No. of unauthorized work order
Exception Report Showing the Status of Major Pending Works for the Divisions

Update Data
Rs. in Lakh
Sl. No. Division
Working Divisions
System Order No
System generated Order No. for the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Order Date
Date of Issuance of the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Memo Number
Memo no. for Work Order Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
Vendor Name
Vendor Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Order Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order
18 480.02
1 Coochbehar Division ORD/000305/2020-2021 15/09/2020 828/CD MATARA CONSTRUCTION CO. Providing House Connection Of drinking water to the household of command area under SINGIMARI PASCHIMPARA W/S Scheme (Part- B) of Cooch Behar Division P.H.E. Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. 5.07
2 Coochbehar Division ORD/000307/2020-2021 15/09/2020 831/CD ASHIM KUMAR CHAKRABORTY Providing functional house hold tap connection (unmetered) 125 nos. in KHARIMALA KHAGRIBARI (CT) (Part- A) Piped Water Supply Scheme under Cooch Behar Division, P.H.E.Dte. under jaldhara Programme. 5.01
3 Coochbehar Division ORD/000312/2020-2021 15/09/2020 838/CD MATARA CONSTRUCTION CO. Providing functional house hold tap connection (unmetered) 125 nos. un RAJPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme under Cooch Behar Division, P.H.E.Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. 5.02
4 Coochbehar Division ORD/000315/2020-2021 28/09/2020 922/CD TISTA LABOUR CO-OP CONT AND CONST SOCIETY LTD Providing house connection of drinking water to the household of command area under UTTAR FULKADABRI PWSS under Mathbhanga Sub- Division. PHE Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. 5.01
5 Coochbehar Division ORD/000320/2020-2021 25/02/2021 1683/CD NO 1 GURIAHATI CO OP LABOUR CONTRACT AND CONSTRUCT SOCY LTD Providing House Connection of Drinking Water to the Household of command area SOULMARI PWSS under Mathabhnaga Sub-Division PHE. Dte. Jaldhara Programme. 5.01
6 Coochbehar Division ORD/000074/2024-2025 18/06/2024 4002 SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to Baraibari A PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 86.16
7 Coochbehar Division ORD/000077/2024-2025 18/06/2024 4005 SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to FULBARI PART A PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 37.30
8 Coochbehar Division ORD/000079/2024-2025 18/06/2024 4007 SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to Baraibari B PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 55.42
9 Coochbehar Division ORD/000081/2024-2025 18/06/2024 4009 SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to FULBARI PART B PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 0.00
10 Coochbehar Division ORD/000306/2020-2021 28/09/2020 935/CD DAS ENTERPRISE Providing functional house hold tap connection (unmetered) 125 nos. in DAKSHIN BAJEJAMA Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub- Division, P.H.E.Dte. under Jaldhara Programme. 5.01
11 Coochbehar Division ORD/000310/2020-2021 28/09/2020 928/CD NO 1 GURIAHATI CO OP LABOUR CONTRACT AND CONSTRUCT SOCY LTD Providing house connection of drinking water to the household of command area under SOULMARI PWSS under Mathabhanga Sub-Division, PHE Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. 5.01
12 Coochbehar Division ORD/000026/2024-2025 14/06/2024 1134/CD RED STAR UNEMPLOYED CO -OPARATIVE LABOUR CON.CONS. SOCY LTD. Execution of different works related to CHHOTO SAKDAL PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 32.27
13 Coochbehar Division ORD/000062/2024-2025 06/06/2024 3995 HIRAK CONSTRUCTION Laying of Pipe Line between gap of different pin point site & other allied works under DINHATA (p) PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHE Dte. 10.13
14 Coochbehar Division ORD/000193/2024-2025 18/06/2024 5008 A.O BSNL Providing FHTC & other allied works in the command area of KISMAT DASGRAM PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED 0.00
15 Coochbehar Division ORD/000032/2024-2025 14/06/2024 1141/CD PRADIP KUMAR TALUKDAR ADVOCATE Execution of different works related to KHOLTA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION P A 51.38
16 Coochbehar Division ORD/000037/2024-2025 14/06/2024 1145/CD SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to FULBARI PART A PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION 37.30
17 Coochbehar Division ORD/000070/2024-2025 06/06/2024 3998 SHREE RANI SATI ENTERPRISE Execution of different works related to BHERBHERI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION Behar Division, PHED 83.55
18 Coochbehar Division ORD/000073/2024-2025 06/06/2024 4001 M/S T R PARIK Execution of different works related to KHOLTA PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION P A 51.38
Total 480.02