Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
35 90.14 50.46 55.98  
1 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Providing services for operation of 07 (Seven) nos. PHED managed Sub-District laboratories under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. by engaging one Chemist/Bacteriologist and one Laboratory Assistant for each laboratory capable to analyze chemical, bacteriological and physical parameter of water with sophisticated and prescribed electronic equipment including sending data through smart phone, preparation of test result, cleaning of instruments, glassware furniture etc. and other laboratory related works as per guidelines of WSSO, PHE Department for 12 (Twelve) Months. Assistant Engineer ORD/000658/2021-2022 2354/TD 31/03/2022 360 UTSAV AGENCY 24.85 24.18 97.3 0
2 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Engagement of 3 Nos. Laboratory Personnel (One No. Chemist / Bacteriologist, One no. Laboratory Assistant & One no. Sampling Assistant) for regular analysis, testing, and monitoring of water sample and other allied minor mtc. Work of Digha Sub-Divisional Laboratory under Digha Sub-Division of Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. for the period from 01/04/2020 to 31/03/2021 i.e. 12 (twelve) months. ORD/000026/2019-2020 2497/TD 31/03/2020 ARUNALOY SCIENTIFIC HOUSE 4.81 0.56 11.64 0
3 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Operation and Maintenance of laboratory activity for Physical, Chemical and Bacteriological testing of water at Contai Sub Divisional Laboratory of Public Health Engineer Dte. at Contai under Tamluk Division for the period from 01/01/2021 to 30/09/2021.( 9 months) Assistant Engineer ORD/000265/2020-2021 2581/TD 30/12/2020 270 BHARATI CHEMICAL & SCIENTIFIC WORKS 4.54 4.54 100 100
4 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Operation and Maintenance of laboratory activity for Physical, Chemical and Bacteriological testing of water at Contai Sub Divisional Laboratory of Public Health Engineer Dte. at Contai under Tamluk Division for the period from 01/10/2021 to 30/06/2022.( 9 months) Assistant Engineer ORD/000473/2021-2022 806-A/TD 29/09/2021 270 BHARATI CHEMICAL & SCIENTIFIC WORKS 4.36 4.36 100 100
5 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Engagement of 03 nos. Sampling Assistants and 06 nos. Laboratory Attendants for different PHED Managed Water Testing Laboratories under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. For the period 06 (Six) Months from 01.01.2023 to 30.06.2023 Assistant Engineer ORD/000601/2022-2023 2257/TD 30/12/2022 180 UTSAV AGENCY 7.99 6.74 84.36 100
6 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Providing services for operation of 07 (Seven) nos. PHED managed Sub-District laboratories under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. by engaging one Chemist/Bacteriologist and one Laboratory Assistant for each laboratory capable to analyze chemical, bacteriological and physical parameter of water with sophisticated and prescribed electronic equipment including sending data through smart phone, preparation of test result, cleaning of instruments, glassware furniture etc. and other laboratory related works as per guidelines of WSSO, PHE Department for 02 (Two) Months. (From 01.04.2023 to 31.05.2023) Assistant Engineer ORD/000962/2022-2023 3583/TD 30/03/2023 60 UTSAV AGENCY 4.02 3.90 97.01 100
7 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Chemicals and other required items related to smooth functioning of NABL Recognition (16 nos.) Labs under Tamluk Division PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000476/2023-2024 1534/TD 18/07/2023 30 UTSAV AGENCY 6.18 6.18 100 100
8 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00038/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-31 29/04/2023 BHAGWANPURII VIVEKANANDA KALYAN PARISHAD 1.32 0.00 0 0
9 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00040/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-34 29/04/2023 VIVEKANANDA YUBA PARISHADISP 1.32 0.00 0 0
10 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00036/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-32 29/04/2023 LOKAJAGARAN 1.32 0.00 0 0
11 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00037/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-30 29/04/2023 SRIRAMAKRISHNA GUCHHA SAMITY 1.32 0.00 0 0
12 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00039/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-33 29/04/2023 GRAMMANGAL WATER TESTING LAB 1.32 0.00 0 0
13 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00041/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-35 29/04/2023 ABHYUDAYA HALDIA 1.32 0.00 0 0
14 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist and Laboratory Assistant for NGO Managed laboratory for the period from September, 2022 to December, 2022. BILL/00035/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-28 29/04/2023 TAMRALIPTA GUCHHA SAMITY 1.32 0.00 0 0
15 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00263/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-138 19/06/2023 GRAMMANGAL WATER TESTING LAB 1.35 0.00 0 0
16 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00259/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-134 19/06/2023 TAMRALIPTA GUCHHA SAMITY 1.35 0.00 0 0
17 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00260/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-135 19/06/2023 LOKAJAGARAN 1.35 0.00 0 0
18 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00264/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-139 19/06/2023 VIVEKANANDA YUBA PARISHADISP 1.35 0.00 0 0
19 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00265/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-140 19/06/2023 ABHYUDAYA HALDIA 1.35 0.00 0 0
20 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Gram Mangal Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00451/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-259 17/08/2023 GRAMMANGAL WATER TESTING LAB 0.75 0.00 0 0
21 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Sri Ramkrishna Guchha Samity Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00452/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-260 17/08/2023 SRIRAMAKRISHNA GUCHHA SAMITY 0.75 0.00 0 0
22 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Lokajagaran Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00454/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-262 17/08/2023 LOKAJAGARAN 0.75 0.00 0 0
23 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Vivekananda Yuba Parishad Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00455/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-263 17/08/2023 VIVEKANANDA YUBA PARISHADISP 0.75 0.00 0 0
24 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Tamralipta Guchha Samity Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00449/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-257 17/08/2023 TAMRALIPTA GUCHHA SAMITY 0.75 0.00 0 0
25 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Bhagwanpur-II Vivekananda Kalyan Parishad Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00453/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-261 17/08/2023 BHAGWANPURII VIVEKANANDA KALYAN PARISHAD 0.75 0.00 0 0
26 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Bill for contingency expenses of Abhyudaya- Haldia Water testing laboratory for the period of April-2022 to March-2023 BILL/00450/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-258 17/08/2023 ABHYUDAYA HALDIA 0.75 0.00 0 0
27 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00261/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-136 19/06/2023 SRIRAMAKRISHNA GUCHHA SAMITY 1.35 0.00 0 0
28 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from January, 2023 to March, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00262/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-137 19/06/2023 BHAGWANPURII VIVEKANANDA KALYAN PARISHAD 1.35 0.00 0 0
29 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00726/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-409 26/09/2023 LOKAJAGARAN 1.35 0.00 0 0
30 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00728/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-411 26/09/2023 BHAGWANPURII VIVEKANANDA KALYAN PARISHAD 1.35 0.00 0 0
31 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00730/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-413 26/09/2023 GRAMMANGAL WATER TESTING LAB 1.35 0.00 0 0
32 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00725/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-408 26/09/2023 TAMRALIPTA GUCHHA SAMITY 1.35 0.00 0 0
33 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00727/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-410 26/09/2023 ABHYUDAYA HALDIA 1.35 0.00 0 0
34 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00729/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-412 26/09/2023 VIVEKANANDA YUBA PARISHADISP 1.35 0.00 0 0
35 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Operation charges of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance under Jal Jeevan Mission. , SM/11816 Support-WQMSP Honorarium Bill for Chemist, Bacteriologist & Laboratory Assistant under NGO managed laboratory for the period from April, 2023 to June, 2023 under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. BILL/00731/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-414 26/09/2023 SRIRAMAKRISHNA GUCHHA SAMITY 1.35 0.00 0 0
Total 90.14 50.45 55.96