F4- Undisbursed Fund

Rs. in Lakh
SL No Division Unique Bill No System Bill No Bill Date Agency Work Name Unique Order No System Order No Order Memo No Order Date Bill Amount Scheme Requisition Amount Requisition Memo No Requisition Memo Date System Allotment No Allotment Date Allotment Number Allotment Amount
51 1,041.11 # 1,041.11 # 1,041.11
1 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00157/2022-202 BILL/00157/2022-2023 16/12/2022 LAB. SOLUTION Providing service by assigning Resource Person for a period of 3 months supervision of process of preparation for NABL recognition for Chemical Testing of potable water of Sub-District level Water Quality Testing Laboratory including supply, installation 000009ORD/001060/2021-202 ORD/001060/2021-2022 675/BST 24/12/2021 1.18 Up-gradation of PHED & NGO Managed Laboratories under Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Programme for 2018-19 (SM/06349) 1.18 3174/BD 21/12/2022 FAD/001952/2022 27/12/2022 2457/DPHE-12/14 1.18
2 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00325/2022-202 BILL/00325/2022-2023 09/01/2023 TRISHA ENTERPRISE & CO. Acceptance cum work order for Laying of 90 mm dia. UPVC pipe line from Boltala Kalupara More to near KatakhaliMadrasa within Hingalganj W/S Scheme (Z-I), Hingalganj block under Hasnasbad Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. 000009ORD/000917/2022-202 ORD/000917/2022-2023 937/HSD 07/07/2022 3.19 Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jivan Mission (JJM and Jal Swapna) under command area of Hingalganj Piped Water Supply Scheme (Zone -I), Hingalganj Block (SM/09224) 3.19 71/BD 10/01/2023 FAD/002155/2022 13/01/2023 2689/DPHE-12/14 3.19
3 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00335/2022-202 BILL/00335/2022-2023 10/01/2023 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT CENTER HONORARIUM FOR LABORATORY PERSONNEL 000009 PHE/1901/0 12/08/2015 0.39 Yearly operational charges of PHE Dte and NGO managed Laboratories related to WQMSP in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission under Barasat Division PHE Dte. (SM/11625) 0.39 81/BD 10/01/2023 FAD/002155/2022 13/01/2023 2689/DPHE-12/14 0.39
4 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00395/2024-202 BILL/00395/2024-2025 11/07/2024 RADIANT Enhancement of GST for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JJM and Jal Swapna Programme within command area of Jhupkhali WS Scheme 000009 974-1049/W 16/06/2023 6.69 Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan mission (JJM and Jal Swapna) under command area of Jhupkhali W/S Scheme, Sandeshkhali-II Block, Dist. - North 24 Parganas under Barasat Division, PHE. Dte. (Phase I). (SM/10505) 6.69 2111/BD 29/07/2024 FAD/001333/2024 02/08/2024 FAD/001333/2024 6.69
5 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00441/2024-202 BILL/00441/2024-2025 31/07/2024 B.S.ENTERPRISE. (BASIRHAT) Acceptance cum work order for Repairing and renovation works of 200 cum. capacity 20mtr. Staging height R.C.C. Over Head water Reservoir for Augmentation of Matiagachha Water Supply Scheme, Habra-II Block within the jurisdiction of Bongaon Sub-Division un 000009ORD/000010/2024-202 ORD/000010/2024-2025 1535/BD 07/06/2024 13.11 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Matiagachha to accommodate FHTC (SM/11667) 13.11 2152/BD 31/07/2024 FAD/001307/2024 02/08/2024 FAD/001307/2024 13.11
6 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00443/2024-202 BILL/00443/2024-2025 31/07/2024 GHOSH CONSTRUCTION Acceptance cum work order for Improvement of Iron Elimination Plant and other related allied works and Repairing & renovation of Compressor Room for Iron Elimination Plant under Augmentation of Ramnagar Water Supply Scheme, Gaighata Block within the juris 000009ORD/001786/2023-202 ORD/001786/2023-2024 630/BD 28/02/2024 5.96 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Ramnagar to accommodate FHTC (SM/11603) 5.96 2152/BD 31/07/2024 FAD/001307/2024 02/08/2024 FAD/001307/2024 5.96
