Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
167 10,579.48 4,511.07 42.64  
1 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Submission of Quarterly regular return for non-salary 26Q3 & 26Q4 Regular Return for Salary 24Q3 & 24Q4 for the F.Y 2021-2022 and creation of Form 16 Part A & B 26Q2 for the F.Y 202021-22 Revised return for non salary return for the quarter 26Q3 & 26Q4 for the financial 2021-22 includes GST return for the month of April 2021 to March 2022 and April 2022 to May 2022 VCH/000366/2022-2023 383/22-23 17/08/2022 SHRESTHA & ASSOCIATES 0.58 0.00 0 0
2 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Repairing and renovation of Rupnarayanpur OHR of Capacity 1135 cum staging height 20 mtr under RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000163/2021-2022 1588/RCD-I 07/09/2021 30 BKB INFRA PROJECTS PVT LTD 37.48 37.45 99.92 0
3 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Hire charges bill for vehicle no WB 37 D 0482 for the month of March 2022 VCH/000121/2022-2023 518/22-23 29/09/2022 SHYAMAL MAJI 0.19 0.00 0 0
4 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Supply of Computer and accessories for Office use under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. District - Paschim Bardhaman (Sl No. 01) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000207/2022-2023 1908/RCD-I 12/08/2022 7 SHARMA ENGINEERING WORKS 1.30 1.30 100 0
5 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000015/2022-2023 2626/RCD-I 17/11/2022 Resource Division 27.66 0.00 0 0
6 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000028/2022-2023 19/RCD-I 05/01/2023 Resource Division 121.92 0.00 0 0
7 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000030/2022-2023 54/RCD-I 11/01/2023 Resource Division 180.92 0.00 0 0
8 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Engagement of 01 (One) person under control of 02 (Two) nos Assistant Engineers of RCFA Division-I for day to day report and return of FHTC as per scheme wise, Panchayet wise and updation of JJM and verification of FHTC connection of School Aganawadi and Heath Centre and monitoring of report return of training of Asha Karmi under Health Department as per direction of EIC. under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (w.e.f. 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022) (Sl no 03) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000453/2021-2022 2456/RCD I 31/12/2021 365 MUKHERJEE TRADERS 1.73 0.87 50.29 0
9 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Payment for sample PT test bill no 376/21-22 dt. 25.06.2021 VCH/000011/2022-2023 545/22-23 01/11/2022 GREEN ECONOMY INITIATIVES PRIVATE LIMITED 0.01 0.00 0 0
10 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Supply and delivery of CI sluice valve and C.I/D.I specials under improvement of RCFA part-I piped water supply scheme under RCFA div-I, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000701/2022-2023 613/RCD I 23/02/2023 10 MAKALI ENGINEERING CORPORATION 28.49 28.49 100 0
11 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for dedicated bypass line from Prantapally Durga Mandir to Kalyan Gram under Jitpur Uttarrampur GP under Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000584/2022-2023 3292/RCD I 20/12/2022 15 ASHA CONSTRUCTION 11.77 11.48 97.54 0
12 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional extra cutting Laterate/sandstone of distribution of pipe line at Improvement of RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme within command area of Zone-VIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000686/2022-2023 374/RCD I 30/01/2023 15 SWATI CORPORATION 3.75 3.69 98.4 0
13 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional extra cutting Laterate/sandstone of distribution of pipe line at Improvement of RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme within command area of Zone-VIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000687/2022-2023 375/RCD I 30/01/2023 15 SWATI CORPORATION 3.12 3.07 98.4 0
14 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Additional extra cutting laterate/sandstone of distribution network for improvement of Part-I W/S Scheme within command area of Zone VII under RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte(Part-E) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000747/2022-2023 695/RCD I 02/03/2023 7 TARA CONSTRUCTION 0.83 0.79 95.18 0
15 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Urgent basis repairing work of Churulia OHR of capacity 100000 gallons and 20 mtr staging height under Churulia Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000293/2021-2022 2025/RCD-I 24/11/2021 30 ASHA CONSTRUCTION 15.47 15.33 99.1 0
16 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for the additional work for the laying of different dia (315 mm , 280 mm, 225 mm ) dia HDPE pipe instead of different dia (300 mm , 250 mm, 200 mm) dia DJ pipe of distribution network for improvement RCA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone VI under RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte (Part-A) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000832/2022-2023 1051/RCD I 23/03/2023 30 DIP CONSTRUCTION 98.08 89.82 91.58 0
