Sl. No. | Division
Working Divisions
System Order No
System generated Order No. for the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Order Date
Date of Issuance of the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Memo Number
Memo no. for Work Order Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
Vendor Name
Vendor Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Order Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order
18 | 1,124.61 | ||||||
1 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000368/2021-2022 | 16/08/2021 | 1461/BD-I | SANJAY BISWAS | Laying of different dia UPVC Pipeline for uncovered Habitation and damage portion at Brahamottar- Manikchak Ground Water based Water Supply Scheme under Berhampore Division-I ,P.H.E Dte. (Phase-I) | 19.96 |
2 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000369/2021-2022 | 10/08/2021 | 1429/BD-I | M/S. UNIQUE BUILDERS | Laying of different dia UPVC Pipeline for uncovered Habitation and damage portion at Dakshin Gopalpur Ground Water based Water Supply Scheme under Berhampore Division-I ,P.H.E Dte. (Phase-I) | 19.94 |
3 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000578/2021-2022 | 07/10/2021 | 1847/BD-I | M/S RUBIET HOSSAIN | Additional and balance work of HDPE pipe for house service connection and relaying of damage and Laying of extension different dia UPVC pipeline in connection to Jal Jeevan Mission & Jal Swapna from Choa Thana more towards Sahebnagar & Tangramari Village | 44.49 |
4 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000468/2021-2022 | 07/10/2021 | 1870/BD-I | M/S ADHIKARI CONSTRUCTION | Providing Retrofitting Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under command area of village of Math Binkar (Village code 315366) under Bairgachi (Zone- C) Surface water based Water Supply Schem | 6.47 |
5 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000747/2021-2022 | 10/12/2021 | 2207/BD-I | SRIJON ENTERPRISE | Providing Retrofitting Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under command area of village of Sahebnagar (village code 314609) under KAZIPARA (Part-A) Ground water based Water Supply Scheme for | 61.97 |
6 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000724/2021-2022 | 30/11/2021 | 2134/BD-I | HARUN ALL RASHID & BROTHERS | Water Supply arrangement for arsenic affected habitation with SOLAR Power connection by Construction /installation of CPP unit including Tubewell with Submersible pump ( for Population 351 - 500 & Raw Water As concentration upto 0.15 ppm ) at "Jagannathpu | 9.56 |
7 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000104/2022-2023 | 04/01/2023 | 1413/BD-I | MONDAL ENTERPRISE VILL-KALIKAHARA, P.O.-FARIDPUR | Repair and renovation of existing Pump House (Head work/2nd site) and Allied Works for Diar Shyampur Zone-I ground Water Supply Scheme" under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. (Block-Bhagwangola-I) | 2.36 |
8 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000184/2022-2023 | 23/12/2022 | 1388/BD-I | TARUN KUMAR BHATTACHARYA | Continuation work order for Hiring of one no. Car No. W.B-51B/6299 Bolero Diesel car for official use of Assistant Engineer, Raghunathganj Sub Division, PHE Dte. period for 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023. | 1.81 |
9 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000082/2023-2024 | 22/12/2023 | 1258/BD-I | SATELLITE CONSTRUCTION | KALIAGACHI PWSS to accommodate construction of Pump House Cum Chlorine Room, boundary wall and service road, under Jal Jeevan Mission of Lalgola Block, Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE.Dte. | 39.24 |
10 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000281/2023-2024 | 30/10/2023 | 998/BD-I | M/S SAJAL KUMAR NATH AND CO. | Repair And Renovation Works Of OHR (204 Cum) of Ground Water Based Supply Scheme for Sitesnagar of Lalgola block under Berhampore Division-I PHE Dte. in the district Murshidabad. For Augmentation of PWSS under Jal jeevan Mission. | 7.99 |
11 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000282/2023-2024 | 18/10/2023 | 979/BD-I | M/S. SUKUMAR SINHA | Formal Work Order for Retrofitting Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) laying pipeline in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under command area of village of Mahespur, Ratnagopbati, Sujapur, Radhaballabhpur, Banamalipur, Harinarayanp | 402.21 |
12 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000249/2023-2024 | 24/11/2023 | 1092/BD-I | PARUL ELECTRICAL INSTALLER | Repair And Renovation Works Of OHR (45 Cum) of Ground Water Based Supply Scheme for Sarkarpara of Jalangi block under Berhampore Division-I PHEDte. in the district Murshidabad. Augmentation of PWSS under Jal jeevan Mission. | 5.41 |
13 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000269/2023-2024 | 18/10/2023 | 974/BD-I | GIRIDHARI SAHA | BHAGWANGOLA PWSS to accommodate FHTC, Laying Distribution System, Laying Rising main , OHR (Capacity 450 cum) under Jal Jivan Mission of BHAGWANGOLA -I Block, Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE.Dte. (PART - A) | 359.56 |
14 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000291/2023-2024 | 03/11/2023 | 1038/BD-I | BHOLE BABA CONSTRUCTION CO. | Repair And Renovation Works Of OHR (250 Cum) of Ground Water Based Supply Scheme for Lochanpur Zone-II of Raninagar-I block under Berhampore Division-I PHEDte. in the district Murshidabad. Augmentation of PWSS under Jal jeevan Mission. | 8.02 |
15 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000290/2023-2024 | 03/11/2023 | 1037/BD-I | PRANAB KUMAR SAHA | Repair And Renovation Works Of OHR (100 Cum) of Ground Water Based Supply Scheme for UdaynagarDiar of Jalangi block under Berhampore Division-I PHEDte. in the district Murshidabad. Augmentation of PWSS under Jal jeevan Mission. | 6.34 |
16 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000314/2023-2024 | 04/12/2023 | 1148/BD-I | NADIA TUBEWELLS | Sinking of 300mm x 200 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at Hurshi Zone-II Water Supply Scheme in connection with Augmentation work under Berhampore Division - I, P.H.E | 23.12 |
17 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000343/2023-2024 | 22/12/2023 | 1257/BD-I | M/S HUMAYUN BISWAS | GAYESPUR PWSS to accommodate construction of Pump House Cum Chlorine Room, boundary wall and service road, under Jal Jeevan Mission of Lalgola Block, Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE.Dte. | 39.06 |
18 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000342/2023-2024 | 22/12/2023 | 1256/BD-I | SATELLITE CONSTRUCTION | PAIKPARA PWSS to accommodate construction of Pump House Cum Chlorine Room, boundary wall and service road, under Jal Jeevan Mission of Lalgola Block, Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE.Dte. | 67.11 |
Total | 1,124.61 |