7 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00482/2024-202 BILL/00482/2024-2025 02/08/2024 SARKAR ENTERPRISE & CO. Acceptance cum work order for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) for left out house holds under the command area of Fakirtakia water supply scheme in order to provide Har Ghar Jal Certification, Sandeshkhali-I Block under Hasnabad Sub-D 000009ORD/001722/2023-202 ORD/001722/2023-2024 372/BD 06/02/2024 36.71 Augmentation of Ground water based piped water supply scheme for Fakirtakia to accommodate FHTC (SM/10392) 36.71 2180/BD 02/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 07/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 36.71
8 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00484/2024-202 BILL/00484/2024-2025 02/08/2024 DIAMOND ENGINEER'S CO-OP. SOCI Formal work order for Laying of UPVC distribution pipeline and Providing FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection) for Augmentation of Dakshin Chatra Zone-II Water Supply Scheme in Swarupnagar Block of North 24 Parganas District under Barasat Division, P 000009ORD/001186/2022-202 ORD/001186/2022-2023 1041/BD 31/03/2023 63.64 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Dakshin Chatra Zone II to accommodate FHTC (SM/11658) 63.64 2180/BD 02/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 07/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 63.64
9 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00485/2024-202 BILL/00485/2024-2025 02/08/2024 M/S MALLICK ENTERPRISE Formal work order for Laying of DI/UPVC distribution pipe line and providing Functional Household Tap Connection for Augmentation of Gobindapur Dhokra water supply scheme in Basirhat-II Block under Barasat Division, P.H.E Dte. 000009ORD/001009/2022-202 ORD/001009/2022-2023 172/BD 19/01/2023 16.13 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Gobindapur Dhokra to accommodate FHTC (SM/11532) 16.13 2180/BD 02/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 07/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 16.13
10 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00487/2024-202 BILL/00487/2024-2025 02/08/2024 B.M.ENGINEERING. & CONSTRUCTIO Acceptance cum work order for Sinking of 1(one) no. 300mm x 200 mm. dia. Replacement of Tube well 250 mtr deep by D.R. method with UPVC pipe & UPVC ribbed strainer for Augmentation of Ghatpatila (Zone-II) water supply scheme at 2nd T/W Site under Bongaon 000009ORD/000767/2023-202 ORD/000767/2023-2024 2688/BD 04/09/2023 13.46 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Ghatpatila Zone-II to Accommodate FHTC (SM/11666) 13.46 2180/BD 02/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 07/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 13.46
11 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00491/2024-202 BILL/00491/2024-2025 02/08/2024 PIONEER ELECTRICALS Providing power distribution arrangement with allied works at P.H.No- I ,Zone-I of Dakshin Chatra Ground water based W/S Scheme under EMD ,PHE Dte.in 24Pgs(N). 000009ORD/001801/2023-202 ORD/001801/2023-2024 6459/EMD 02/11/2023 9.99 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Dakshin Chatra Zone-I to accommodate FHTC (SM/12568) 9.99 2184/BD 02/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 07/08/2024 FAD/001356/2024 9.99
12 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00493/2022-202 BILL/00493/2022-2023 17/02/2023 PURBA SERVICES Supply, erection of Sign Board at 10 (Ten) Nos. NABL Recognized Sub District Water Testing Laboratory under Barasat Division, P.H.Engg. Dte. 000009ORD/000986/2022-202 ORD/000986/2022-2023 879/BST 27/12/2022 0.84 Yearly operational charges of PHE Dte and NGO managed Laboratories related to WQMSP in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission under Barasat Division PHE Dte. (SM/11625) 0.84 501/BD 17/02/2023 FAD/002495/2022 22/02/2023 3110/DPHE-12/14 0.84
