F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
1 3.11 # 3.11 # 3.11
1 Malda Arsenic Area W/S Division 000119BILL/00159/2024-202 BILL/00159/2024-2025 16/07/2024 M/S PARIMAL DAS Construction of 150 Cum Capacity Clear Water Reservoir (CWR) as per Departmental Design & Drawing including pipe connection and cost of pipes, specials and High Lift Pump House for Clear Water Reservoir (CWR) at Head Work Site (Narayanpur) Distribution Z 000119ORD/000383/2022-202 ORD/000383/2022-2023 241/MAAD 09/02/2023 3.11 Construction of 6 (six) nos CWR in connection with providing FHTC under surface water based Malda arsenic Area water supply scheme ( Northern & Southern Sector) (SM/15142) 3.11 1339/MAAD 16/07/2024 FAD/001162/2024 22/07/2024 FAD/001162/2024 3.11
Total 3.11 # 3.11 # 3.11