F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
42 1,093.3 # 1,009.89 # 1,009.89
1 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00617/2024-202 BILL/00617/2024-2025 11/09/2024 SUBHAJIT BISWAS Sinking of Two Nos. Big Dia Tube Well (300 mm X 200 mm) with supply of uPVC pipes & Strainer having depth upto150 Mtr at KAPSIT PWSS of ARAMBAGH Sub-Division under Hooghly Division, PHE Dte. 000075ORD/000501/2023-202 ORD/000501/2023-2024 2861/HUG 20/09/2023 11.07 Source Augmentation of KAPSIT Piped Water Supply Scheme under Arambag Block (SM/15814) 11.07 3192/Hug 11/09/2024 FAD/001871/2024 12/09/2024 FAD/001871/2024 11.07
2 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00644/2024-202 BILL/00644/2024-2025 12/09/2024 M/S ALPHA CONSTRUCTION Construction of 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Construction of Boundary Wall ,Laying rising main pipe for inter connection between Proposed T.W & Distribution of NASIBPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme under CHANDANNAGAR 000075ORD/000745/2023-202 ORD/000745/2023-2024 384/HUG 08/02/2024 13.39 GROUND BASED PWSS FOR NASIBPUR (SM/17627) 13.39 3217/Hug 12/09/2024 FAD/001892/2024 13/09/2024 FAD/001892/2024 13.39
3 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00647/2024-202 BILL/00647/2024-2025 12/09/2024 B.R SUPPLIERS Sinking of Two Nos. Big Dia Tube Well (300 mm X 200 mm) with supply of uPVC pipes & Strainer having depth upto150 Mtr at PRATAPNAGAR PWSS of ARAMBAGH Sub-Division under Hooghly Division, PHE Dte. 000075ORD/000502/2023-202 ORD/000502/2023-2024 2862/HUG 20/09/2023 11.04 Source Augmentation of PRATAPNAGAR Piped Water Supply Scheme under Arambag Block (SM/15807) 11.04 3217/Hug 12/09/2024 FAD/001892/2024 13/09/2024 FAD/001892/2024 11.04
4 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00667/2024-202 BILL/00667/2024-2025 19/09/2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, HOOGHLY HI ROAD RESTORATION PAYMENT TO PWD FOR AKNA PANCHAYET NEAR MERIA MORE 000075 512/H 26/06/2024 45.38 DALIMBA PIPED W/S SCHEME UNDER POLBA DADPUR BLOCK (SM/12247) 45.38 3260/Hug 19/09/2024 FAD/001969/2024 20/09/2024 FAD/001969/2024 45.38
5 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00672/2024-202 BILL/00672/2024-2025 19/09/2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, HOOGHLY HI ROAD RESTORATION PAYMENT TO PWD FOR ARAMBAGH TIROL ROAD 000075 1962/11/26 14/12/2023 12.87 GROUND WATER BASED TIROL (ZONE-II) PIPED W/S SCHEME UNDER ARAMBAGH BLOCK (SM/15886) 12.87 3260/Hug 19/09/2024 FAD/001969/2024 20/09/2024 FAD/001969/2024 12.87
6 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00701/2024-202 BILL/00701/2024-2025 20/09/2024 M/S R.M. CONSTRUCTION SIBRAMBATI ZONE-II Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 150 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at differen 000075ORD/000800/2022-202 ORD/000800/2022-2023 937/HUG 29/03/2023 42.12 Sibrambati (Zone-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block-Singur, District-Hooghly (SM/15888) 42.12 3286/Hug 20/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 23/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 42.12
7 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00705/2024-202 BILL/00705/2024-2025 20/09/2024 M/S R K ENTERPRISE PURBBA KRISHNAPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 200 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different 000075ORD/000177/2023-202 ORD/000177/2023-2024 1682/HUG 08/06/2023 45.98 GROUND WATER BASED PURBBA KRISHNAPUR PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME IN ARAMBAGH BLOCK UNDER HOOGHLY, HOOGHLY DISTRICT (SM/17625) 45.98 3286/Hug 20/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 23/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 45.98