13 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00498/2024-202 BILL/00498/2024-2025 06/08/2024 S.S.ENTERPRISE. (BAMANGACHI) Formal work order for Construction of 350 cum capacity 20 mtr staging height R.C.C Over Head water Reservoir as per Departmental design, drawing and specification including bored pile & pile cap for Augmentation of Malancha water supply scheme (Z-I), Mi 000009ORD/001099/2023-202 ORD/001099/2023-2024 2886/BD 20/09/2023 41.45 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Malancha Zone-I to accommodate FHTC. (SM/11596) 41.45 2211/BD 06/08/2024 FAD/001383/2024 08/08/2024 FAD/001383/2024 41.45
14 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00501/2024-202 BILL/00501/2024-2025 06/08/2024 JESMINE ENTERPRISE. Acceptance cum work order for Construction of approach road with cement concrete at Pump house No-1 within Khulna Bhanderkhali w/s scheme (Z-I), Sandeshkhali-II block under Hasnabad Sub-Division P.H.E. Dte 000009ORD/000274/2023-202 ORD/000274/2023-2024 801/HSD 13/07/2023 0.51 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Khulna Bhanderkhali Zone-I to accommodate FHTC. (SM/12735) 0.51 2211/BD 06/08/2024 FAD/001383/2024 08/08/2024 FAD/001383/2024 0.51
15 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00506/2024-202 BILL/00506/2024-2025 06/08/2024 SARKAR ENTERPRISE Acceptance cum work order for Emergency repairing of existing FHTC along with pipe line in connection with retrofitting work at different places of Nalkora mouza within Kanmari w/s scheme (Z-I), Sandeshkhali-I block under Hasnasbad Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte 000009ORD/001815/2023-202 ORD/001815/2023-2024 232/HSD 29/02/2024 0.93 Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection under command area of Kanmari (Zone-II) W/S Scheme, Sandeshkhali-I Block, Dist. - North 24 Parganas under Barasat Division, PHE. Dte. (Phase I). (SM/10557) 0.93 2211/BD 06/08/2024 FAD/001383/2024 08/08/2024 FAD/001383/2024 0.93
16 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00525/2024-202 BILL/00525/2024-2025 09/08/2024 SAMBHU RAY CHOWDHURY. Construction of 3.60 mtr. X 3.00mtr. size Switch room with sanitary and water supply arrangement incl. plinth protection at 2nd Tube Well site at Sindrani w/s scheme (Zone-II), Bagdah block within the jurisdiction of Bongaon Sub-Division, under Barasat Di 000009ORD/002299/2023-202 ORD/002299/2023-2024 209/Bon 27/02/2024 4.4 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Sindrani (Zone-II) to accommodate FHTC, Block - Bagdah (SM/10786) 4.4 2249/BD 09/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 13/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 4.4
17 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00528/2024-202 BILL/00528/2024-2025 09/08/2024 R.K.MANDAL & CO. Acceptance cum work order for Improvement of existing IEP & other related allied works and including adding 1 no. Polishing unit and Repairing and renovation of Compressor Room for Iron Elimination Plant under Augmentation of Matiagachha Water Supply Sche 000009ORD/001783/2023-202 ORD/001783/2023-2024 627/BD 28/02/2024 23.03 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Matiagachha PWSS to Accommodate FHTC. (SM/13446) 23.03 2249/BD 09/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 13/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 23.03
18 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00534/2024-202 BILL/00534/2024-2025 09/08/2024 M/S MITRA CONSTRUCTION. Acceptance cum work order for Laying of different dia UPVC Pipe line for widening of RIDF road within Sukhdoani W/S Scheme, Sandeshkhali-II block under Hasnasbad Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. 000009ORD/001824/2023-202 ORD/001824/2023-2024 672/BD 01/03/2024 27.23 Sukhdoani Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/06351) 27.23 2249/BD 09/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 13/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 27.23
