
30 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000178/2021-2022 | 03/08/2021 | 1981/EMSD I | SHIVAM ENTERPRISE | Miscellaneous electrical works at P.H. no. III under Joygopalpur w/s scheme | 0.91 |
31 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001120/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3969/ EMD | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Rampur w/s scheme | 2.21 |
32 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001121/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3970/ EMD | MAHAMAYA ENTERPRISE. | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Rampur w/s scheme | 2.20 |
33 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000093/2021-2022 | 27/05/2021 | 1304/EMSD-I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Emergency Hiring charges of 1 no. 45 KVA mobile silent type DG set in the situation of cyclone YAAS 2021 at P.H.-H/L Z-II under HingalGanj Aug. W/S Scheme | 0.82 |
34 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000094/2021-2022 | 31/05/2021 | 1342/EMSD-I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Emergency Hiring charges of 1 no. 45 KVA mobile silent type DG set in the situation of cyclone YAAS 2021 at P.H.-H/L Z-II under HingalGanj Aug. W/S Scheme | 0.82 |
35 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001122/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3970 / EMD | MAHAMAYA ENTERPRISE. | SUPPLY DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING MECHANIC AT PH NO ;- II, UNDER RAMPUR w/S SCHEME | 2.20 |
36 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000170/2021-2022 | 01/07/2021 | 1681/EMSD I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Miscellaneous mechanical & electrical works at P.H. No. II under Jhupkhali W/s scheme | 0.54 |
37 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000171/2021-2022 | 31/03/2022 | 771/EMSD I | NEW RANBEE ENGINEERING | Withdrawing & lowering of submersible pump motor set including others mechanical & electrical works at P.h. no. I under Matigacha w/s scheme | 0.47 |
38 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000188/2021-2022 | 24/05/2021 | 1263/ SD I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH- under HINGALGANJ W/S scheme on yaas, T.No.679/EMSD-I, W.O-1263/EMSD-I | 0.82 |
39 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000012/2021-2022 | 27/01/2022 | 112/ EMD | S.P. ENTERPRISE(SILIGURI) | Supply, delivery & Installation of submersible pumping machinery alongwith allied elect. & mechanical works at pump House No.II under Bhanga Tushkhali W/S Scheme Dist 24 Pgs. | 1.54 |
40 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000173/2021-2022 | 30/06/2021 | 1677/EMSD I | M/S G.P. ENTERPRISE | Miscellaneous mechanical & electrical works at P.h no. I&II under Chhota sehara w/s scheme | 0.48 |
41 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000064/2022-2023 | 08/07/2022 | 1755/EMSD I | M/S.A.K. BANERJEE. | supply & installation of LED board P.H. no. I& II of Joygopalpur w/s scheme | 0.85 |
42 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000179/2021-2022 | 18/02/2022 | 405/EMSD I | TRIDENT ENTERPRISE | supply & installation of LED board P.H. no. III Zone II of Kalinagar w/s scheme | 0.85 |
43 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000016/2021-2022 | 17/08/2021 | 2111/EMSD-I | STANDARD ENGINEERING | Supply & delivery & Installation of cowel at intake point (Ramghat)of Habra Gaighata surface water based W/S Scheme. | 0.66 |
44 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001123/2020-2021 | 13/10/2020 | 3969 / EMD | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | SUPPLY DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING MECHANIC AT PH NO ;- I, UNDER RAMPUR w/S SCHEME | 2.21 |
45 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000167/2021-2022 | 18/02/2022 | 405/EMSD-I | TRIDENT ENTERPRISE | SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF LED BOARD AT PUMP HOUSE NO -III, ZONE -I, P/H NO -III, ZONE-II OF KALINAGAR AUG. W/S SCHEME | 0.85 |
47 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001125/2020-2021 | 14/09/2020 | 572/ SD II | ABHISEK ENGINEERING CONCERN | Restoration of external Illumination on Amphan in different W/S Scheme, T.No49/EMSD-I, W.O-572/EMSD-II | 2.25 |
48 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000181/2021-2022 | 28/05/2021 | 1327/Sd I | KASHINATH PAL & CO. | Supply delivery of Cacocl tablet at Kanaikathikantaberia W/S scheme, T.No.828/EMSD-I, W.O-1327/EMSD-I | 0.94 |
49 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000182/2021-2022 | 04/06/2021 | 1401/ SD I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis Hingalganj W/S scheme on YASS, T.No.10/EMSD-I, W.O1401/EMSD-I | 0.73 |
50 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000168/2021-2022 | 21/04/2021 | 920/EMSD-I | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | SUPPLY DELIVERY INSTALLATION OF PHASE REVERSAL ARRANGEMENT AT KALINAGAR aUG. W/S SCHEME, PH NO ;-I &II, ZONE ;- I | 0.77 |
51 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001116/2020-2021 | 23/11/2020 | 4237/EMD | M.S. ENTERPRISE | SUPPLY DELIVERY INSTALLATION OF SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING MECHINERY AT KALINAGAR aUG. W/S SCHEME, PH NO ;-II, ZONE ;- I | 2.98 |
52 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001117/2020-2021 | 23/11/2020 | 4240/EMD | R.N.S. TRADING | SUPPLY DELIVERY INSTALLATION OF SUBMERSIBLE PUMPING MACHINERY AT KALINAGAR aUG. W/S SCHEME, PH NO ;-II, ZONE ;- II | 2.30 |
53 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000169/2021-2022 | 18/02/2022 | 405/EMSD-I/EMD | TRIDENT ENTERPRISE | SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF LED BOARD PH NO ;- III, ZONE ;- I PH NO ;-III, ZONE ;- II AT KALINAGAR W/S SCHEME | 0.85 |
54 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000183/2021-2022 | 21/05/2021 | 1235/ SD I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH-H/L under Hingalganj W/S scheme on YASS, T.No.211/EMSD-I, W.O1235/EMSD-I | 0.91 |
55 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000011/2021-2022 | 27/01/2022 | 111/ EMD | ALPHA ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & Installation of submersible pumping machinery alongwith allied elect. & mechanical works at pump House No.I under Bhanga Tushkhali W/S Scheme Dist 24 Pgs. | 1.56 |
56 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000180/2021-2022 | 31/05/2021 | 1343/ SD I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | Hiring charges of mobile Silent type DG set on emergency basis at Hingalganj W/S Scheme on YAAS, T.No.1061/EMD, W.O-1343/EMSD-I | 0.73 |
57 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000184/2021-2022 | 03/06/2021 | 1381/ SD I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH-H/L under Hingalganj Aug. W/S scheme on YAAS, T.No.869/EMSD-I, W.O-1381/EMSD-I | 0.82 |
58 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000185/2021-2022 | 21/05/2021 | 1242/ SD I | AVINABA ENGINEERING CONCERN | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH-I under Barunhat W/S scheme on YAAS, T.No.377/EMSD-I, W.O-1242/EMSD-I | 0.96 |
59 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000186/2021-2022 | 27/05/2021 | 1304/ SD I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH-H/L Z-II under Hingalganj W/S scheme on YAAS, T.No.617/EMSD-I, W.O-1304/EMSD-I | 0.82 |
60 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000065/2022-2023 | 31/05/2022 | 1342/ SD I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH-H/L Z-II under Hingalganj Aug W/S scheme on YAAS, T.No.641/EMSD-I, W.O-1342/EMSD-I | 0.82 |
61 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000187/2021-2022 | 27/05/2021 | 1308/ SD I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH- under Hingalganj Aug W/S scheme on YAAS, T.No.952/EMSD-I, W.O-1308/EMSD-I | 0.73 |
62 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000582/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6395/EMD | WIZARDTECH SOLUTION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Raharhati W/S S | 13.02 |
64 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000079/2022-2023 | 14/10/2022 | 3802/EMD | AMIT DAS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electrio-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.II (Zone-II) under Muktadaha W/S Scheme in Karimpur-I Block of Nad | 5.96 |
65 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000189/2021-2022 | 24/05/2021 | 1264/ SD I | DIPALI CONSTRUCTION | hiring charges of mobile DG set on emergency basis at PH- under Atapur W/S scheme on yaas, T.No.833/EMSD-I, W.O-1264/EMSD-I | 0.20 |
66 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000593/2022-2023 | 25/11/2022 | 6436/EMD | AHALYA ENGINEERING WORKS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Srinagar W/S Sc | 13.04 |
67 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000321/2021-2022 | 04/05/2021 | 1037/EMSD-I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Making Suitable Foundation at out side of the PUmp House of 1000ltr at PH-I Z-II under Kurulia W/S Scheme, W/O-1037/SD-I, T.No.1131/SD-I | 0.64 |
68 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000594/2022-2023 | 25/11/2022 | 6437/EMD | MERCURY ENGINEERING COMPANY | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Srinagar W/S Sch | 13.04 |
69 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000171/2022-2023 | 14/11/2022 | 6182/EMD | H.K. DAS & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. rejuvenation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.I & II under Anandapur W/S Scheme, Block-Karimpur- | 14.64 |
70 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000066/2022-2023 | 22/07/2022 | 1756/EMSD-1 | POLYCON ENGINEERS | SUPPLY INSTALLATION OF LED BOARD AT P/H NO- I & II OF SUKDHOANI W/S SCHEME , T.N NO- 358/AE/EMSD-I, W/O- 1756/SD-I | 0.85 |
71 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000088/2022-2023 | 19/10/2022 | 3916/EMD | PURUSHOTTAM ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.III under Karimpur W/S Scheme in Karimpur-I Block of Nadia District. NIET No.- 14 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No | 7.36 |