17 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Supplying aligning and laying of HDPE Pipe line for restoration of pipe line towards MSPL at Kalyaneswari Dendua Road and supplying CI/DI specials in connection to aligning of rising main Part-A for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000762/2022-2023 389/RCD I 30/01/2023 10 MD AAMIR KHAN 21.01 20.70 98.52 0
18 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for additional dedicated line to Sen Raleigh (Block-B) under Panchgachiya Distribution zone including laying of UPVC pipe line and allied works under Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000833/2022-2023 1054/RCD I 23/03/2023 15 RUBY CONSTRUCTION 11.13 11.11 99.82 0
19 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Restoration amount for unauthorised execavation and damaged at Ethora Nuni Road [Road connecting FR 10 and FR 19 (FR 13) under Asansol highwa BILL/00039/2022-2023 Asn-Highway-PWD 11/01/2023 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, ASANSOL HIGHWAY DIVISION, PW (ROADS) DIRECTT. 10.45 0.00 0 0
20 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000002/2023-2024 1637/RCD-I 27/04/2023 Resource Division 127.23 0.00 0 0
21 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Hiring of maxi cab (Non-airconditioned)Bharat stage-II/BS-II purchased on or after 01.05.2008 with diesel/LPG/CNG engine for the office use of the Assistant Engineer, RCFA Div-I, PHE dte, Govt of West Bengal (w.e.f 01.09.2021 to 31.08.2022) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000194/2021-2022 1541/RCD I 31/08/2021 365 KHEPI MAA TRADERS 1.73 1.14 65.9 0
22 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Continuation work order for Hiring of SUV (A.C) (Non-Air conditioned) Bharat Stage-VI/BS-VI purchased on or after 01.01.2022 with Diesel/LPG/CNG Engine, for the office Use of the Executive Engineer, RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (w.e.f. 01.12.2022 to 31.05.2023) Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000955/2022-2023 3057/RCD-I 30/11/2022 180 PRASENJIT DEY 0.90 0.00 0 0
23 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation June 2022 to Novemeber & December 2022 to Feburary 2023 BILL/00030/2023-2024 19/23-24 18/04/2023 PRASENJIT DEY 3.60 0.00 0 0
24 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Payment for furniture VCH/000668/2022-2023 433/22-23 21/09/2022 VYAS & CO. 2.35 0.00 0 0
25 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation DEPOSITION OF WAY LEAVE FEE (ER-ASN-2023-WL-17) BILL/00017/2023-2024 41/23-24 10/05/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 5.37 0.00 0 0
26 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Deposition of way leave fee for pipeline crossing of Railway track in between Jamuria (JMA) and Barabani stan (BBI) km post 25/02-25/03 of Asansol Division BILL/00058/2023-2024 65/23-24 25/05/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 4.63 0.00 0 0
27 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Deposition of way leave fee for pipeline crossing of Railway track in between Salanpur (SLS) and Rupnarayanpur (RNPR) km post 23/15-17 to 231/16-18 of Asansol Division, Eastern Railway BILL/00059/2023-2024 64/23-24 25/05/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 5.12 0.00 0 0
28 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Deposition of way leave fee for pipeline crossing of Railway track in between Jamuria (JMA) and barabani (BBI) station of Asansol Division, Eastern Railway BILL/00011/2023-2024 30/23-24 03/05/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 0.53 0.00 0 0
29 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Hiring of SUV (A.C) (Non-Air conditioned) Bharat Stage-VI/BS-VI purchased on or after 01.01.2022 with Diesel/LPG/CNG Engine. For the office Use of the Executive Engineer, RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte Govt. of West Bengal (w.e.f 01.06.2022 to 30.11.2022) Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000596/2022-2023 Spot/NIQ/Camp-02/Office/A 31/05/2022 6 PRASENJIT DEY 0.90 0.00 0 0
30 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Hiring of SUV (A.C) (Non-Air conditioned) Bharat Stage-VI/BS-VI purchased on or after 01.01.2022 with Diesel/LPG/CNG Engine. For the office Use of the Executive Engineer, RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte Govt. of West Bengal (w.e.f 01.06.2022 to 30.11.2022) Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000595/2022-2023 SpotNIQ.Camp-02/Office/AE 31/05/2022 180 PRASENJIT DEY 0.90 0.00 0 0
31 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Quotation Money for Enhanacement of Load at Dendua. BILL/00027/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-9 19/05/2023 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 5.88 0.00 0 0
32 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Quotation Money for New Connection of Load at Tabadi (Adibasi Para) BILL/00028/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-9 19/05/2023 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 0.34 0.00 0 0