8 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00707/2024-202 BILL/00707/2024-2025 20/09/2024 CONCORD PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMIT KALACHHARA Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC & construction of switch-room & boundary wall at Proposed TW site, under Chandannagar Sub-Division of Hooghly Division P.H.E Dte. Block Singur, District:- Hooghly [NEW 000075ORD/000132/2023-202 ORD/000132/2023-2024 1484/HUG 19/05/2023 58.76 KALACHHARA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/18100) 58.76 3286/Hug 20/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 23/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 58.76
9 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00709/2024-202 BILL/00709/2024-2025 20/09/2024 MAA TARA CONSTRUCTION MAHISHTIKRI ZONE-I Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different TW site under HARIPAL Block, District:- Hooghly [NEW SCHEME] 000075ORD/000195/2023-202 ORD/000195/2023-2024 1786/HUG 16/06/2023 62.06 Mahishtikri (Zone-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block- Haripal, District-Hooghly (SM/16979) 62.06 3286/Hug 20/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 23/09/2024 FAD/001994/2024 62.06
10 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00744/2024-202 BILL/00744/2024-2025 24/09/2024 M/S R.M. CONSTRUCTION PUKHURIA Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 200 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. with Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different TW 000075ORD/000272/2023-202 ORD/000272/2023-2024 2290/HUG 03/08/2023 41.47 GROUND WATER BASED PUKHURIA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME IN GOGHAT-II BLOCK UNDER HOOGHLY, HOOGHLY DISTRICT (SM/17626) 41.47 3325/Hug 24/09/2024 FAD/002055/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002055/2024 41.47
11 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00747/2024-202 BILL/00747/2024-2025 24/09/2024 GARHBETA - I UNEMPLOYED YOUTH Sinking of 3rd tube-well by D.R. Rig method, Construction of 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Construction of Boundary Wall, Laying rising main pipe for inter connection between Proposed T.W & Distribution of GARMANDAR 000075ORD/000760/2023-202 ORD/000760/2023-2024 449/HUG 15/02/2024 12.94 GROUND WATER BASED GARMANDARAN (Z-2) PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME IN GOGHAT-II BLOCK UNDER HOOGHLY, HOOGHLY DISTRICT (SM/15887) 12.94 3325/Hug 24/09/2024 FAD/002055/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002055/2024 12.94
12 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00772/2024-202 BILL/00772/2024-2025 25/09/2024 HOOGHLY ZILLA PARISHAD Bhabapur Mini PWSS 000075 1105/BDO/A 13/03/2024 97.11 Bhabapur mini pipe water supply scheme (SM/13673) 29.7 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 29.7
13 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00778/2024-202 BILL/00778/2024-2025 25/09/2024 ENVIROTECH SOLUTIONS Preparation of DPR for different works for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) of Sinhal Pathan Piped Water Supply Scheme under Singur Block, Hooghly District under Chandannagar Sub-Division, PHE Dte. (PART-A). 000075ORD/000010/2024-202 ORD/000010/2024-2025 428/Chan 09/04/2024 0.92 SINHAL PATAN PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/18103) 0.92 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 0.92
14 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00779/2024-202 BILL/00779/2024-2025 25/09/2024 ENVIROTECH SOLUTIONS Preparation of DPR for different works for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) of Sinhal Pathan Piped Water Supply Scheme under Singur Block, Hooghly District under Chandannagar Sub-Division, PHE Dte. (PART-C). 000075ORD/000012/2024-202 ORD/000012/2024-2025 430/chan 09/04/2024 0.78 SINHAL PATAN PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/18103) 0.78 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 0.78
