Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
40 997.89 335.44 33.61  
1 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Preparation of DPR (consultancy work) in connection with Functional household Connection of different existing PWSS Jhalda Aug. W/S Scheme (Rural Part) Block- Jhalda-II) to be Augmentation/ Rejuvenation (Tender No- 540/2021-22 of EE/PD) VCH/001165/2021-2022 BP-2021-22-322 22/03/2022 M/S TECH VISION 4.69 0.00 0 0
2 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-II) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-II-Chatambari Habitation, GP- Begunkodar) (Tender No.947/EE/PD of 2021-22) VCH/000143/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-26 07/04/2022 BHAGABANDAS KUMAR 18.69 0.00 0 0
3 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-II) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-II-Chatambari Habitation, GP- Begunkodar) (Tender No.947/EE/PD of 2021-22) VCH/000143/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-26 07/04/2022 BHAGABANDAS KUMAR 18.69 0.00 0 0
4 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation SUPPLY DELIVERY & INSTT OF 1KG/HR GASEOUS CHLORINATION SYSTEM AT AUGMENTATION OF JHALDA W/S SCHEME UNDER PMD PHE DTE.(TR.NO 343 OF 2021-22) VCH/000084/2022-2023 C042211566405 08/04/2022 ANUP KR. SAHA 12.25 0.00 0 0
5 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Preparation of DPR (consultancy work) in connection with the Functional Household Tap Connection of different existing PWSS (Jhalda Municipality W/S Scheme block-Jhalda-I) to be augmentation/ rejuvenation under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Tender No- 360/2021-22 of EE/PD) VCH/000940/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-105 16/07/2022 ROY CHOWDHURY ASSOCIATES 0.97 0.00 0 0
6 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SWAPNA) at different habitation and extension of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, part- I) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub- Division, PHE Dte. (Part-I Begunkodar Habitation G.P. Begunkodar) (Tender No- 34/2022-23 of SE/PMU/WBPWSP(P) ) VCH/000948/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-112 16/07/2022 M/S S & P CONSTRUCTION 49.46 0.00 0 0
7 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-III) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-III-Jaharhatu,Nischantapur Habitation, GP- Bamnia-Beladh) (Tender No- 149/2022-23 of EE/PD) VCH/001059/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-405 20/10/2022 ZAKIR HOSSIN MONDAL 67.77 0.00 0 0
8 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-I) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-I-Begunkodar Habitation GP- Begunkodar) (Tender No.34/SE/PMU of 2022-23) VCH/001060/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-408 20/10/2022 M/S S & P CONSTRUCTION 35.71 0.00 0 0
9 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Regarding laying of water supply pipe line along road side and road crossing on Begunkodar-Arsha Road in respect of Augumentation of Jhalda (Rural Part) water supply scheme JJM in the District of Purulia. BILL/00063/2022-2023 BP-2022-23-511 22/12/2022 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PURULIA HIGHWAY DIVISION PWD (ROADS) DIRECTORATE 12.93 0.00 0 0
10 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000041/2022-2023 240/PD 20/02/2023 Resource Division 83.68 0.00 0 0
11 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Laying of parallel distribution pipeline for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-I) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-I-Begunkodar Habitation GP- Begunkodar) Assistant Engineer ORD/000868/2022-2023 1810/PD 06/12/2022 274 M/S S & P CONSTRUCTION 28.57 18.65 65.28 80
12 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-III) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-III-Jaharhatu,Nischantapur Habitation, GP- Bamnia-Beladh) Assistant Engineer ORD/000444/2021-2022 408/PD 15/03/2022 60 ZAKIR HOSSIN MONDAL 90.73 19.64 21.65 98
13 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Augementation of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Rural Part) (Zone-II, Part-IV) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (Habitation-Supurdih and Brindabanpur, Gp-Begunkodar) Assistant Engineer ORD/000072/2022-2023 649/PD 22/04/2022 45 BHAGABANDAS KUMAR 21.02 18.85 89.68 100