33 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Quotation Money for New Connection of Load at Dhonudi. BILL/00029/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-10 19/05/2023 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 0.34 0.00 0 0
34 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Quotation Money for New Connection of Load at Lalganj BILL/00030/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-11 19/05/2023 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 0.48 0.00 0 0
35 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination system at OHR Site under Zone-XI under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I water Supply Scheme, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-5 ORD/000421/2022-2023 418/AMD 16/02/2023 90 MACHINE SUPPLIERS SYNDICATE(P) LTD. 20.56 18.28 88.91 0
36 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Desposition of way leave Fees for Railway crossing for pipeline. BILL/00147/2022-2023 947/22-23 09/03/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 5.04 0.00 0 0
37 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation ER-ASN-2023-WL-28 (Salanpur SLS to Rupnarayanpur RNPR) BILL/00278/2023-2024 130/23-24 10/07/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 5.70 0.00 0 0
38 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination system at Dendua Boosting Station under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I water Supply Scheme, Block-Salanpur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-3 ORD/000414/2022-2023 363/AMD 09/02/2023 90 EASTERN INDIA SALES AND SERVICE 20.86 18.44 88.4 0
39 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Allied Works at Dendua Boosting Station under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme, Block-Salanpur, Dist.-Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-3 ORD/000418/2022-2023 1951/AMD 22/12/2022 360 EASTERN INDIA SALES AND SERVICE 129.01 72.34 56.07 0
40 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Urgent basis repairing work of D P Colony (OHR) at D P Colony W/S Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000618/2021-2022 712/RCD-I 24/03/2022 30 RUBY CONSTRUCTION 15.72 15.13 96.25 0
41 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Distribution Network for Improvement of RCFA Part-II Water Supply Scheme Under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000294/2022-2023 2451/RCD-I 13/10/2022 180 SINGHA ROY & CO. 270.57 65.85 24.34 0
42 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Laying & Pushing of 800 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc.) of Water Pipe Lines including supplying and laying of 400 mm dia MS Pipe line at Alladi More on Sitarampur Chittaranjan Road in connection to rising main (Part-A) under Improvement of RCFA Part-I PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000580/2022-2023 3288/RCD I 20/12/2022 15 MAK CONSTRUCTION CO. 16.45 16.38 99.57 0
43 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Laying & Pushing of 800 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume Pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of Water Pipe Lines including supplying and laying of 450 mm dia MS Pipe Line at Hunuman Mandir on Mohismura Ethora Road near Ethora OHR inconnection to rising main (Part-B) under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000676/2022-2023 360/RCD I 30/01/2023 15 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 11.17 11.09 99.28 0
44 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance work order for Laying & Pushing of 800 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of water pipe lines including supplying and laying of 450 mm dia MS pipe line at Mohismura More on NH Madhaichak Road in connection to rising main (Part-B) under Improvement of RCFA Part-I PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000643/2022-2023 341/RCD I 30/01/2023 15 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 8.69 8.51 97.93 0
45 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Extension of different dia HDPE pipe line for providing FHTC at Putulia (Part), Kharboni, Jamjuri and allied villages under Gourbazar W/S Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Sl No. 06) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000143/2022-2023 1437/RCD I 27/06/2022 45 VISUVIOUS 2.75 2.35 85.45 0
46 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Construction of 450 cum capacity 20 Mtr staging height RCC Over Head Reservoir (Pipe connection and cost of pipes, specials at Barabani (Zone-XIII) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District of Paschim Bardhaman [Rf Drwaing no. PC-I/OHR/04/2012(Sheet 1& 2) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000291/2022-2023 2448/RCD-I 13/10/2022 360 JOY HIND TUBEWELLS 122.44 122.44 100 0
47 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Balance work in connection with Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-V with LDS & FHTC work under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000250/2023-2024 2239/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 MRITYUNJOY MUKHERJEE & CO. 88.68 0.00 0 0