72 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000702/2022-2023 | 30/11/2022 | 6490/EMD | DEBJYOTI BASU | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No.II under Suruppur W/S Scheme (Block : Te | 9.96 |
73 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000486/2021-2022 | 14/09/2021 | 3042/EMD | TRIO CONCERN | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Jeliakhali-Purbakhanda w/s scheme | 9.58 |
74 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000487/2021-2022 | 14/09/2021 | 3041/EMD | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. I under Jeliakhali-Purbakhanda w/s scheme | 9.60 |
75 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000106/2022-2023 | 03/11/2022 | 5020/EMD | ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION | Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Madhupur Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. NIET No.- 16 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No.-13) | 41.25 |
76 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000194/2022-2023 | 14/11/2022 | 6188/EMD | S.G. TECHNICAL SERVICES | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works etc. rejuvenation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.I & II under Krishnaganj Majdia W/S Scheme, Block- Krishnaganj, Dist. - Nadia. NIET No.- 18 | 12.00 |
77 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000115/2022-2023 | 11/11/2022 | 6142/EMD | SWAPAN ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I(Z-I) under Kurulia W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Badu | 12.83 |
79 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000424/2021-2022 | 17/08/2021 | 2110/EMSD-I | STANDARD ENGINEERING | Supply delivery and installation of Main Switch Kitkat and other works at diffrnt. place of Habra gaighata under SWB W/S Scheme. | 0.56 |
80 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000124/2022-2023 | 11/11/2022 | 6151/EMD | M/S DAS ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I(Z-II) under Paikpara W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Ba | 13.21 |
81 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000090/2022-2023 | 20/10/2022 | 3943/EMD | MAA TARA CONSTRUCTION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.II (Zone-II) under Ber Ramchandrapur W/S Scheme, Block-Karimpur-I, Dis | 8.20 |
82 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000571/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6392/EMD | DAS ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Raghunathpur W/S | 13.02 |
83 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000581/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6394/EMD | S.S. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Raharhati W/S Sc | 13.02 |
84 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000517/2022-2023 | 18/11/2022 | 6273/EMD | SRI KRISHNA NIRMAN | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. rejuvenation to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No.- II under Fazilnagar W/S Scheme,, Block-Karimpur-II, Dist. - Nadia. N | 5.85 |
85 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000428/2021-2022 | 22/04/2021 | 927/EMSD-I | M/S S.R. ENTERPRISE | Supply and delivery of Calcium Hypochlorine tablets at Diara & Humaipur W/S Scheme. | 0.89 |
86 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000518/2022-2023 | 18/11/2022 | 6274/EMD | ASHOKE ADHIKARY | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. rejuvenation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.- III under Fazilnagar W/S Scheme, Block-Karimpur-II, Dist. - Nadia. N | 8.74 |
87 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000116/2022-2023 | 11/11/2022 | 6143/EMD | PADMA ENGINEERING CO. | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II(Z-I) under Kurulia W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Bad | 12.76 |
88 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000495/2021-2022 | 04/05/2021 | 1035/EMSD I | TALUKDER & CO. | Making suitable foundation at the out side of the pump house for installation of 1000Lt PVC tank for feeding chlorine solution by automatic chlorinator & other works at Ph I under Bagdah w/s scheme 24 Pgs(N) | 0.92 |
89 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000420/2022-2023 | 19/11/2022 | 6253/EMD | S.G. ENTERPRISE | Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Dhopahat Piped Water SupplyScheme, Block: Tehatta-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. NIET No. 21 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No.- 16) | 40.81 |
90 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000575/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6393/EMD | H.K. DAS & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Raghunathpur W/ | 13.00 |
91 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000491/2021-2022 | 22/03/2022 | 683/EMSD- I | MAA TARA ENTERPRISE | supply delivery & installation of automatic Controlled Plunger Type Chlorinator at P.H- H/L under Sadiknagar w/s scheme | 0.76 |
92 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000492/2021-2022 | 28/12/2021 | 3151/EMSD- I | FORTUNE ENGINEERING | supply delivery & installation of automatic Chlorinator at P.H- V under Kalitala w/s scheme | 0.84 |
93 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000583/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6396/EMD | S.S.ENTERPRISES | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Zone-I) (Replacement) under Sadikn | 13.04 |
94 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000584/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6397/EMD | ESENCE ENGINEERING CONCERN | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Zone-I) (Replacement) under Sadikna | 13.08 |
95 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000080/2022-2023 | 14/10/2022 | 3803/EMD | S.S.ENTERPRISES | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electrio-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.I under Senpur W/S Scheme in Krishnagar-I | 10.65 |
96 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000081/2022-2023 | 14/10/2022 | 3804/EMD | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electrio-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.II under Senpur W/S Scheme in Krishnagar-I Block of Nadia District | 6.12 |
97 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000537/2021-2022 | 13/07/2021 | 2523/EMD | ESENCE ENGINEERING CONCERN | Supply delivery and installation of submersible PM along with other electro mechanical allied works at PH-I under sukhdoani W/S Scheme | 9.22 |
98 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000324/2021-2022 | 04/05/2021 | 1036/SD I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Making Suitable Foundation at out side of the PUmp House of 1000ltr PV Tank at PH-I Z-II under Kurulia W/S Scheme, W/O-1036/SD-I, T.No.1132/SD-I | 0.63 |
99 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000126/2022-2023 | 11/11/2022 | 6153/EMD | D.K. ELECTRIC | Supply, delivery & installation of 30HP Centrifugal pump motor set at High Lift of Padmapukuria W/S scheme under Eastern Mechanical Division, P.H.E, Dte. Dist. 24 Pgs. (N). NIET No.- 15 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No.- 16) | 7.88 |
100 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000596/2022-2023 | 25/11/2022 | 6439/EMD | MAA KALI ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Zone-II) (Replacement) under Sadik | 12.99 |
101 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000598/2022-2023 | 25/11/2022 | 6441/EMD | MAA TARA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Rajendrapur W/S | 13.04 |
102 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000810/2022-2023 | 19/04/2022 | 753 /EMD | S.P. ENTERPRISE | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. I under TUSHKHALI w/s scheme | 0.71 |
103 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000552/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6381/EMD | D.K. ELECTRIC | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Atapur W/S Sche | 10.12 |
104 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000549/2021-2022 | 14/01/2022 | 109/EMSD I | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | Misc. mechanical & electrical works at P.H. I under Rampur w/s scheme | 0.62 |
105 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000442/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6259/EMD | S.P. ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No.II under Jitpur W/S Scheme (Block : Teh | 9.86 |
106 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000447/2022-2023 | 19/11/2022 | 6261/EMD | SHIVAM ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No.I (Headworks) under Khaspu W/S Scheme ( | 9.98 |
107 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000322/2021-2022 | 02/07/2021 | 1695/EMSD I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Repairing of unmanned panel by supplying of different electrical spares at P.H I under Barberia W/s scheme | 0.16 |
108 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000323/2021-2022 | 04/05/2021 | 1034/ SD-I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Making Suitable Foundation at out side of the PUmp House of 1000ltr PV Tank at PH-I Z-II under Kurulia W/S Scheme, W/O-1034/SD-I, T.No.1135/SD-I | 0.69 |
109 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000083/2022-2023 | 19/10/2022 | 3911/EMD | DAS ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No. I (Zone-II) under Sonda W/S Scheme, Block-Kris | 9.39 |
110 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000599/2022-2023 | 25/11/2022 | 6442/EMD | TRIO CONCERN | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Mathurapur W/S S | 13.02 |
111 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000600/2022-2023 | 25/11/2022 | 6443/EMD | CINZANO | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Gobindapur-Dhokr | 13.04 |