14 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-II) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-II-Chatambari Habitation, GP- Begunkodar) Assistant Engineer ORD/000345/2021-2022 68/PD 17/01/2022 45 BHAGABANDAS KUMAR 35.23 13.84 39.28 85
15 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Laying of DI distribution pipe line for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) in Mouza-Jaharhatu, Habitation-Gurrabera under command area (Zone-IB) of Augementation of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Rural Part) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte Assistant Engineer ORD/000402/2021-2022 254/PD 10/02/2022 30 KANAILAL PAL 10.08 5.45 54.07 0
16 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Repairing, renovation & restoration of Store room including at Masina Pump House site of Jhalda W/S Scheme Under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, Purulia Division, P.H.E. Dte. Assistant Engineer ORD/000442/2021-2022 92/PSD 14/03/2022 30 CHATTERJEE CONSTRUCTION 3.58 3.33 93.02 95
17 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under command area of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Zone-II, Part-I) of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PART-I-Begunkodar Habitation GP- Begunkodar) Assistant Engineer ORD/000301/2022-2023 827/PD 17/05/2022 45 M/S S & P CONSTRUCTION 153.83 53.13 34.54 85
18 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000009/2023-2024 618/PMD 01/06/2023 Resource Division 1.55 0.00 0 0
19 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Making Xerox copy of original DPR, Drawing, Mouza Map etc. BILL/00248/2023-2024 27/2023-149 30/05/2023 SB CONSTRUCTION 0.37 0.00 0 0
20 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Making Xerox copy of original DPR, Drawing, Mouza Map etc. BILL/00248/2023-2024 27/2023-149 30/05/2023 SB CONSTRUCTION 0.37 0.00 0 0
21 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in Goverment Office,Health Centre, ICDS Centre,SSK,MSK, Primary School ,High school at Jhalda Municipalty Under Jhalda Municipalty Water Supply Scheme of Jhalda-I Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (PHASE-I) Assistant Engineer ORD/000619/2022-2023 516/PSD 12/08/2022 45 SEKH IRFAN 0.92 0.00 0 0
22 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Withdrawing & relaying of AC pipe line from Birsamor to Sramik Kalyan Kendra, Namopara to Kumarkuli Road and installation of sluice valve and Repairing of valve chamber at Jhalda under Jhalda Municipality W/S Scheme of Purulia Sadar Sub-Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-1 ORD/000615/2022-2023 512/PSD 12/08/2022 30 SK MANIR 2.00 1.92 96 0
23 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Laying of distribution pipeline for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SWAPNA) at different habitation under Zone-1A command area of Jhalda W/S Scheme of Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. (Phase-II, Zone-1A, Part-I, GP-Begunkodar, Habitation-Murguma, Narayanpur Alias Lakhipur) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000008/2023-2024 536/PD 12/04/2023 45 BOSE CONSTRUCTION 14.61 11.71 80.15 100
24 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Route Survey & Drawing Preparation for uncovered areas under Jhalda-II Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-1,Junior Engineer-3 ORD/000002/2023-2024 525/PD 10/04/2023 15 TIYAS CONSULTANCY AND INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED 3.21 3.16 98.44 100
25 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Emergent Dismantling of R.C.C. Elevator Reservoir, Capacity 681 Cum (Intze Type), Staging height 20 meter at Jhalda Municipality OHR site including By pass arrangement for direct supply due to Dismantling of Jhalda OHR with allied works of Jhalda W/S Scheme under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-1 ORD/000508/2021-2022 632(1-2)/PD 24/11/2021 60 ANUP KUMAR SAHA 24.06 0.00 0 0
26 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supplying delivery fitting& fixing of 30 nos of Sign board (ACP Sheet)at different solar tubewell site within Jhalda-2 Block in Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-3 ORD/001234/2022-2023 255/PD 31/03/2023 5 R.K ENTERPRISE 0.63 0.44 69.84 70