48 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination system at OHR Site under Zone-XIII under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I water Supply Scheme, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman. (2nd Call). Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-5 ORD/000506/2022-2023 608/AMD 03/03/2023 90 M/S SAJAHAN CHOWDHURY 20.86 18.56 88.97 80
49 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Repalcing of old and damaged C.I. spiral stairs and other allied minor repairing works at Panchgachia OHR (Capacity 55000 gallon staging height 10 mtr under RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte.(Sl no 06) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000612/2021-2022 635/RCD 1 09/03/2022 15 RUBY CONSTRUCTION 3.87 3.83 98.97 0
50 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Engagement of 01 (One) person under control of 02 (Two) nos Assistant Engineers of RCFA Division-I for day to day report and return of FHTC as per scheme wise, Panchayet wise and updation of JJM and verification of FHTC connection of School Aganawadi and Heath Centre and monitoring of report return of training of Asha Karmi under Health Department as per direction of EIC. under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (w.e.f. 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022)(Sl no 03) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000838/2021-2022 2456/RCD- 1 31/12/2021 360 MUKHERJEE TRADERS 1.73 0.87 50.29 0
51 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Laying & Pushing of 600 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc.) at Lalganj more and Nuni more in related to laying of rising main (Part-B) under Improvement of RCFA Part-I PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000883/2022-2023 1127/ RCD I 24/03/2023 15 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 23.75 23.62 99.45 0
52 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Construction of drain at Ethora and its adjoining mouzas under Improvement of RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme within command area of Zone-VIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000849/2022-2023 1086/RCD-I 23/03/2023 60 SWATI CORPORATION 23.95 23.94 99.96 0
53 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Laying & Pushing of 400 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of water pipe lines at Sandi More (Node point 137) Sandi Masimura More (Node point 85) and Lalganj Domhani Road (Node point 5-26) under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I PWSS within command area of Zone-VIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000857/2022-2023 1093/RCD-I 23/03/2023 30 SWATI CORPORATION 19.65 19.65 100 0
54 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Laying & Pushing of 400 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. jack Pushing Method etc) of Water Pipe Lines at Dabor More (Node point 334) Youth club (Node point 398) and Jaya hotel (Node point 228) Augmentation of RCFA Part-I PWSS within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-E) (Sl No. 28) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000862/2022-2023 1094 / RCD-I 23/03/2023 30 TARA CONSTRUCTION 23.59 23.59 100 0
55 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Laying & Pushing of 800 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of Water Pipe Lines including supplying and laying of 500 mm dia and 150 mm dia MS pipe line at different location on Asansol Chittaranjan Road within command area of Zone-I (Dendua OHR) Distribution system (Part-B) under Improvement of RCFA Part-I PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000861/2022-2023 1095/RCD-I 23/03/2023 30 SWATI CORPORATION 25.75 25.59 99.38 0
56 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Dismantling of existing guard room and store room for construction of 500 cum CWR at Dendua Boosting station of Improvement of RCFA Part-I under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Sl No. 09) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000901/2022-2023 1153/RCD-1 24/03/2023 10 D.S. ENTERPRISE 1.02 1.02 100 0
57 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Laying & Pushing of 600 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume Pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) at Kelejhora Health Centre More under Improvement of RCFA Part-I (Zone-11) PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000242/2023-2024 2233/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 SNEHA ELECTRIC 29.11 16.38 56.27 55
58 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Laying & Pushing of 600 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume Pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) at 3 (Three) nos. location at Lalganj Domohani Road under Improvement of RCFA Part-I (Zone-11) PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000234/2023-2024 2230/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 R B ENTERPRISE 42.66 26.20 61.42 65