112 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000494/2021-2022 | 11/03/2022 | 605/EMSD I | ESENCE ENGINEERING CONCERN | supply delivery & installation of automatic programmable logic control system at P.h.IIat P.h no. II under Kachua-Swarupnagar w/s scheme. 24Pgs(N) | 2.76 |
113 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000086/2022-2023 | 19/10/2022 | 3914/EMD | HINDUSTAN ENGINEERING CORPORATION(E & M) | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.I under Karimpur W/S Scheme in Karimpur-I Block of Nadia District. NIET No.- 14 of EE/E | 11.39 |
114 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000072/2022-2023 | 20/09/2022 | 400/EMD | FORTUNE ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery and installation of LED board at p/h-I&II at kalinagar | 0.85 |
115 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000191/2021-2022 | 30/06/2021 | 1678/EMSD_I | RAKA ENTERPRISE | Miscellaneous electrical and Mechanical works at P/H- I at Jhupkhali w/s scheme. | 0.44 |
116 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000192/2021-2022 | 24/01/2022 | 132/EMSD_I | ARUN TRADERS | Supply, Delivery and Installation of p/h- I & II zone-I at Kalinagar. | 0.81 |
117 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000110/2022-2023 | 07/11/2022 | 6040/EMD | M/S S.R. ENTERPRISE | Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Paninala Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. NIET No.- 16 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No.-14) | 41.38 |
118 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000193/2021-2022 | 21/04/2021 | 910/EMSD I | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | Supply delivery and installation of Phase Reversal arrangement including all electrical connection complite at P.H No :- I,& II under Kalinagar Aug. Zone :- I | 0.77 |
119 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000879/2022-2023 | 21/06/2022 | 659/EMSD II | M/S G.P. ENTERPRISE | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Habibpur PWSS Nadia | 0.96 |
120 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000619/2021-2022 | 31/12/2021 | 799/EMSD-II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation and guarding of fully Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Karimpur Jalangi PWSS | 0.96 |
121 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000620/2021-2022 | 28/01/2022 | 845/EMSD-II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation and guarding of fully Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Gobindapur PWSS | 1.60 |
122 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000624/2021-2022 | 31/03/2022 | 967/EMSD Ii | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Narayanpur PWSS Nadia | 1.60 |
123 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000809/2022-2023 | 19/04/2022 | 712/EMD | B.B. CONCERNED | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under TUSHKHALI w/s scheme | 0.70 |
124 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000092/2022-2023 | 04/11/2022 | 5089/EMD | INDIA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Fakirtakia W/S Scheme Distric | 11.29 |
125 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000555/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6384/EMD | JOYSHREE CONCERN | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Gotra W/S Scheme | 12.98 |
126 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000558/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6385/EMD | KASHINATH PAL & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Gotra W/S Schem | 13.05 |
127 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000563/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6388/EMD | POLYCON ENGINEERS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Mathurapur W/S | 13.04 |
128 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000822/2022-2023 | 03/01/2023 | 29/EMD | SUNRISE ENGINEERING CORPORATION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electrio-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I and II (Zone-I) (Replacement) under | 67.59 |
129 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000566/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6389/EMD | C.M.S. ENGINEERING CONCERN. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Pipha W/S Scheme | 13.05 |
130 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000570/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6391/EMD | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.III (Replacement) under Pipha W/S Sche | 13.02 |
131 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000825/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1177/EMSD III | WIZARDTECH SOLUTION | Repairing of computer setup by supply delivery & instt. computer spare parts EMSD III | 0.93 |
132 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000868/2022-2023 | 31/05/2022 | 1371/EMSD-I | TALUKDER & CO. | Yard Lighting arrangement at the PH-III Z-II under Humaipur W/S Scheme | 3.04 |
133 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000631/2021-2022 | 25/10/2021 | 659/ EMSD II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Habibpur PWSS Nadia | 0.96 |
134 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000621/2021-2022 | 25/10/2021 | 658/EMSD-II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation and guarding of fully Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Gobindapur Block Hanskhali PWSS | 0.96 |
135 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000622/2021-2022 | 28/01/2022 | 843/EMSD II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Habibpur PWSS Nadia | 1.60 |
136 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000623/2021-2022 | 26/10/2021 | 671/EMSD II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Narayanpur PWSS Nadia | 0.96 |
137 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000886/2022-2023 | 06/01/2023 | 154/EMD | TALUKDER & CO. | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. rejuvenation to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No. I under Murutia W/S Scheme, Block Karimpur-II, Dist | 13.64 |
138 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000625/2021-2022 | 31/12/2021 | 796/EMSD-II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation and guarding of fully Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Doradaha PWSS | 1.92 |
139 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001194/2020-2021 | 25/01/2021 | 842/EMSD-II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation and guarding of fully Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Doradaha PWSS | 1.92 |
140 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000628/2021-2022 | 07/01/2022 | 808/EMSD II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Karimpur Jalangi (Z-VII) PWSS Nadia | 1.92 |
141 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000629/2021-2022 | 31/12/2021 | 795/EMSD-II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation and guarding of fully Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Arabpur PWSS | 1.28 |
142 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000892/2022-2023 | 06/01/2023 | 160/EMD | KUNDU ELECTRICAL ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro Mechanical works etc. rejuvenation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.I and II under Tungi WS Scheme, Block Krishnaganj, Dist. Nadia. NIET No.- 23 of EE/EMD of 2 | 21.11 |
143 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001132/2022-2023 | 19/05/2022 | 1244/EMSD I | SOMNATH ENTERPRISE | Supply & installation of LED ilumination sing Board at P.H. No. I&II of Kurulia Z-I w/s scheme dist . 24Pgs(N) | 0.81 |
144 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000888/2022-2023 | 06/01/2023 | 156/EMD | MUKHERJEE ART CENTRE | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer etc. rejuvenation to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No. III under Murutia WS Scheme, Block KarimpurII, Dist. Nadia. NIET No.- | 8.75 |
145 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000725/2021-2022 | 17/03/2022 | 485/EMD | J.D.J. ENTERPRISE | Providing additional cable drawn between PDB at Substation at intake pumping station of intake point of surface water based W/S Scheme at Habra-Gaighata | 42.45 |
146 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000897/2022-2023 | 20/01/2023 | 407/EMD | CONCORD ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under BARA ANDULIA W/S Scheme, Block- Chapra , Dist. - Nadia. NIE | 26.28 |
147 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001690/2022-2023 | 10/06/2022 | 115/EMSD II | GANAPATI ENTERPRISE | Repairing of Withdrawing damaged submersible P/m set P/H I under Itaberia w/s scheme | 0.24 |
148 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000884/2022-2023 | 06/01/2023 | 152/EMD | M/S. G.P. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. rejuvenation to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No.- I AND II under Iswarchandrapur W/S Scheme, Block | 21.36 |
149 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000898/2022-2023 | 20/01/2023 | 408/EMD | PADMA ENGINEERING CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. rejuvenation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.- I & II under Baraia W/S Scheme, Block-Tehatta-II | 22.18 |
150 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001685/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 3634/ EMD | KUNDU ELECTRICAL ENTERPRISE | Repairing rewinding of difective pump motor set and prviding external illumination near admin. building at WTP under SWB w/s scheme southern sector Chakdaha nadia | 6.78 |
151 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001686/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 3633/ EMD | M/S. G.P. ENTERPRISE | Repairing rewinding of difective pump motor set and prviding external illumination near admin. building at WTP under SWB w/s scheme southern sector Chakdaha nadia | 6.88 |