19 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00537/2024-202 BILL/00537/2024-2025 09/08/2024 J.D.J.ENTERPRISE. (TRADERS PVT Formal work order for Laying of DI/UPVC distribution pipe line and Providing FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection ) for augmentation of Magurali water supply scheme in Baduria block under Barasat Division, PHE Dte. 000009ORD/000744/2022-202 ORD/000744/2022-2023 3342/BD 16/11/2022 3.84 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Magurali and its adjoining mouzas to accommodate FHTC (SM/11655) 3.84 2249/BD 09/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 13/08/2024 FAD/001438/2024 3.84
20 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00545/2024-202 BILL/00545/2024-2025 12/08/2024 DEBAPRASAD MONDAL. Formal work order for construction of 350 cum capacity 20 mtr. staging height R.C.C. Over Head water Reservoir as per Departmental design, drawing and specification including bored pile & pile cap for Augmentaion of Baunia Abad water supply scheme, Sandes 000009ORD/000141/2023-202 ORD/000141/2023-2024 1724/BD 08/06/2023 52.39 Augmentation of Ground water based piped water supply scheme for Bounia Abad to accommodate FHTC Block Sandeshkhali-I. (SM/10374) 52.39 2289/BD 13/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 52.39
21 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00546/2024-202 BILL/00546/2024-2025 12/08/2024 S.S.ENTERPRISE. (BAMANGACHI) Formal work order for Construction of 400cum capacity 20mtr staging height R.C.C Over Head Reservoir as per Departmental design, drawing and specification including bored pile & pile cap for Augmentation of Kumarjole water supply Scheme, Minakhan Block un 000009ORD/000755/2023-202 ORD/000755/2023-2024 2612/BD 29/08/2023 34.89 Augmentation of Ground water based piped water supply scheme for Kumarjole (SM/10302) 34.89 2289/BD 13/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 34.89
22 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00550/2024-202 BILL/00550/2024-2025 13/08/2024 ACME CONSTRUCTION Acceptance cum work order for Sinking of 1 (one) no. 300 mm. x 200 mm. big dia. 185 mtr deep Tube well by D.R. Rig method having 300 mm dia 42.0 mtr. long PVC housing pipe & 200 mm dia 30.0 mtr. long filter for Augmentation Berachampa Zone-III Water Suppl 000009ORD/001926/2023-202 ORD/001926/2023-2024 803/BD 12/03/2024 12.38 Augmentation of Berachampa Zone-3 Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/13894) 12.38 2289/BD 13/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 12.38
23 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00554/2024-202 BILL/00554/2024-2025 13/08/2024 M/S K.P.PAL. Acceptance cum work order for Sinking of 2 nos. 300 mm. x 200 mm. dia. 360 mtr deep Tubewell by D.R. Rig method at PH No.-1 & 2 with PVC pipe & strainer having 300mm dia 48 mtr. long housing pipe & 200mm dia 30 mtr. long filter for Augmentation of Chan 000009ORD/001664/2023-202 ORD/001664/2023-2024 294/BD 30/01/2024 23.03 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Chandpur to accommodate FHTC. (SM/13313) 23.03 2289/BD 13/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 23.03
24 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00555/2024-202 BILL/00555/2024-2025 13/08/2024 ALOK ENTERPRSE. (A UNIT OF SAK Formal work order for Laying of DI/UPVC distribution pipe line and Providing FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection ) for augmentation of Dhanyakuria water supply scheme in Basirhat-II block under Barasat Division, PHE Dte. 000009ORD/000745/2022-202 ORD/000745/2022-2023 3343/BD 16/11/2022 129.59 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Dhanyakuria to accommodate FHTC (SM/12274) 129.59 2289/BD 13/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 129.59