15 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00780/2024-202 BILL/00780/2024-2025 25/09/2024 ENVIROTECH SOLUTIONS Preparation of DPR for different works for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) of Sinhal Pathan Piped Water Supply Scheme under Singur Block, Hooghly District under Chandannagar Sub-Division, PHE Dte. (PART-B). 000075ORD/000011/2024-202 ORD/000011/2024-2025 429/chan 09/04/2024 0.84 SINHAL PATAN PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (SM/18103) 0.84 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 0.84
16 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00804/2024-202 BILL/00804/2024-2025 25/09/2024 MAA JAGADHATRI CONSTRUCTION Additional Laying of HDPE pipeline and interconnection work in distibution system of Digsui Heora Zone-I and Zone-II Water Supply Scheme for providing left over FHTC under Chinsurah Sub- Division, Under Hooghly Division, PHE Dte. 000075ORD/000790/2023-202 ORD/000790/2023-2024 535/HUG 20/02/2024 16.19 SOURCE AUGMENTATION OF DIGSUI HEORA PIPED W/S SCHEME UNDER CHINSURAH MAGRA BLOCK (SM/13410) 16.19 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 16.19
17 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00805/2024-202 BILL/00805/2024-2025 25/09/2024 MAA JAGADHATRI CONSTRUCTION Construction of Boundary Wall ,Laying of C.I/D.I pipes & specials for connection of Proposed T.W with distribution system , FHTC of DIGSUI HOERA W/S Scheme under Chinsurah Sub - Division P.H.E. Dte. 000075ORD/000085/2023-202 ORD/000085/2023-2024 1339/HUG 11/05/2023 10.05 SOURCE AUGMENTATION OF DIGSUI HEORA PIPED W/S SCHEME UNDER CHINSURAH MAGRA BLOCK (SM/13410) 10.05 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 10.05
19 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00814/2024-202 BILL/00814/2024-2025 25/09/2024 M/S BIMAL DAS AND CO. Restoration & repairing of village road damaged due to laying of pipeline of piped water supply schemes under JJM in RAJHAT GP of POLBA-DADPUR Block. 000075ORD/000913/2023-202 ORD/000913/2023-2024 246/CH 12/03/2024 4.79 SOURCE AUGMENTATION OF RAJHAT (Z-I & II) PIPED W/S SCHEME UNDER POLBA DADPUR BLOCK (SM/13677) 4.79 3347/Hug 25/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002086/2024 4.79
20 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00818/2024-202 BILL/00818/2024-2025 26/09/2024 GHOSH CONSTRUCTION Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) under JJM within left out Mouzas / Habitations of different PWSS under PANDUA Block of CHINSURAH Sub-Division of Hooghly Division P.H.E Dte. 000075ORD/000346/2023-202 ORD/000346/2023-2024 2429/HUG 11/08/2023 4.35 SOURCE AUGMENTATION OF SRIPUR (PANDUA) PIPED W/S SCHEME UNDER PANDUA BLOCK (SM/13411) 4.35 3361/Hug 26/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 27/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 4.35
21 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00846/2024-202 BILL/00846/2024-2025 26/09/2024 TAPAS ADHYA Sinking of tube-well, Rising Main, construction of switch-room & boundary wall at Rajhat Uttar Proposed TW site, under Chinsurah Sub-Division of Hooghly Division P.H.E Dte. Block Polba-Dadpur, District:- Hooghly 000075ORD/000748/2023-202 ORD/000748/2023-2024 381/HUG 08/02/2024 6.36 RAJHAT PIPED W/S SCHEME (FOR UNCOVERED AREA) UNDER POLBA DADPUR BLOCK (SM/18095) 6.36 3361/Hug 26/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 27/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 6.36
22 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00847/2024-202 BILL/00847/2024-2025 26/09/2024 M/S RAJKUMAR KHAN SAHAPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 200 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different TW site u 000075ORD/000741/2022-202 ORD/000741/2022-2023 617/HUG 03/03/2023 35.46 Sahapur Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block- Pursura, District-Hooghly (SM/13501) 21 3361/Hug 26/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 27/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 21