152 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001676/2022-2023 | 09/03/2023 | 1014/EMD | BARISAL TRADING CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. I and II (Rep.) under Rajbari W/S Sch | 21.23 |
153 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001668/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 3385 /EMD | PERFECT AIR CONDITIONER | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (replacement) under Boyermari Abad W | 10.82 |
154 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000626/2021-2022 | 31/12/2021 | 797/EMSD II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Karimpur jalangi Z-VI PWSS Nadia | 1.92 |
155 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000627/2021-2022 | 10/01/2022 | 814/EMSD II | HARBAUER INDIA PVT. LTD. | Operation & guarding of fully automatic Arsenic cum iron removal plant installation at Karimpur Jalangi (Z-VIII) PWSS Nadia | 1.92 |
156 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001785/2022-2023 | 16/03/2023 | 1124/EMD | NITESH MANAGEMENT | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No.I (Headworks) & II under Maniknagar W/S | 18.84 |
157 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001730/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6381 /EMD | D.K. ELECTRIC | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electrio-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Atapur W/S Scheme, District | 10.12 |
158 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001771/2022-2023 | 16/03/2023 | 1121/EMD | M.S. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under HELENCHI (Z-I, Z-II, Z-III) (Block- Krishnaganj ) AND BANSBERIA | 65.68 |
159 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000933/2021-2022 | 10/08/2021 | 2041/EMSD I | JECLAT ENGINEERING CO-OP. SOCIETY LTD. | Supply & delivery of hypochlorite tablets CaOCL2 at different W/S Scheme for disinfecting water Bongaon Municipality & Chowberia W/S Scheme | 0.89 |
160 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000934/2021-2022 | 23/09/2021 | 2438/EMSD I | INDTECH ASSOCIATES | supply & delivery of Bleaching for pump house under B&K Jnt. W/s scheme | 0.68 |
161 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001987/2022-2023 | 26/05/2022 | 1330/EMSD I | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Outdoor illumination supplying at Dakshin Bhebia P/M under EMD PHE Dte | 0.98 |
162 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001988/2022-2023 | 19/07/2022 | 1867/EMSD- I | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | supply delivery & fitting fitting D G set at Baonia Abad | 0.97 |
166 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001944/2022-2023 | 07/07/2022 | 1747/EMSD I | GANAPATI ENTERPRISE | Repairing of submersible P/M set at P/H No-II under Boyra w/s scheme | 0.61 |
167 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000937/2021-2022 | 16/04/2021 | 840/EMD | M/S B.K. ENTERPRISE | office computer annual maintenance under Barasat mech. Division PHE Dte | 0.89 |
168 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001938/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 333/EMSD II | WIZARDTECH SOLUTION | Repairing of computer setup by supply delivery spare parts at the AE/EMSD II | 0.98 |
169 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000927/2021-2022 | 26/08/2021 | 2185 EMSD-I | STANDARD ENGINEERING | Making suitable HOLE FOR FIXING EXHUST FOR AND OTHER WORK AT INTAKE POINT OF RAMGHAT UNDER HABRA GAIGHATA W/S SCHEME | 3.82 |
170 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001943/2022-2023 | 11/05/2022 | 1169/SD I | WIZARDTECH SOLUTION | Supply delivery & installation of computer spare parts for the EMD | 0.95 |
171 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001907/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6150 EMD | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Bayra W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.22 |
172 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001945/2022-2023 | 26/07/2022 | 1939/EMSD I | GANAPATI ENTERPRISE | Repairing of submersible P/M set at P/H No-II under Boyra w/s scheme | 0.16 |
173 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001937/2022-2023 | 14/06/2022 | 1501/SD I | WIZARDTECH SOLUTION | RENOVATION of e-office setup through supply of computer spare parts for the office of the EMD | 0.89 |
174 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001893/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6141 / EMD | TRIDENT ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Ganrapota W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Baduri | 9.29 |
175 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001975/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 3386/ EMD | M.S.C. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (replacement) under Boyermari Abad | 10.81 |
176 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001998/2022-2023 | 19/07/2022 | 1868/ EMSD I | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Supply delivery & fiting fixing of Exide battery and UPS for DG set of diff. P/m at Sandeshkhali | 0.49 |
177 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000940/2021-2022 | 30/06/2021 | 2376/EMD | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | Comprehensive maintenance of all Electrical Installation at the office of the EE EMD Barasat Divin. | 2.77 |
178 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000942/2021-2022 | 22/06/2021 | 2132/EMD | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | Comprehensive maintenance of all Electrical Installation at the office of the EE EMD Barasat Divin. | 2.77 |
179 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001967/2022-2023 | 28/06/2022 | 205/EMD | AMIT KUMAR BOSE | Repairing works for different works site for different Scheme EMD | 0.95 |
180 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001897/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6380 / EMD | A.S. ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under AKIPUR W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.05 |
181 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001931/2022-2023 | 08/08/2022 | 3035/EMD | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator at (inconnection with Aug. work related to FHTC) Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Korakati W/S Sch | 9.33 |
182 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001890/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6145 / EMD | P.K. ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under panchita W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 12.82 |
183 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001898/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6148 / EMD | DIPALI CONSTRUCTION | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Sindrani W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 12.81 |
184 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000010/2023-2024 | 20/04/2023 | 1552/EMD | TALUKDER & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II (Replacement) under Bansghata | 21.41 |
185 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000941/2021-2022 | 29/12/2021 | 3590/EMD | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | Comprehensive maintenance of all Electrical Installation at the office of the EE EMD Barasat Divin. | 2.77 |
186 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001908/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6140 / EMD | GHOSH AND GHOSH | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under gangrapota W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 12.82 |
187 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002104/2022-2023 | 09/09/2022 | 3387 / EMD | GOENKA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (replacement) under Baunia Abad W/S | 11.36 |
188 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001901/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 3385 / EMD | PERFECT AIR CONDITIONER | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under Boyermari W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 10.82 |
189 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001902/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6147 / EMD | RAKA ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I Z-I under Sindrani W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 12.85 |
190 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001903/2022-2023 | 21/03/2023 | 6138 / EMD | M/S.A.K. BANERJEE. | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under Bagdah W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 12.85 |
191 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001904/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6149 / EMD | DEY ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under Bayra W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.22 |
192 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001905/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6150 / EMD | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Bayra W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.22 |
193 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001900/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6383 / EMD | INDRANI ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Gobindapur dhokra W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.02 |
194 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002033/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6438/ EMD | BIDYUT KUMAR MUKHERJEE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Zone-II) (Replacement) under Sadikn | 13.05 |
195 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001990/2022-2023 | 05/08/2022 | 2043/EMSD I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Repairing & overhauling of 30KVA voltage stabilizar at PH No. I & II under PALTADANGA w/s scheme | 0.35 |