25 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00556/2024-202 BILL/00556/2024-2025 13/08/2024 ACME CONSTRUCTION Acceptance cum work order for Sinking of 1 (one) no. 300 mm. x 200 mm. big dia. 185 mtr deep Tubewell by D.R. Rig method having 300 mm dia 42.0 mtr. long PVC housing pipe & 200 mm dia 30.0 mtr. long filter for Augmentation Berachampa Zone-V Water Supply 000009ORD/001927/2023-202 ORD/001927/2023-2024 804/BD 12/03/2024 12.47 Augmentation of Berachampa Zone-5 Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/13892) 12.47 2289/BD 13/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001490/2024 12.47
26 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00558/2024-202 BILL/00558/2024-2025 14/08/2024 SRI KRISHNA CO-OP-LABOUR CONTR Acceptance cum work order for Sinking of 3 nos. 300 mm. x 200 mm. dia. 360 mtr deep Tubewell by D.R. Rig method at PH No.-3, 4 & 5 with PVC pipe & strainer having 300mm dia 48 mtr. long housing pipe & 200mm dia 30 mtr. long filter for Augmentation of S 000009ORD/001932/2023-202 ORD/001932/2023-2024 915/BD 15/03/2024 71.18 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Sahebkhali to accommodate FHTC (SM/12278) 71.18 2326/BD 16/08/2024 FAD/001528/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001528/2024 71.18
27 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00559/2024-202 BILL/00559/2024-2025 16/08/2024 M/S PROGATI ENTERPRISE. Acceptance cum work order for Emergency repairing of existing FHTC along with pipe line in connection with retrofitting work at different places of Nazat mouza within Kanmari w/s scheme (Z-II), Sandeshkhali-I block under Hasnasbad Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. 000009ORD/001818/2023-202 ORD/001818/2023-2024 234/HSD 29/02/2024 0.95 Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection under command area of Kanmari (Zone-II) W/S Scheme, Sandeshkhali-I Block, Dist. - North 24 Parganas under Barasat Division, PHE. Dte. (Phase I). (SM/10557) 0.95 2326/BD 16/08/2024 FAD/001528/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001528/2024 0.95
28 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00573/2024-202 BILL/00573/2024-2025 16/08/2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER BARASAT HIG Road Restoration work 000009 1182 13/03/2024 15.1 Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Hasnabad (SM/06472) 15.1 2340/BD 16/08/2024 FAD/001528/2024 20/08/2024 FAD/001528/2024 15.1
29 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00576/2024-202 BILL/00576/2024-2025 20/08/2024 MAHAVIR PUMPS MANUFACTURING PV Formal work order for Laying of DI/UPVC distribution pipe line and Providing Functional House Hold Tap Connection (FHTC) for Augmentation of Chandpara Water Supply Scheme under Bongaon Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 000009ORD/000831/2022-202 ORD/000831/2022-2023 3629/BD 12/12/2022 21.6 Augmentation of Ground water based piped water supply scheme for Chandpara to accommodate FHTC (SM/10587) 21.6 2355/BD 20/08/2024 FAD/001543/2024 21/08/2024 FAD/001543/2024 21.6
30 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00598/2024-202 BILL/00598/2024-2025 22/08/2024 MONDAL & CO. (BASIRHAT). Formal work order for Construction of switch room cum chlorine room with sanitary & water supply arrangement including plinth protection at PH No.-1 (Size-5.40x3.60 mtr.) & PH No-2 & 3 (Size-3.60x3.00 mtr.), Laying of DI rising main, DI/UPVC distribution 000009ORD/000766/2023-202 ORD/000766/2023-2024 2581/BD 25/08/2023 37.07 Uchildaha Piped water supply scheme (SM/13815) 37.07 2415/BD 23/08/2024 FAD/001609/2024 27/08/2024 FAD/001609/2024 37.07
31 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00726/2024-202 BILL/00726/2024-2025 03/09/2024 M/S GHOSH CONSTRUCTION. Acceptance cum work order for Construction of RCC culvert, cut-off wall, approach road and other allied works at Over Head Reservoir site (HW site) for Kusangra w/s scheme, Minakhan block under Hasnabad Sub-Division P.H.E. Dte. 000009ORD/001811/2023-202 ORD/001811/2023-2024 676/BD 01/03/2024 7.78 Kusangra Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/15832) 7.78 2527/BD 03/09/2024 FAD/001723/2024 04/09/2024 FAD/001723/2024 7.78