23 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00848/2024-202 BILL/00848/2024-2025 26/09/2024 TAPAS ADHYA RAJHAT Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC & construction of switch-room & boundary wall at Proposed TW site, under Chinsurah Sub-Division of Hooghly Division P.H.E Dte. Block Polba-Dadpur, District:- Hooghly [NEW S 000075ORD/000240/2023-202 ORD/000240/2023-2024 2078/HUG 18/07/2023 33.92 RAJHAT PIPED W/S SCHEME (FOR UNCOVERED AREA) UNDER POLBA DADPUR BLOCK (SM/18095) 33.92 3361/Hug 26/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 27/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 33.92
24 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00849/2024-202 BILL/00849/2024-2025 26/09/2024 GHOSH BROTHERS AUGMENTATION of GHOSHPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme with Extension of LDS, Rising Main, FHTC & construction of switch-room & boundary wall at Proposed TW site under Arambagh Sub-Division Of Hooghly Division P.H.E Dte. Block-KHANAKUL-I, District:- Hooghly. 000075ORD/000324/2023-202 ORD/000324/2023-2024 2414/HUG 11/08/2023 25.43 Augmentation of Ghoshpur Piped Water Supply Scheme under Khanakul-I Block (SM/15787) 25.43 3361/Hug 26/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 27/09/2024 FAD/002119/2024 25.43
26 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00874/2024-202 BILL/00874/2024-2025 27/09/2024 BAPPADITYA BANERJEE GOBINDANAGAR (ZONE-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 250 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. with Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at 000075ORD/000052/2023-202 ORD/000052/2023-2024 1520/HUG 23/05/2023 39.06 Gobindanagar (Zone-II) Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block- Goghat-I, District- Hooghly (SM/14982) 39.06 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 39.06
27 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00876/2024-202 BILL/00876/2024-2025 27/09/2024 CITYCON UNEMPLOYED ENGINEERS C Construction of 2 Nos. 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Additional Plinth Height, with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Laying of C.I/D.I pipes & specials for connection of Proposed 2 nos. T.W with distribution system, For Development of BORHAL (ZONE- 000075ORD/000111/2023-202 ORD/000111/2023-2024 1440/HUG 18/05/2023 8.93 Development of Borhal (Zone-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme by Installing Two (2) Nos. Tube Well including Connection with Distribution, Switch Room & other allied work to meet up the additional water demand induced after execution of FHTC under Serampore Se (SM/16449) 8.93 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 8.93
28 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00877/2024-202 BILL/00877/2024-2025 27/09/2024 M/S SHIVAM UDYOG JAGANNATHBATI Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tubewell, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 100 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. with Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different 000075ORD/000012/2023-202 ORD/000012/2023-2024 1042/Hug 10/04/2023 53.44 JAGANNATHBATI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME BLOCK: CHANDITALA-II, DISTRICT: HOOGHLY (SM/17176) 53.44 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 53.44
29 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00881/2024-202 BILL/00881/2024-2025 27/09/2024 SAMIRON GHOSH BALARAMBATI Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 450 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different TW s 000075ORD/000284/2023-202 ORD/000284/2023-2024 2334/HUG 07/08/2023 146.77 GROUND WATER BASED BALARAMBATI PIPED W/S SCHEME (SM/18657) 146.77 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 146.77