196 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000932/2021-2022 | 06/07/2021 | 1718/EMSD I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | Repairing of unmanned panel by supplying electrical spares at different W/S scheme, W/O-1718/SD-I, T.No.779/SD-I | 0.30 |
197 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001894/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6387 / EMD | RAJLAXMI ELECTRICAL WORKS | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Itindapanitor W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.04 |
198 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001895/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6444 / EMD | SINHA ELECTRICALS | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under dhobaberia W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.04 |
199 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001896/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6447 / EMD | M/S. GHOSH ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under AKIPUR W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) | 13.04 |
200 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001924/2022-2023 | 21/03/2023 | 1180/EMD | MA ANNAPURNA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under KARIMPUR JALANGI (Z-IX B) W/S Scheme, Block-Karimpur II , Dist | 12.87 |
201 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001991/2022-2023 | 13/06/2022 | 1491/EMSD I | TAMAL ENTERPRISE | withdrawing and lowering of submersible Pump motor set at P/H no-II under Bansghata w/s scheme | 0.10 |
202 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002101/2022-2023 | 09/09/2022 | 3388 / EMD | POLYCON ENGINEERS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (replacement) under Baunia Abad W/S | 11.36 |
203 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002106/2022-2023 | 24/11/2022 | 6382 / EMD | ALPHA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Zone-I) (Replacement) under Dhopabe | 13.03 |
204 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001996/2022-2023 | 15/07/2022 | 1841/EMSD I | SHRESTHA | PROVIDING Outdoor illumination supplying at Dakshin Bhebia P/M under EMD PHE Dte | 0.98 |
205 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001997/2022-2023 | 15/07/2022 | 1838/EMSD I | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | PROVIDING Outdoor illumination supplying at BOUTHAKURANI P/M under EMD PHE Dte | 0.98 |
206 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002034/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6139/ EMD | GOENKA ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Bagda W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Baduria). | 12.87 |
207 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002035/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6386/ EMD | GLACIER ENGINEERING CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (Replacement) under Itinda-Panitor W | 13.04 |
208 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001912/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6149/-EMD | DEY ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I under Bayra W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N), | 13.22 |
209 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000938/2021-2022 | 23/07/2021 | 1870/ EMSD I | SANKAR PROSAD DUTTA & CO. | Enggagement of one no. contructual person on contract basis in the Assistant Financial adv. | 1.37 |
210 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001999/2022-2023 | 14/06/2022 | 107/EMD | SHRESTHA ASSOCIATES | bill pay for GST return for the month of march 2022-2023 | 0.40 |
211 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000939/2021-2022 | 22/06/2021 | 238/EMD | WIZARDTECH SOLUTION | Supply delivery and installation and maitenance of Computer Spare parts in EMD PHE Dte. | 0.48 |
212 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001970/2022-2023 | 28/03/2023 | 1284/EMD | WESTERN ENGINEERING CO. | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electrio-mechanical works, Voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II under Humaipur (Zone-II) W/S | 20.64 |
213 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002485/2022-2023 | 11/11/2022 | 6141-EMD | TRIDENT ENTERPRISE | Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II under Ganrapota W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Baduri | 2.70 |
215 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002526/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 108/EMSDIII18.01.23 | MA ANNAPURNA ENTERPRISE | Supply delivery of PCC pole, M.S materials and electrical accessories including stringing and sagging of LTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection P.H No. II under Khaspur w/s scheme under EMSD III, PHE Dte. Dhubulia Nadia. | 3.12 |
216 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001004/2021-2022 | 07/12/2021 | 3443 / EMD | ORIENTAL ENGINEERING CO. | Providing Electrical equipments for substation WTP station at Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme for Arsenic Affected Areas of Areas of Bagda and Bongaon Blocks (Including Ranaghat-I, Ranaghat-II Blocks and Bongaon Muicipality. | 599.80 |
217 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002404/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 3383 /EMD | C.M.S. ENGINEERING CONCERN. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (replacement) under Durga-Mandap W/ | 11.34 |
218 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002488/2022-2023 | 27/05/2022 | 926/EMD | SUSANTA KUMAR DAS | Rejuvenation of Goalsalua (Z-i) PWSS regarding FHTC in Ranaghat II Block of Nadia Dist. | 12.16 |
219 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000110/2023-2024 | 21/06/2023 | 1508/EMSD-I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Supply & delivery of Change over Switch at different pump houses (Atapur P.H. No. II, Mathurapur P.H. No. I & II, Pipha P.H. No. I, Rejendrapur P.H. No. I, Fakirtakia P.H. No. I and Paltadanga P.H. No. I) related to JJM Work, Dist. 24 Pgs. (N). | 1.33 |
220 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002571/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1137/EMSD-III | NEW RANBEE ENGINEERING | Supply, delivery of PCC Pole, M.s materials and electrical accessories including stringing and sagging of LTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-II under Madhupur W/S Scheme. | 0.19 |
221 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002572/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1365/EMSD-III | S.P. ENTERPRISE (SILIGURI) | Supply, delivery of PCC Pole, M.s materials and electrical accessories including stringing and sagging of LTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-II under Jitpur W/S Scheme. | 0.39 |
222 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002409/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1366/EMSD-III | DEBJYOTI BASU | Supply delivery of PCC pole, M.s and electrical accessories including stringing of LTOH line to wbsedcl for new service connection at PH-II under Suruppur W/S Scheme. under EMSD-III | 0.72 |
223 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002573/2022-2023 | 18/01/2023 | 103/EMSD-I | SHIVAM ENTERPRISE | PCC pole M.S materials and electrical accessories including stringing and sagging of HTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-I under Khaspu W/S scheme. | 3.80 |
224 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002600/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1395/SD-III | R.N.S. TRADING | Supply delivery of PCC Pole MS materials and electrical accessories including stringing and sagging of LTOH line to WBSEDCL for new connectionat PH-II under Karuigachi W/S Scheme. | 1.03 |
225 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002673/2022-2023 | 09/09/2022 | 3387EMD | GOENKA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (replacement) under Baunia Abad W/S | 11.36 |
226 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002285/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 6445/ EMD | T.S.CONSTRUCTION | Supply delivery & installation of Submersible pumping machinery alongwith allied electro-Mechanical Works Voltage stabilezer and automatic chlorinator in coonection with Aug. related to FHTC at Pump House-II Z-I under Dhopaberia W/S Scheme under Dist 24 P | 9.48 |
227 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001059/2021-2022 | 31/03/2022 | 97/MC-III | WEST BENGAL ENGINEERING CO. | Interconnection of difft. units WTP at (filter house, clear water P/H Chemical House, MCC Panel of clear water pump near clear water p/station) by laying cable of diff sizes at surface WBWS for arsenic affected areas of Habra-gaighata ADJ mouzas North 24 | 123.24 |
228 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001119/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4707/EMD | HARA PROSAD DAS | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at TARINIPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Tehatta-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 51.92 |
229 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001122/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4710/EMD | DEY ENTERPRISE | Providing Electro Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at BARUIHUDA Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block Krishnagar-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.06 |
230 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002677/2022-2023 | 21/06/2022 | 1491/EMSDI | GHOSH AND GHOSH | Supply, delivery and installation of submersible pump moter set including other allied works at P H No. I & II of Rampur water supply scheme under Eastern Mechanical Sub Division-I, PHE Dte. Dist- 24 Pgs(N) WBPHED/AE/EMSD-I/NIET-03/23-24 Dt. 21.06.2023 | 3.04 |
231 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001123/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4711/EMD | INDIA ENTERPRISE | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at RAJAPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Tehatta-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 40.80 |