32 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00747/2024-202 BILL/00747/2024-2025 04/09/2024 DEBASISH SARKAR. Construction of Service Road (10 Mtr. Length & 2 Mtr. Width) for Pump House No:1 of Bergum Piped Water Supply Scheme in connection with Augmentation work under JJM project within the jurisdiction of Habra Sub-Division under Barasat Division, PHE Dte. 000009ORD/001885/2023-202 ORD/001885/2023-2024 132/HAB 05/02/2024 0.74 Augmentation of Ground water based piped water supply scheme for Bergum to accommodate FHTC (SM/10514) 0.74 2551/BD 04/09/2024 FAD/001746/2024 05/09/2024 FAD/001746/2024 0.74
33 Barasat Division 000009BILL/00901/2024-202 BILL/00901/2024-2025 18/09/2024 IONET Procurement of computers and peripherals for the office use in the Barasat Division and Sub-sequent sub division offices under Barasat Division P.H.E.Dte 000009 GEMC-51168 26/07/2024 0.87 Procurement of computer and peripherals for the office use in Barasat Division and subsequent Sub-Division offices under Barasat Division, P.H.E.Dte. (SM/13735) 0.87 2685/BD 18/09/2024 FAD/001935/2024 19/09/2024 FAD/001935/2024 0.87
34 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01045/2024-202 BILL/01045/2024-2025 23/09/2024 ACME CONSTRUCTION Acceptance cum work order for Sinking of 2 nos. 300 mm. x 200 mm. dia. 360 mtr deep Tubewell by D.R. Rig method at Pump House No.- 2 & 3(at defunct T/W site) with PVC pipe & strainer having 300mm dia 36 mtr. long housing pipe & 200mm dia 30 mtr. long f 000009ORD/000527/2022-202 ORD/000527/2022-2023 2242/BD 22/08/2022 16.89 Augmentation of Hingalganj Piped water supply scheme Zone-I (SM/14512) 16.89 2758/BD 23/09/2024 FAD/002014/2024 24/09/2024 FAD/002014/2024 16.89
35 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01130/2024-202 BILL/01130/2024-2025 25/09/2024 M/S RAJPATH CONSTRUCTION. Acceptance cum work order for 2 nos. pump connection at PH No.-5 & 6 in connection with Augmentation for Hingalganj w/s (Z-II) scheme, Hingalganj block under Hasnabad Sub-Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000009ORD/001845/2023-202 ORD/001845/2023-2024 271/HSD 06/03/2024 0.96 Augmentation of Hingalganj Piped water supply scheme Zone-II (SM/14513) 0.96 2788/BD 25/09/2024 FAD/002078/2024 26/09/2024 FAD/002078/2024 0.96
36 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01186/2024-202 BILL/01186/2024-2025 27/09/2024 MONDAL & CO. (BASIRHAT). Formal work order for Construction of 500 cum capacity 20 mtr staging height R.C.C Over Head Reservoir as per Deptt. design, drawing & specification including bored pile with pile cap in connection with Augmentation of Chandpur water supply scheme (Zone-I 000009ORD/001096/2023-202 ORD/001096/2023-2024 2866/BD 20/09/2023 96.86 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Chandpur to accommodate FHTC. (SM/13313) 96.86 2831/BD 27/09/2024 FAD/002142/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002142/2024 96.86
37 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01193/2024-202 BILL/01193/2024-2025 27/09/2024 SELIM GAZI. Repair of OHR & Pump House and emergency repairing of pipeline in Gobindapur Dhokra W/S Scheme Under Basirhat Sub-Division P.H.E. Dte.Under Barasat Division, P.H.E.Dte. 000009ORD/000447/2024-202 ORD/000447/2024-2025 1170/BHTSD 30/07/2024 0.94 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Gobindapur Dhokra to accommodate FHTC (SM/11532) 0.94 2831/BD 27/09/2024 FAD/002142/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002142/2024 0.94
38 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01232/2024-202 BILL/01232/2024-2025 27/09/2024 MONDAL & CO. (BASIRHAT). Formal work order for Additional Laying of DI/UPVC distribution pipe line and Providing Functional Household Tap Connection for the left out portion in connection with Augmentation of Baruhat Patlikhanpur water supply scheme (Z-I), Hasnabad Block of Has 000009ORD/000097/2024-202 ORD/000097/2024-2025 1735/BD 27/06/2024 69.79 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Barunhat Patlikhanpur to accommodate FHTC. (SM/11987) 69.79 2838/BD 27/09/2024 FAD/002142/2024 30/09/2024 FAD/002142/2024 69.79
