Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
13 958.88 396.66 41.37  
1 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 6 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-H) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Tender No.222/EE/PD of 2022-23) VCH/000466/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-278 22/09/2022 M/S ACHARJEE CONSTRUCTION 12.86 0.00 0 0
2 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 25 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-C) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000537/2022-2023 1048/PD 08/07/2022 45 PRINCE INDUSTRIES ( INDIA) 197.94 0.00 0 0
3 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 3 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-I) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000125/2022-2023 737/PD 02/05/2022 45 NANIGOPAL DEY 23.44 14.55 62.07 0
4 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 1 no AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-L) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000126/2022-2023 738/PD 02/05/2022 45 SUBHAS CHANDRA MAHATO 8.29 7.31 88.18 0
5 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply tap connection arrangement for 25 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-C) of Purulia District under Purulia Division PHE Dte. (Tender No.50/SE/PMU of 2022-23) VCH/001734/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-447 02/12/2022 PRINCE INDUSTRIES ( INDIA) 197.74 0.00 0 0
6 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 6 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-G) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000123/2022-2023 735/PD 02/05/2022 45 KHITISH CHANDRA PATHAK 47.09 44.48 94.46 0
7 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 6 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-H) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000124/2022-2023 736/PD 02/05/2022 45 M/S ACHARJEE CONSTRUCTION 47.43 12.25 25.83 0
8 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Making Xerox copy of original DPR, Drawing, Mouza Map etc. BILL/00248/2023-2024 27/2023-149 30/05/2023 SB CONSTRUCTION 0.37 0.00 0 0
9 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Installation of Big-Dia D.T.H. Tube Well (200mm x 165mm) by Robotic DTH Rigs for drilling upto 1200 ft or small form factor trolly mounted rig with trolly mounted compressor suitable for narrow 68 inch wide roads considering 200mt Depth in diferent AWC of different Blocks (PHASE-2) of the District Purulia under Purulia RWS Sub Division,PHE Dte. under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000970/2022-2023 49/PD 09/01/2023 45 ANUP KUMAR SAHA 96.10 96.08 99.98 100
10 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi car hire bill for office purpose against Reg. No.WB55A/7171 bill paid for the month of May,22 to June,22. BILL/00538/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-335 02/08/2023 NIRUPAMA DEY 0.68 0.00 0 0
11 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 12nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-A) & 6 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-D-I ) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Phase-I) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/001024/2022-2023 147/PD 03/02/2023 45 SANTANU BANERJEE 148.82 118.68 79.75 100
12 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 9 nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-F) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000122/2022-2023 734/PD 02/05/2022 45 BASANTA KUMAR SINGHADEO 70.85 33.08 46.69 55
13 PURULIA Purulia Division Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement to AWC(102 nos) under Raghunathpur-I Block In Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. , SM/10274 Anganwadi Water supply Tap Connection Arrangement for 9nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-E), 2nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-J) & 2nos AWC within Raghunathpur-I Block (Part-K) of Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Phase-III) (SL-10) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/001037/2022-2023 211/PD 13/02/2023 45 PRAVAT SARKAR 107.27 70.23 65.47 100
Total 958.89 396.66 41.37