232 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001124/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4712/EMD | KASHINATH PAL & CO. | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accommodate FHTC under BADKULLA Z-II WS Scheme, Block- Hanskhali , Dist. - Nadia | 9.79 |
233 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000959/2023-2024 | 21/06/2023 | 1494/SD-I | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Supply, delivery and installation of submersible pump moter set including other allied works at P H No. I & II of Sukhdoani water supply scheme under Eastern Mechanical Sub Division-I, PHE Dte. Dist- 24 Pgs(N) | 2.07 |
234 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001140/2023-2024 | 07/08/2023 | 4742/EMD | M.D. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II under Matigacha (Block:-Baras | 21.37 |
235 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001138/2023-2024 | 07/08/2023 | 4740/EMD | CINZANO | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.III and IV (Zone-I) (Rep) under Paik | 26.54 |
236 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002695/2022-2023 | 19/10/2022 | 3912EMD | STANDARD ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. for Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC at Pump House No.I(Zone-II) under Paschim Bhatjangla W/S Scheme, | 7.97 |
237 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001141/2023-2024 | 07/08/2023 | 4743/EMD | M.S.C. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II (Rep.) under Konanagar W/S Sche | 21.26 |
238 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001217/2023-2024 | 14/08/2023 | 4873/EMD | DEBJYOTI BASU | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No.I and II under Bhandarkhali WS Scheme B | 20.59 |
239 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001144/2023-2024 | 07/08/2023 | 4747/EMD | T.S.CONSTRUCTION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. III (New) under Joypul W/S Scheme, D | 10.59 |
240 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001160/2023-2024 | 09/08/2023 | 4810/EMD | SUNRISE ENGINEERING CORPORATION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I, II, III and IV(Rep.) under Murari | 63.65 |
241 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001130/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4722/EMD | M/S. G.P. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.III (New) under Helencha W/S Scheme, | 10.72 |
242 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001168/2023-2024 | 09/08/2023 | 4796/EMD | P.K. ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No-I/II (Rep.) under Dwarir Jangle W/S S | 11.63 |
243 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002687/2022-2023 | 21/10/2022 | 1231/EMSD-III | KUNDU ELECTRICAL ENTERPRISE | Supply delivery of PCC Pole M.s materials and Electrical accessories and installation DTR of HTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-I under Bhatgachi W/S Scheme | 4.19 |
244 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002688/2022-2023 | 21/10/2022 | 1227/EMSD-III | M/S G.P. ENTERPRISE | Supply delivery of PCC Pole M.s materials and Electrical accessories and installation DTR of HTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-I under Karuigachi W/S Scheme | 5.17 |
245 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001132/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4724/EMD | P.K. ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I and II (Rep) under Hasnabad W/S Sc | 26.50 |
246 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002685/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1332/SDI | S.B.ENTERPRISE | Supply & delivery of submersible pump motor set and installed the same of P/H No. I & II under Chhota Sehara water supply scheme Dist- 24 Pgs(N). T.No. 110/SD I 23.24 Dt. 05.04.23 W.o. dt. 31.05.23 | 1.72 |
247 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001151/2023-2024 | 07/08/2023 | 4754/EMD | A.G ENTERPRISE. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I, II and III (Zone-II) (Rep.) under | 41.41 |
248 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001157/2023-2024 | 18/04/2023 | 1503EMD | MA ANNAPURNA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under ELANGI(Zone-II) & GHORALIA (Zone-II) W/S Scheme, Block- Chapra | 11.19 |
249 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001193/2023-2024 | 10/08/2023 | 1785/EMSD-I | S.B.ENTERPRISE | Additional work in connection with Supply & delivery of submersible pump moter and installed the same at P H No. I & II of Chhota Sehara water supply scheme under Eastern Mechanical Sub Division-I, PHE Dte. Dist- 24 Pgs(N) | 1.29 |
250 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001126/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4718/EMD | A.S. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I, II and III (rep.) under Parui W/S | 39.16 |
251 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002710/2022-2023 | 14/03/2023 | 746EMD | S.B.ENTERPRISE | Providing outdoor illumination arrangement at PH-II & III Z-I under Kalinagar W/S scheme. | 2.16 |
252 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002711/2022-2023 | 14/03/2023 | 745EMD | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Providing outdoor illumination arrangement at PH-II & III Z-I under Kalinagar W/S scheme. dist 24 Pgs | 0.89 |
253 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001213/2023-2024 | 14/08/2023 | 4871/EMD | DIPALI CONSTRUCTION | Providing And Installation of Electro Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Zone I of Ichhlampore Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block Bongaon Dist. North 24 Pgs under EMD, PHE Dte. | 37.15 |
254 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001165/2023-2024 | 09/08/2023 | 4815/EMD | CONCORD ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I, II and III (Rep.) under Sankchura | 79.50 |
255 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001215/2023-2024 | 14/08/2023 | 4872/EMD | S.G. TECHNICAL SERVICES | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No.I and II Rep. under Rajapur Block Badur | 26.07 |
256 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002708/2022-2023 | 09/09/2022 | 3384EMD | CHATTERJEE BROTHERS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I (replacement) under Korakati W/S Sch | 11.31 |
257 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001218/2023-2024 | 14/08/2023 | 4874/EMD | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No. III under Bhandarkhali WS Scheme Block | 10.30 |
258 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001128/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4720/EMD | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II and III (Rep.) under Paikardanga W | 26.49 |
259 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001129/2023-2024 | 04/08/2023 | 4721/EMD | DEY ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I and II (New) under Jhikra W/S Schem | 21.13 |
260 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001220/2023-2024 | 14/08/2023 | 4887/EMD | CINZANO | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC at Pump House No. I and II under Katakhali WS Scheme Bl | 21.42 |
261 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002675/2022-2023 | 09/09/2022 | 3388EMD | POLYCON ENGINEERS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (replacement) under Baunia Abad W/S | 11.36 |
262 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001278/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4939/EMD | ASHOKE ADHIKARY | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.IV and V (Replacement) under Sahebkha | 27.57 |
263 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001286/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4940/EMD | KUNDU ELECTRICAL ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. VI (New) under Sahebkhali W/S Scheme | 13.82 |
264 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001291/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4941/EMD | ESENCE ENGINEERING CONCERN | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.III (Chimta)(Rep.) and IV(New) (Zone-I | 26.47 |
265 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001263/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4932/EMD | SWAPAN ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II under Sandeshkhali W/S Scheme | 22.26 |
266 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001078/2021-2022 | 08/03/2022 | 405EMD | WEST BENGAL ENGINEERING CO. | Providing electrical equipment for sub station of intake pumping station under SWB based PWSS for Arsenic affected areas of Bagda Bongaon Block Ranaghat I & II Block Bongaon Municipality in dist-N 24 Pgs | 518.43 |
267 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001264/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4933/EMD | BARISAL TRADING CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II (New) under Kola W/S Scheme, B | 22.15 |
268 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001273/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4936/EMD | H.K. DAS & CO. | Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Bardasia Piped Water SupplyScheme, Block: Barasat-II Dist. North 24 Pgs under EMD, PHE Dte. | 52.08 |
269 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002736/2022-2023 | 14/03/2023 | 745SDI | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Providing outdoor illumination arangement at PH - I kalinagar W/S | 3.00 |
270 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002729/2022-2023 | 14/11/2022 | 6183/EMD | M.S. ENTERPRISE | Supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator etc. rejuvenation to Accomodate FHTC at P.h no.I & II under Bablari Dewanganj w/s scheme Block--Nabawdip Dist- Nad | 15.63 |
271 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002732/2022-2023 | 14/03/2023 | 744EMD | M/S. G.P. ENTERPRISE | Providing outdoor illumination arrangement at PH-I & II under chhota sehara W/S Scheme. | 2.17 |