39 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01270/2024-202 BILL/01270/2024-2025 01/10/2024 SHYAM SUNDAR DAS. Acceptance cum work order for Dismantling & Re-construction of boundary wall for movement of rig & other machineries for sinking of big dia TW at PH no-1 in connection with Augmentation of Barunhat Patlikhanpur w/s scheme (Z-I), Hasnabad block under Has 000009ORD/001859/2023-202 ORD/001859/2023-2024 38/HSD 09/01/2024 0.88 Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Barunhat Patlikhanpur to accommodate FHTC. (SM/11987) 0.88 2887/BD 01/10/2024 FAD/002204/2024 03/10/2024 FAD/002204/2024 0.88
40 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01273/2024-202 BILL/01273/2024-2025 01/10/2024 POWER TOOLS & ENGINEERING Formal work order for Laying of DI rising main, DI/UPVC distribution pipe line, Providing Functional Household Tap Connection, Protection works for different dia. UPVC/DI distribution pipeline by UC bullah/Bamboo pile at different places, Construction of 000009ORD/000140/2023-202 ORD/000140/2023-2024 1714/BD 08/06/2023 55.19 Hatbhanga Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/13525) 55.19 2887/BD 01/10/2024 FAD/002204/2024 03/10/2024 FAD/002204/2024 55.19
41 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01305/2024-202 BILL/01305/2024-2025 03/10/2024 IMAGIN Arrangement of Block Level Orientation Programe involving stakeholders of PRI bodies including refreshments, training materials and related activities for 1 no Blocks (Rajarhat) in North 24 Parganas under Barasat Division, P.H.E. Dte. 000009ORD/000248/2024-202 ORD/000248/2024-2025 173/BSD 10/06/2024 0.49 Improvement of Humaipur Piped Water Supply Scheme (SM/05811) 0.49 2941/BD 03/10/2024 FAD/002247/2024 04/10/2024 FAD/002247/2024 0.49
42 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01316/2024-202 BILL/01316/2024-2025 03/10/2024 DEBAPRASAD MONDAL. Hiring 1(one) no Diesel Luxary car on daily basis (From 01.03.2024 to 31.08.2024) for office use of the Assistant Engineer, R.W.S Barasat Sub-Division, PHE Dte. 000009ORD/001899/2023-202 ORD/001899/2023-2024 316/BST 15/03/2024 0.25 Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Hasnabad (SM/06472) 0.25 3024/BD 22/10/2024 FAD/002350/2024 25/10/2024 FAD/002350/2024 0.25
43 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01327/2024-202 BILL/01327/2024-2025 03/10/2024 JAL PRAVAHIKA PVT. LTD. Formal work order for Laying of DI/UPVC distribution pipe line and providing Functional Household Tap Connection for Augmentation of Aturia Zone-II water supply scheme in Baduria Block under Barasat Division, P.H.E Dte. 000009ORD/000032/2023-202 ORD/000032/2023-2024 1305/BD 26/04/2023 38.18 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Aturia to accommodate FHTC (SM/13040) 38.18 1971/BD 04/10/2024 FAD/002286/2024 05/10/2024 FAD/002286/2024 38.18
44 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01434/2024-202 BILL/01434/2024-2025 29/11/2024 DEB KUMAR DAS. Hiring Diesel Luxury Car on daily basis for the supervision of work and office uses under Basirhat Sub-Division P.H.E. Dte. (Period: 01.07.2024 to 31.12.2024), Sl.No. - 02 000009ORD/000159/2024-202 ORD/000159/2024-2025 1018/BHTSD 28/06/2024 0.2 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Gokna to accommodate FHTC (SM/13405) 0.2 3607/BD 19/12/2024 FAD/002775/2024 09/01/2025 FAD/002775/2024 0.2
45 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01435/2024-202 BILL/01435/2024-2025 29/11/2024 DEB KUMAR DAS. Hiring Diesel Luxury Car on daily basis for the supervision of work and office uses under Basirhat Sub-Division P.H.E. Dte. (Period: 01.07.2024 to 31.12.2024), Sl.No. - 02 000009ORD/000159/2024-202 ORD/000159/2024-2025 1018/BHTSD 28/06/2024 0.22 Augmentation of ground water based piped water supply scheme for Gokna to accommodate FHTC (SM/13405) 0.22 3607/BD 19/12/2024 FAD/002775/2024 09/01/2025 FAD/002775/2024 0.22