30 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00885/2024-202 BILL/00885/2024-2025 27/09/2024 KARALI MOHAN KHAMRUI Construction of 2 Nos. 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Additional Plinth Height, with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Laying of C.I/D.I pipes & specials for connection of Proposed 2 nos. T.W with distribution system, For Source Augmentation of SABAL 000075ORD/000114/2023-202 ORD/000114/2023-2024 1443/HUG 18/05/2023 13.28 Source Augmentation of SABALSINGHAPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme under Khanakul-II Block (SM/16121) 13.28 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 13.28
31 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00886/2024-202 BILL/00886/2024-2025 27/09/2024 BANSBERIA CONSTRUCTION CO. NILARPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 150 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. with Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at different TW 000075ORD/000230/2023-202 ORD/000230/2023-2024 2063/HUG 17/07/2023 56.7 Nilarpur Piped Water Supply Scheme, Block-Jangipara, District-Hooghly (SM/18105) 56.7 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 56.7
32 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00902/2024-202 BILL/00902/2024-2025 27/09/2024 HOOGHLY ZILLA PARISHAD Implementation of single village Basantapur mini pipe water supply scheme 000075 1105/BDO/A 13/03/2024 33.31 Basantapur Mini Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/13560) 31.77 3380/Hug 27/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002152/2024 31.77
33 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00918/2024-202 BILL/00918/2024-2025 28/09/2024 SUNITI MAIRA Laying of pipe line and other necessary maintanance work for improvement of water supply in distribution system at Patna Bhairabpur W/S Scheme under Chinsurah Sub - Division P.H.E. Dte. 000075ORD/000733/2023-202 ORD/000733/2023-2024 25/CH 05/01/2024 4.54 SOURCE AUGMENTATION OF PATNA BHAIRAVPUR W/S SCHEME UNDER POLBA DADPUR BLOCK (SM/15900) 4.54 3385/Hug 28/09/2024 FAD/002188/2024 01/10/2024 FAD/002188/2024 4.54
34 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00919/2024-202 BILL/00919/2024-2025 28/09/2024 SRI KRISHNA ENTERPRISE Construction of 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Boundary Wall in Proposed T.W Site, Laying rising main pipe for inter connection between T.W & Distribution For Source Augmentation of Santoshpur Piped Water Supply Sche 000075ORD/000078/2023-202 ORD/000078/2023-2024 1312/HUG 10/05/2023 3.57 Source Augmentation of Santoshpur Piped Water Supply scheme, Block- Tarakeswar, District-Hooghly (SM/15793) 3.57 3385/Hug 28/09/2024 FAD/002188/2024 01/10/2024 FAD/002188/2024 3.57
35 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00932/2024-202 BILL/00932/2024-2025 28/09/2024 ANALYTICA FOODTECH SERVICES PV BAINCHIPOTA (ZONE-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC, Construction of 250 cum capacity RCC OHR with 20.0 mtr. Staging height including soil investigation & construction of switch-rooms & boundary walls at differ 000075ORD/000011/2023-202 ORD/000011/2023-2024 1041/Hug 10/04/2023 57.37 GROUND WATER BASED BAINCHIPOTA(ZONE-I) PWSS (SM/17289) 57.37 3385/Hug 28/09/2024 FAD/002188/2024 01/10/2024 FAD/002188/2024 57.37
36 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00940/2024-202 BILL/00940/2024-2025 30/09/2024 MA KANKALI ENTERPRISE BALIDAHA Piped Water Supply Scheme with Sinking of tube-well, LDS, Rising Main, FHTC & construction of switch-room & boundary wall at Proposed TW site, under CHINSURAH Sub-Division of Hooghly Division P.H.E Dte. Block DHANIAKHALI, District:- Hooghly [NEW 000075ORD/000096/2023-202 ORD/000096/2023-2024 1363/HUG 12/05/2023 7.62 BALIDAHA PWSS PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME UNDER DHANIAKHALI BLOCK. (SM/18101) 7.62 3401/Hug 30/09/2024 FAD/002216/2024 03/10/2024 FAD/002216/2024 7.62