27 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supplying delivery fitting& fixing of 20 nos of Sign board (ACP Sheet)at different solar tubewell site within Jhalda-2 Block in Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-3 ORD/001235/2022-2023 254/PSD 31/03/2023 5 R.K ENTERPRISE 0.42 0.00 0 0
28 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supplying delivery fitting& fixing of 30 nos of Sign board (ACP Sheet)at different solar tubewell site within Jhalda-1 Block in Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-3 ORD/001230/2022-2023 252/PSD 31/03/2023 5 R.K ENTERPRISE 0.65 0.65 100 100
29 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supply delivery and installation of centrifugal pumping machineries, MCC panel and with necessary substitutes and allied works at the intake of the Jhalda Augmentation w/s project under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000254/2022-2023 44/PMD 19/01/2023 60 ANUP KR. SAHA 43.88 39.81 90.72 70
30 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM and JAL SAPNA) at different habitation and extention of distribution pipe line under Zone-1A command area of Augementation of Jhalda Water Supply Scheme (Rural Part) of Jhada II Block under Purulia Sadar Sub-Division under Purulia Division, PHE Dte (Zone-1A, Part-I, GP-Begunkodar, Habitation-Murguma, Narayanpur Alias Lakhipur) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-3 ORD/000401/2021-2022 253/PD 10/02/2022 60 BOSE CONSTRUCTION 73.43 61.22 83.37 100
31 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000009/2021-2022 1564/PD 16/12/2021 Resource Division 70.09 0.00 0 0
32 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000016/2021-2022 393/PD 11/03/2022 Resource Division 3.18 0.00 0 0
33 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supply delivery installation of 1kg/hr gaseous chlorination system at Augmentation of Jhalda Water Supply scheme Block Jhalda under PMD PHE Dte. District Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000068/2021-2022 113/PMD 28/02/2022 30 ANUP KUMAR SAHA 20.47 8.21 40.11 100
34 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Providing external illumination arrangement at WTP area of Jhalda Aug WTP under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000230/2023-2024 1206/PMD 03/11/2023 60 ANUP KUMAR SAHA 2.74 2.74 100 100
35 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Replacement of essential item on the intake Burge of Jhalda Augmentation W/S Scheme under P.M.D., P.H.E.Dte ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000183/2023-2024 1173/PMD 03/11/2023 60 ANUP KUMAR SAHA 6.21 2.82 45.41 50
36 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation New Connection for Augmentation at Begunkodar O.H.R near H.S School, Po begunkadar Ps Kotshila. BILL/00849/2023-2024 BILL/00849/2023 01/03/2024 WBSEDCL PURULIA 0.41 0.00 0 0
37 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Repairing , renovation & Construction Damaged (portion) of Boundary Wall of Masina Pump House Campus Of Jhalda W/S Scheme Under Purulia Division ,PHE DTE... Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-1 ORD/000163/2023-2024 934/PD 19/07/2023 30 CHATTERJEE CONSTRUCTION 9.37 9.36 99.89 80
38 PURULIA Purulia Division Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supplying delivery fitting& fixing of 20 nos of Sign board (ACP Sheet)at different solar tubewell site within Jhalda-1 Block in Purulia District under Purulia Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer-3 ORD/001232/2022-2023 253/PSD 31/03/2023 5 R.K ENTERPRISE 0.43 0.30 69.77 100
39 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supply, delivery and installation of centrifugal pumping machineries, MCC panel, Flowmeter With necessary substitutes and allied works at WTP area of Jhalda Augmentation w/s project under PMD, PHE Dte. in the District of Purulia ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000270/2022-2023 45/PMD 19/01/2023 60 SUNRISE ENGINEERING CORPORATION 49.44 43.33 87.64 60
40 PURULIA Purulia Mechanical Rejuvenation of Jhalda (Rural Part) Water Supply Scheme to accommodate FHTC , SM/09577 Augmentation Supply delivery installation of 1kg/hr gaseous chlorination system at OHR site for Augmentation of Jhalda Water Supply scheme Block Jhalda under PMD PHE Dte. District Purulia. ASSISTANT ENGINEER JUNIOR ENGINEER ORD/000291/2022-2023 83/PMD 01/02/2023 60 ANUP KR. SAHA 21.57 16.88 78.26 55
Total 997.92 335.44 33.61