272 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002779/2022-2023 | 20/01/2023 | 419EMD | SINHA ELECTRICALS | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under Karimpur jalangi (Zone-IX,A & B) W/S Scheme, Block-Tehatta-II, | 14.88 |
273 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002775/2022-2023 | 17/02/2023 | 416/EMDdt.20.01.23 | GOENKA ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under MAHISNENGRA (Zone-I) W/S Scheme, Block- Krishnagar-1 , Dist. | 14.03 |
274 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002782/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 740/EMSD-I | BISALAXMI ENTERPRISE | Providing Outdoor illumination at PH No.-I&II under Rampur w/s scheme | 2.07 |
275 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002730/2022-2023 | 16/03/2023 | 1123EMD | SOMNATH ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under Digri W/S Scheme, Block- Krishnagar I , Dist. - Nadia. NIET No. 31 of EE/EMD o | 6.20 |
276 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001266/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4934/EMD | WESTERN ENGINEERING CO. | Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant (Headworks Site) at Kola Piped Water SupplyScheme, Block: Barasat-II, Dist. North 24 Pgs under EMD, PHE Dte. | 52.69 |
277 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001270/2023-2024 | 18/08/2023 | 4935/EMD | SUNRISE ENGINEERING CORPORATION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery along with allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I and II (Rep.) under Magurali and | 39.08 |
278 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001482/2023-2024 | 18/04/2023 | 1505/EMD. | DIPALI CONSTRUCTION | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under SHYAMNAGAR(Block-Krishnaganj), MOBARAKPUR(Block-Tehatt-I), PAT | 19.37 |
279 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002821/2022-2023 | 28/02/2023 | 262/EMSD-III | R.M.D. TRADING | Supply delivery of PCC Pole materials and electrical accessories and installation DTR including sagging of HTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-I under Jitpur W/S Scheme. | 3.47 |
280 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001687/2023-2024 | 10/10/2023 | 6261/EMD | MACHINE SUPLIERS SYNDICATE (P) LTD. | Augmentation of pumping machinery and electrical equipments at WTP along with implementation of SCADA System for surface water based water supply scheme, Arsenic affected area, Northern Sector, Part-II (Block - Nakasipara) in the district of Nadia, P. H. | 234.62 |
281 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001636/2023-2024 | 05/10/2023 | 6193/EMD | G.B. CONSTRUCTION | Implementation of SCADA system at Intake, WTP and OHR sites of surface based water supply scheme for Chakdah (Part) in the district of Nadia. | 615.17 |
282 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001689/2023-2024 | 10/10/2023 | 6263/EMD | ORIENTAL ENGINEERING CO. | Augmentation of pumping machinery and electrical equipments at Intake, WTP alongwith implementation of SCADA System for surface water based water supply scheme, Arsenic affected area, Northern Sector, Part-I (Block - Kaliganj) in the district of Nadia, P | 308.87 |
283 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001683/2023-2024 | 10/10/2023 | 6259/EMD | WEST BENGAL ENGINEERING CO. | Providing Mechanical / Electrical Equipment for 11/0.433 KV Sub-station along with pumping station and disinfection arrangement at Baduria GLR under Integrated Surface Water Based PWSS for Arsenic Affected Blocks of Baduria, Basirhat- I & II, Swarupnagar | 980.25 |
284 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001688/2023-2024 | 10/10/2023 | 6262/EMD | ORIENTAL ENGINEERING CO. | Providing Axially Split Centrifugal Pumping machinery for GLR alongwith secondary disinfection arrangement for surface water based water supply scheme, Arsenic Affected Area, Northern Sector, Part-I (Block - Kaliganj) in the district of Nadia, P. H. E. | 271.65 |
285 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001695/2023-2024 | 10/08/2023 | 1780EMSD-I | P.K. ENTERPRISE | Providing voltage correction arrangement with allied works at PH-I of Sonpur GRW W/S Scheme under EMSD-I. | 3.15 |
286 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001794/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6358/EMD | EQUIPMENTS AND SPARES AGENCIES | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Bongaon Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 380.65 |
287 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001795/2023-2024 | 31/10/2023 | 6421/EMD | EQUIPMENTS AND SPARES AGENCIES | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Ranaghat-I & Ranaghat-II Blocks in Nadia District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 619.70 |
288 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001754/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6365/EMD | M.S. ENTERPRISE | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at DAKSHIN JHITKAPOTA ZONE-I (PHASE-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Krishnagar-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.53 |
289 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001757/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6367/EMD | ABHISEK ENGINEERING CONCERN | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Ghoralia Zone-II (Phase-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Santipur, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 42.09 |
290 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001779/2023-2024 | 02/11/2023 | 6454/EMD | A.K. INDUSTRIES | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Karimpur-I & II Blocks in Nadia District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 444.61 |
291 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001762/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6373/EMD | AHALYA ENGINEERING WORKS | Providing And Installation of Electro_Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Bankar Dhopadi Piped Water Supply Scheme Block_ Nabadwip Dist. - Nadia under EMD, PHE Dte. | 42.10 |
292 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001785/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6349/EMD | B.K. ENTERPRISE | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Chapra & Krishnaganj Blocks in Nadias District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 536.50 |
293 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001788/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6352/EMD | BALAJI UDDYOG | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Tehatta-I & Tehatta-II Blocks in Nadia District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 409.59 |
294 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001789/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6353/EMD | M/S. MEGA SOLAR ENERGY | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Basirhat-I Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 230.50 |
295 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001778/2023-2024 | 02/11/2023 | 6458/EMD | SWITCHING AVO ELECTRO POWER LTD. | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Gaighata and Swarupnagar Blocks in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 359.00 |
296 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001793/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6357/EMD | BINGAS ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS & SOLAR SYSTEM | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Basirhat- II Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 287.12 |
297 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001773/2023-2024 | 30/10/2023 | 6397/EMD | GHOSH AND GHOSH | Providing, installation and commissioning of submersible pumping machinery along with allied Electro-Mechanical works for Augmentation Tube Well in connection to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No.-I, (Phase-II) under Udaypur ground water based water su | 12.74 |
298 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001750/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6361/EMD | A.G ENTERPRISE. | Providing And Installation of Electro_Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Sonada Zone-I Piped Water Supply Scheme Block_ Krishnanagar-I Dist. - Nadia under EMD, PHE Dte. | 41.90 |
299 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001752/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6363/EMD | GOENKA ENTERPRISE | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipment and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at PANSILA (PHASE-II) Piped Water SupplyScheme, Block: NABADWIP, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.53 |
300 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001761/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6372/EMD | MAHADEV ENTERPRISE | Providing And Installation of Electro_Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Paschim Bhatjungla Zone-I (Phase-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme Block_ Krishnanagar-I Dist. - Nadia under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.53 |
301 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001790/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6354/EMD | M/S. MEGA SOLAR ENERGY | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Baduria Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 180.08 |
302 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001791/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6355/EMD | M/S. MEGA SOLAR ENERGY | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Barrackpur-II & Sandeshkhali-I Blocks in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 79.23 |
303 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001792/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6356/EMD | EQUIPMENTS AND SPARES AGENCIES | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Barasat-I & II and Habra-II Blocks in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 406.04 |