46 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01517/2024-202 BILL/01517/2024-2025 19/12/2024 M/S LAXMI ENTERPRISE Supervision and extend support to NABL recognized Basirhat Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory by assigning team of competent resource personnel who will be engaged for complete supervision for retaining NABL recognition and completion of preparatory up 000009ORD/001271/2023-202 ORD/001271/2023-2024 820/BST 12/09/2023 0.9 Procurement of services & consumables for continuance of NABL Accreditation and Recognition of District and Sub District Drinking Water Testing Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Programme under jal Jeevan Mission (SM/13633) 0.9 3607/BD 19/12/2024 FAD/002775/2024 09/01/2025 FAD/002775/2024 0.9
47 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01521/2024-202 BILL/01521/2024-2025 19/12/2024 M/S LAXMI ENTERPRISE Supervision and extend support to NABL recognized Gokna Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory by assigning team of competent resource personnel who will be engaged for complete supervision for retaining NABL recognition and completion of preparatory up to 000009ORD/001270/2023-202 ORD/001270/2023-2024 819/BST 12/09/2023 0.9 Procurement of services & consumables for continuance of NABL Accreditation and Recognition of District and Sub District Drinking Water Testing Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Programme under jal Jeevan Mission (SM/13633) 0.9 3607/BD 19/12/2024 FAD/002775/2024 09/01/2025 FAD/002775/2024 0.9
48 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01522/2024-202 BILL/01522/2024-2025 19/12/2024 M/S LAXMI ENTERPRISE Supervision and extend support to NABL recognized Haroa Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory by assigning team of competent resource personnel who will be engaged for complete supervision for retaining NABL recognition and completion of preparatory up to 000009ORD/001269/2023-202 ORD/001269/2023-2024 817/BST 12/09/2023 0.9 Procurement of services & consumables for continuance of NABL Accreditation and Recognition of District and Sub District Drinking Water Testing Laboratories related to Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance Programme under jal Jeevan Mission (SM/13633) 0.9 3607/BD 19/12/2024 FAD/002775/2024 09/01/2025 FAD/002775/2024 0.9
49 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01623/2024-202 BILL/01623/2024-2025 20/01/2025 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, P.W.D., BA Restoration charges for road damages for cutting between Ghoshpara Jaguli Road. 000009 1470/P-21 19/11/2023 63.83 Augmentation of Mathurabil Zone-III in Barrackpore-I Block of North 24 Parganas District under Barasat Division, P.H.E.Dte. (SM/19110) 63.83 220/BD 20/01/2025 FAD/002881/2024 28/01/2025 FAD/002881/2024 63.83
50 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01626/2024-202 BILL/01626/2024-2025 20/01/2025 WEST BENGAL COMPREHENSIVE AREA Recurring expenditure of the Water Testing Laboratory managed by NGO'S under North 24 Parganas District. 000009 27552-2758 14/12/2022 0.51 Yearly Operational Charges of PHED and NGO managed Laboratories for 2024 related to WQMSP in connection with JJM under Barasat Division, P.H.E.Dte. (SM/19259) 0.51 229/BD 20/01/2025 FAD/002881/2024 28/01/2025 FAD/002881/2024 0.51
51 Barasat Division 000009BILL/01627/2024-202 BILL/01627/2024-2025 20/01/2025 BITHARI DISHA. Recurring expenditure of the Water Testing Laboratory managed by NGO'S under North 24 Parganas District. 000009 27552-2758 14/12/2022 0.5 Yearly Operational Charges of PHED and NGO managed Laboratories for 2024 related to WQMSP in connection with JJM under Barasat Division, P.H.E.Dte. (SM/19259) 0.5 229/BD 20/01/2025 FAD/002881/2024 28/01/2025 FAD/002881/2024 0.5
Total 1,041.11 # 1,041.11 # 1,041.11