37 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00941/2024-202 BILL/00941/2024-2025 30/09/2024 AYUSH ENTERPRISE Construction of 2 Nos. 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Additional Plinth Height, with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement,Laying of C.I/D.I pipes & specials for connection of Proposed 2 nos.T.W with distribution system, FHTC of SHIBRAI W/S Scheme unde 000075ORD/000158/2023-202 ORD/000158/2023-2024 1601/HUG 01/06/2023 9.09 SOURCE AUGMENTATION OF GROUND WATER BASED PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR SHIBRAI W/S SCHEME UNDER PANDUA BLOCK (SM/15801) 9.09 3401/Hug 30/09/2024 FAD/002216/2024 03/10/2024 FAD/002216/2024 9.09
38 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00943/2024-202 BILL/00943/2024-2025 01/10/2024 MUNSHI TAJUDDIN Construction of 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Boundary Wall in Proposed T.W Site, Laying rising main pipe for inter connection between T.W & Distribution For Source Augmentation of SHYAMBALLAVPUR Piped Water Supply 000075ORD/000077/2023-202 ORD/000077/2023-2024 1311/HUG 10/05/2023 6.43 Source Augmentation of SHYAMBALLAVPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme Under Goghat-I Block (SM/15810) 6.43 3420/Hug 01/10/2024 FAD/002216/2024 03/10/2024 FAD/002216/2024 6.43
39 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00951/2024-202 BILL/00951/2024-2025 02/10/2024 S.K ENTERPRISE Sinking of 3rd tube-well by D.R. Rig method, Construction of 5.4 m X 3.6 m Switch Room with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Construction of Boundary Wall, Laying rising main pipe for inter connection between Proposed T.W & Distribution of BALARAMBA 000075ORD/000529/2023-202 ORD/000529/2023-2024 3008/HUG 05/10/2023 30.39 GROUND WATER BASED BALARAMBATI PIPED W/S SCHEME (SM/18657) 30.39 3429/Hug 03/10/2024 FAD/002259/2024 04/10/2024 FAD/002259/2024 30.39
40 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00952/2024-202 BILL/00952/2024-2025 02/10/2024 S.S. CONSULTANCY AND CONSTRUCT Construction of 2 Nos. 3.6 m X 3.0 m Switch Room with Additional Plinth Height, with Sanitary and Water Supply arrangement, Laying of C.I/D.I pipes & specials for connection of Proposed 2 nos. T.W with distribution system, For Source Augmentation of JAGAT 000075ORD/000115/2023-202 ORD/000115/2023-2024 1444/HUG 18/05/2023 12.34 Source Augmentation of JAGATPUR Piped Water Supply Scheme under Khanakul-II Block (SM/16122) 12.34 3429/Hug 03/10/2024 FAD/002259/2024 04/10/2024 FAD/002259/2024 12.34
41 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/00953/2024-202 BILL/00953/2024-2025 03/10/2024 LIMRA SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIETY Organize one day Sub Division level orientation programme on JJM at involving PRI Functionaries and VWSC members at Hooghly district and Conceptualization, design , implementing mass awareness generation through Wall Painting and miking by dissemination o 000075ORD/000531/2023-202 ORD/000531/2023-2024 3053/HUG 11/10/2023 6.96 IEC/Awareness generation Activities through Wall painting and Miking in the village having house connection through PWS in collaboration with panchayat and Rural Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal under Jal Jeevan Mission Support Activities (SM/13541) 6.96 3449/Hug 03/10/2024 FAD/002259/2024 04/10/2024 FAD/002259/2024 6.96
42 Hooghly Division 000075BILL/01073/2024-202 BILL/01073/2024-2025 19/12/2024 PRADIP KUMAR ADHYA Deployment of laboratory personnel i.e. one no. Chemist one no, Bacteriologist & one no. Lab-Assistant cum Data Entry Operator & One no. Sampling Assistant of District Laboratory under Hooghly Division PHE Dte For a Period of 01/12/2023 to 31/10/2024 (1 000075ORD/001478/2023-202 ORD/001478/2023-2024 3532/A/HUG 01/12/2023 9.2 Operational charges for 09 (Nine) nos. NABL Accridited/Recognised PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories under Hooghly Division, PHE Dte (SM/19085) 9.2 4095/Hug 19/12/2024 FAD/002783/2024 09/01/2025 FAD/002783/2024 9.2
Total 1,093.3 # 1,009.89 # 1,009.89