No. of unauthorized work order
Exception Report Showing the Status of Major Pending Works for the Divisions

Update Data
Rs. in Lakh
Sl. No. Division
Working Divisions
System Order No
System generated Order No. for the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Order Date
Date of Issuance of the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Memo Number
Memo no. for Work Order Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
Vendor Name
Vendor Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Order Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order
7 173.31
1 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/000461/2022-2023 19/11/2022 6265/EMD CONCORD ENGINEERING Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works for Arsenic Removal Plant at Mrigi Piped Water SupplyScheme, Block: Tehatta-I, Dist. Nadia Under EMD, PHE Dte. NIET No. 21 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No.- 20) 41.28
2 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/000895/2022-2023 20/01/2023 405/EMD S.G. ENTERPRISE Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under BADKULLA (ZONE-I) W/S Scheme, Block- Hanskhali , Dist. - Nad 30.45
3 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/001925/2022-2023 22/03/2023 1197/EMD P.K. ENGINEERING Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under KARIMPUR JALANGI(Z-6) W/S Scheme, Block- Karimpur I, & KAMALPU 48.95
4 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/001921/2022-2023 21/03/2023 1177/EMD PS AND ASSOCIATES Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accommodate FHTC under GEDE W/S Scheme, Block- Krishnaganj , Dist. - Nadia. NIET 13.60
5 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/002287/2022-2023 14/08/2022 6148 /EMD DIPALI CONSTRUCTION Supply, delivery & installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied electro- mechanical works and chlorinator(in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II(Z-I) under Sindrani W/S Scheme District of 24 Pgs. (N) (Block- Ba 15.00
6 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/001903/2023-2024 29/11/2023 6771/EMD H.K. DAS & CO. Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No.II (Replacement) under Raghunathpur W/ 13.00
7 Eastern Mechanical Division ORD/002689/2023-2024 23/02/2024 462/EMD GANAPATI ENTERPRISE Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer and Automatic Chlorinator (in connection with Aug. work related to FHTC) at Pump House No. II under Mahishgadi W/S Scheme, Blo 11.03
Total 173.31