F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
4 140.58 # 133.39 # 133.39
1 Murshidabad Division 000011BILL/01517/2024-202 BILL/01517/2024-2025 06/11/2024 APEX ENGINEERING Preparation of D.P.R Consultancy work Augmentation/Augmentation with Retrofitting in connection with the Functional House Hold TapConnection of 04(Four) nos existing commisioned PWSS Jalangi & Raninagar-I & II Block of ISLAMPUR SUB-DIVISION under Mursh 000011ORD/000347/2022-202 ORD/000347/2022-2023 1926/MURD 19/07/2022 9.29 AUGMENTATION OF BARA BIL RAGHUNATHPUR (ZONE-II) PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME. (SM/18663) 2.1 2945/MURD 06/11/2024 FAD/002701/2024 11/12/2024 FAD/002701/2024 2.1
2 Murshidabad Division 000011BILL/01808/2024-202 BILL/01808/2024-2025 15/01/2025 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, PWD, BERHA Surfacing with 20 mm th P.C. and S.C. and restoration for damage by PHE pipeline with GSB, WBM II and allied works of Kalitala Jajan extension upto Ruhaghat Road from 0.00 km to 10.00 km under Berhmapore Division No - I, PWD during the year 2024-25 000011 Memo No. 1 24/12/2024 81.83 BINDARPUR AND ADJOINING MOUJAS Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/16274) 81.83 137/MURD 15/01/2025 FAD/002844/2024 20/01/2025 FAD/002844/2024 81.83
3 Murshidabad Division 000011BILL/01809/2024-202 BILL/01809/2024-2025 16/01/2025 BHARATI CHEMICAL & SCIENTIFIC Supply, installation, Commissioning followed by at least five days necessary training of Optical true double beam atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) with vapour generation assembly for water testing laboratory at Arsenic affected areas of West Beng 000011 GEMC-51168 12/11/2023 49.06 Up-gradation of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance activity under Jal Jeevan Mission (SM/11926) 49.06 147/MURD 16/01/2025 FAD/002844/2024 20/01/2025 FAD/002844/2024 49.06
4 Murshidabad Division 000011BILL/01810/2024-202 BILL/01810/2024-2025 16/01/2025 H.MONDAL CONSTRUCTION Continuation Work Order for the work of Hiring of Maxi cab (Non- Air Condition, Bharat Stage III on or after 01/05/2008 with Diesel / LPG/CNG Engine) in perfect good running condition of performing a very long journey and should be covered without any tro 000011ORD/000161/2024-202 ORD/000161/2024-2025 136/KSD 19/09/2024 0.4 Retrofitting of Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) unde Jal Swapna (JJM) of mouza Pashupatibati & Bolpara ( 315948 & 315952 ) of Panchhipara under Ground Water Based Water Supply Scheme for arsenic affected areas of Burwan Block of Murshidabad Dis (SM/07925) 0.4 147/MURD 16/01/2025 FAD/002844/2024 20/01/2025 FAD/002844/2024 0.4
Total 140.58 # 133.39 # 133.39