304 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001748/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6359/EMD | SANKAR PRASAD DUTTA & CO | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at UTTAR TAJPUR (PHASE-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block:KARIMPUR-II, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 41.45 |
305 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001751/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6362/EMD | TARUN KUMAR BHATTACHARYA | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Senpur (Phase-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Krishnagar-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.52 |
306 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001758/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6368/EMD | ESENCE ENGINEERING CONCERN | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Ghoralia Zone-I (Phase-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Santipur, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.51 |
307 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001782/2023-2024 | 31/10/2023 | 6408/EMD | BINGAS ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS & SOLAR SYSTEM | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Hasnabad Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 258.41 |
308 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001759/2023-2024 | 17/10/2023 | 6370/EMD | R.N.S. TRADING | Providing And Installation of Electro_Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Fazilnagar (Phase-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme Block_ Karimpur-II Dist. - Nadia under EMD, PHE Dte. | 53.72 |
309 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001769/2023-2024 | 30/10/2023 | 6393/EMD | SHIVAM ENTERPRISE | Providing, installation and commissioning of submersible pumping machinery along with allied Electro-Mechanical works for Augmentation Tube Well in connection to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No.-I & II Zone-II(Phase-II) under Ber Ramchandrapur ground | 16.27 |
310 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001770/2023-2024 | 30/10/2023 | 6394/EMD | D.S. ENTERPRISE | Providing, installation and commissioning of submersible pumping machinery along with allied Electro-Mechanical works for Augmentation Tube Well in connection to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No.-I, Zone-II(Phase-II) under Teinpur ground water based w | 8.45 |
311 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001772/2023-2024 | 30/10/2023 | 6396/EMD | S.P. ENTERPRISE (KOLKATA) | Providing, installation and commissioning of submersible pumping machinery along with allied Electro-Mechanical works for Augmentation Tube Well in connection to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No.-I, (Phase-II) under Madhugari ground water based water | 16.32 |
312 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001784/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6348/EMD | B.K. ENTERPRISE | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Santipur & Nabadwip Blocks in Nadia District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 362.50 |
313 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001786/2023-2024 | 16/10/2023 | 6350/EMD | BALAJI UDDYOG | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Habra-I and Sandeshkhali-I & II Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 619.68 |
314 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001780/2023-2024 | 02/11/2023 | 6455/EMD | A.K. INDUSTRIES | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Minkhan, Hingalganj & Amdanga Blocks in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 408.07 |
315 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002862/2022-2023 | 14/03/2023 | 748/EMSD-I | PURUSHOTTAM ENTERPRISE | Yard lighting arrangement at the premises of P.H No.-I (Head works site) under Bagband Saiberia W/S Scheme, Dist-24Pgs (N). | 3.02 |
316 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002945/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 687/EMSD-IIDt.13/09/2023 | DAS ENTERPRISE (BARANAGAR) | Supplementary works to completion of ongoing FHTC-related work at PH-I of Sonda (Zone - II) W/S Scheme (Block - Krishnagar-I), PHE Dte., Dist.-Nadia. | 0.99 |
317 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001877/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6726/EMD | S.S.ENTERPRISES | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. II and III (Rep.) under Dhanyakuria | 26.67 |
318 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002969/2022-2023 | 27/03/2023 | 158EMD,Dt.06.01.23 | ABHISEK ENGINEERING CONCERN | Supply, Delivery Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc. rejuvenation to Accommodate FHTC at Pump House No. I and II under Kulgachi WS Scheme, Block Krishnaga | 15.50 |
319 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001915/2023-2024 | 29/11/2023 | 6738/EMD | M/S S.R. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I & II Matiagacha (Block-Habra II) W/S | 42.55 |
320 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001776/2023-2024 | 02/11/2023 | 6456/EMD | SWITCHING AVO ELECTRO POWER LTD. | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Hanskhali Block in Nadia District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 316.41 |
321 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001777/2023-2024 | 02/11/2023 | 6457/EMD | SWITCHING AVO ELECTRO POWER LTD. | Solarisation of WBSEDCL Energised Electrical installation including net metering at different Pipe Water Supply Scheme at Bagda Block in North 24 Parganas District under E.M.D. P.H.E. Dte. | 249.48 |
322 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002946/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1495SD-IDt.21.06.23 | N.S. TRADING | Supply, delivery and installation of submersible pump moter set including other allied works at P H No. I & II of Joygopalpur water supply scheme under Eastern Mechanical Sub Division-I, PHE Dte. Dist- 24 Pgs(N) | 3.00 |
323 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001884/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6728/EMD | DEY ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. III (Zone-II) (Rep.) under Bodai W/S | 13.15 |
324 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001887/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6732/EMD | A.G ENTERPRISE. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. Garibpur W/S Scheme (P/H -I) District | 10.11 |
325 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001888/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6731/EMD | M.D. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. II under Matigacha (Block:-Barasat- | 10.69 |
326 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001883/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6727/EMD | S.G. ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. III (Zone-I) (Rep.) under Bodai W/S | 13.13 |
327 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001894/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6756/EMD | M/S DAS ENTERPRISE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.I and II (Rep.) under Kapileswarpur W | 26.73 |
328 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001885/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6729/EMD | EASTERN INDIA SALES & SERVICE | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. III (Rep.) under Chandrapur W/S Sch | 13.23 |
329 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001886/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6730/EMD | ASHUTOSH DAS & CO. | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. II (Rep.) under Krishnapara W/S Sch | 9.82 |
330 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001911/2023-2024 | 29/11/2023 | 6734/EMD | CONCORD ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No II (Rep.) (Zone-I and II) under Daks | 26.08 |
331 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001909/2023-2024 | 29/11/2023 | 6733/EMD | PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERS CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. | Providing Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Tenipur Zone-I Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block: Karimpur-II Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. | 42.10 |
332 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001892/2023-2024 | 28/11/2023 | 6754/EMD | P.K. ENGINEERING | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. I & II under Chhoto Sehara W/S Scheme | 22.29 |
333 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/002988/2022-2023 | 14/08/2022 | 1230EMD | NEW RANBEE ENGINEERING | Supply delivery of PCC Pole, MS materials and electrical accessories and installation of DTR including strings and sagging of HTOH line to WBSEDCL for new service connection at PH-I under Madhupur W/S scheme under EMSD-III | 4.03 |
334 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000177/2021-2022 | 13/07/2021 | 2521/ EMD | A.S. ENTERPRISE | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Joygopalpur w/s scheme | 1.59 |
335 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000002/2021-2022 | 27/01/2022 | 111/EMD | ALPHA ENTERPRISE | Supply delivery & installation of Sub-miscible P/m and etc at Bhangatushkhali | 9.59 |
336 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/000175/2021-2022 | 13/07/2021 | 2521/EMD | A.S. ENTERPRISE | supply delivery & installation of submersible P/m alongwith allaied electrical and mechanical works voltage stabilizer and automatic chlorinator at P.h no. II under Joygopalpur w/s scheme | 1.42 |
337 | Eastern Mechanical Division | ORD/001904/2023-2024 | 29/11/2023 | 6772/EMD | BOSE & CHATTERJEE INDUSTRIES | Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.III and IV (Zone-I) (Rep) under Kham | 26.47 |
Total | 13,394.92 |