Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
13 385.84 117.93 30.56  
1 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Preparation and submission of Detailed Project Report of "KASTHA MAHAL Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme" in BISHNUPUR-I block under Surface Water Based Water Supply Scheme in the Arsenic affected areas of South 24-Pgns. district. AE SWSD-II ORD/000408/2022-2023 465/SWD-I 24/05/2022 15 GEO SOLUTION 2.51 2.51 100 100
2 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Sinking of Rig bored 250mm x 150mm dia & 300 mtr. deep Tubewell by Rotary method for KASTHAMAHAL Piped Water Supply Scheme in the Arsenic affected areas of South 24-Pgns. Dist. in Bishnupur-I Block Under South 24 Paraganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte. [SM/11733] AE SWSD-II JE4 ORD/000175/2022-2023 1450/SWD-I 26/09/2022 30 SUBHRA ENTERPRISE 14.26 13.26 92.99 100
3 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000111/2022-2023 3249/SWD-I 01/03/2023 Resource Division 36.56 0.00 0 0
4 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Sinking of Rig bored 250mm x 150mm dia. & 300 mtr. deep Tube-well having 66 mtr. housing pipe by Rotary method at Second Tube-well site for KASTHAMAHAL PWSS of BISHNUPUR-I block for Augmentation of Surface Water Based W/S Scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Pgs district under South 24-Parganas W/S Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. [TSM/011792] AE SWSD-II JE4 ORD/000540/2022-2023 3018/SWD-I 20/02/2023 30 TAPAS KUMAR GIRI 15.90 0.00 0 0
5 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS S24 Pgns Mechanical Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Payment of electricity bill for new service connection under SMD, PHE Dte. BILL/01748/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-211 11/08/2023 WBSEDCL 4.78 0.00 0 0
6 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Additional work for sinking of Rig bored 250 mm x 150 mm dia. & 300 mtr. deep Tube well to achieve 66 mtr. housing pipe by Rotary Method for KASTHAMAHAL PWSS of Bishnupur-I Block for Augmentation of Surface Water Based W/S Scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24-Parganas district under South 24-Parganas W/S Division- I, P.H.E. Dte. [TSM/011792] AE SWSD-II JE4 ORD/000524/2022-2023 2920/SWD-I 14/02/2023 15 SUBHRA ENTERPRISE 1.57 1.57 100 100
7 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Construction of (Size 4.80mX3.66m) Pump House with water supply and sanitary arrangement (as per Deptt. drawing) of KASTHAMAHAL Pipe Water Supply Scheme in Bishnupur-I block under South 24-Pgns W/S Divn-I, PHE Dte. (SM/11733) AE SWSD-II JE4 ORD/000432/2022-2023 2576/SWD-I 10/01/2023 60 R.G ENTERPRISE 6.04 5.80 96.03 100
8 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS S24 Pgns Mechanical Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Supply & Delivery of additional materials for PH No.-1 of Kasthamahal Water supply scheme under JJM under South 24 Pgs. Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (Block : Bishnupur-I) [SM/11733] Junior Engineer ORD/001991/2023-2024 1332-AE-II-SMD 07/12/2023 15 KARUNAMOY ENGINEERING 0.26 0.00 0 0
9 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Construction of Boundary wall, Pump House, Development of Land, Laying of Rising Main, Distribution Pipeline and Other Allied works for Kasthamahal PWSS to accomodate FHTC in Bishnupur-I Block, under South 24-Pgns W/S Divn-I, PHE Dte. For Augmentation of surface water based W/S scheme in the arsenic affected areas of South 24-Pgns disct. (SM/11733) AE SWSD-II JE4 ORD/000264/2024-2025 2679/SWD-I 07/06/2024 45 S.R ENTERPRISE (KARUNAMOYEE) 50.56 0.00 0 0
10 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Laying Distribution System with providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) for Ground Water Based KASTHAMAHAL PIPE WATER SUPPLY SCHEME for Augmentation of Surface Water Supply Scheme in the Arsenic affected areas of South 24-Pgs. Dist. in BISHNUPUR-I Block under South 24 Pgs W/S Division -I, P.H.E. Dte., South-24 Pgs. Dist. [No. of FHTC - 985 nos.] AE SWSD-II JE4 ORD/000498/2022-2023 2866/SWD-I 09/02/2023 90 S.R ENTERPRISE (EMAIL- SOMENATH.MAJUMDER9874@GMAIL.COM) 119.60 88.59 74.07 95
11 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS South 24 Pgs W/S Division I Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Construction of Boundary Wall & other allied works at 11 (eleven) nos. Head Work Sites of different PWSS within Bishnupur-I Block, Dist.-South 24-Parganas for Augmentation of Surface Water based Water Supply Scheme in the Arsenic Affected areas of South 24-Parganas District. AE SWSD-II JE2,JE3,JE4 ORD/000210/2023-2024 1376/SWD-I 12/07/2023 150 CONCORD PROJECTS PVT. LTD. 106.79 0.00 0 20
12 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS S24 Pgns Mechanical Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Supply, installation and commissioning of submersible pumping machinery along with allied accessories at P.H. 1&2, of Kasthamahal water supply scheme under South 24 Pgs. Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. [Block: Bishnupur-I] Assistant Engineer -II Junior Engineer ORD/000487/2022-2023 245/SMD 27/01/2023 90 KARUNAMOY ENGINEERING 26.26 5.83 22.2 50
13 SOUTH 24 PARAGANAS S24 Pgns Mechanical Ground water based KASTHAMAHAL piped water supply scheme to accommodate FHTC in BISHNUPUR-I block under South 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte for AUGMENTATION of surface water based W/S scheme in the Arsenic Affected Areas of South 24 Parganas distric , SM/11733 Augmentation Renovation of external illumination arrangement including incorporating LED Glow sign board and other allied works at P.H. No. - 1 under Kasthamahal Water Supply Scheme, under South 24 Pgs Mechanical Division, PHE Dte. (Block: Bishnupur-I)(SM/11733) Assistant Engineer -II Junior Engineer ORD/002509/2023-2024 223-AE-II-SMD 01/03/2024 15 PURUSHOTTAM ENTERPRISE 0.75 0.37 49.33 100
Total 385.84 117.93 30.56