59 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional works of Dismantling & concrete works & extra cutting Laterate/sandstone at distribution network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000229/2023-2024 2248/RCD-1 17/07/2023 30 SWATI CORPORATION 12.73 9.93 78 80
60 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Additional work for laying of 200 mm dia Rising Main under Lalganj Bridge by concrete conduit and allied MS work including adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of 04 (Four) nos. location at Barabani & near Kelejora Health Centre in connection to rising main (Part-B) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000248/2023-2024 2235/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 50.86 50.09 98.49 100
61 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional Laying & Pushing of 400 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of Water Pipe Lines and Supplying Aligning Laying MS pipe (including carring loading & unloading at work site) Head Works Site (node point R1-1) and Lalganj Hat of Improvement RCFA Part-I PWSS within command area of Zone-VIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000223/2023-2024 2246/RCD-1 17/07/2023 30 TARA CONSTRUCTION 17.17 15.58 90.74 100
62 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Laying & Pushing of 600 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) at Dabor More (250 mm dia Water Carrier 02 nos) and Dendua road to Chittaranjan road 01 no 450 mm dia Water Carrier and 02 nos 450 mm dia Water Carrier Pipe on Bonjemary Road of Salanpur Block under Improvement of RCFA Part-I (Part-A Rising Main) PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000249/2023-2024 2236/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 MD AAMIR KHAN 51.47 51.44 99.94 100
63 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional works of Dismantling & concrete works & extra cutting Laterate/sandstone at distribution network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-E) Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000225/2023-2024 2247/RCD-1 17/07/2023 30 TARA CONSTRUCTION 10.06 9.80 97.42 100
64 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-9 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000544/2021-2022 499/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 SOMNATH SAMANTA 39.28 38.73 98.6 98
65 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-8 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000236/2023-2024 2216/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 SIMA ENTERPRISE 16.68 15.96 95.68 100
66 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination system at OHR Site under Zone-IX under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I water Supply Scheme, Block-Salanpur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-5 ORD/000417/2022-2023 366/AMD 09/02/2023 90 ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 20.85 18.55 88.97 80
67 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination system at OHR Site at under Zone-VI under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-5 ORD/000415/2022-2023 364/AMD 09/02/2023 90 MAHADEV ENTERPRISE 20.86 18.56 88.97 80
68 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Continuation work order for Laying & Pushing of 600 mm dia MS Water Carrier pipe and road Crossing by adopting trench less technology at Dendua more to Kalyaneswari road of Improvement of RCFA Part-I in connection of rising main (Part-A) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000158/2023-2024 1883/1/RCD-I 07/06/2023 15 MD AAMIR KHAN 66.19 66.19 100 0
69 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Laying & Pushing of 600 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume Pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) at Gowalabathan More towards Jamuria Road, Gowala para more towards Domohani Village, Goshala More towards Domohani village under Improvement of RCFA Part-I (Zone-11, Part-5) PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000239/2023-2024 2232/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 M/S B.K. CONSTRUCTION 19.77 19.76 99.95 100
70 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Continuation work order for Pipe line crossing by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) at 7 Nos. location at Zone-V area Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000164/2023-2024 1911/RCD-I 14/06/2023 30 MRITYUNJOY MUKHERJEE & CO. 19.62 15.26 77.78 80
71 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Deposition of way leave Fees for Railway crossing for pipeline. BILL/00150/2022-2023 946/22-23 09/03/2023 EASTERN RAILWAY 6.08 0.00 0 0
72 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-5 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000252/2023-2024 2238/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 M/S B.K. CONSTRUCTION 39.57 24.47 61.84 100
73 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing and installation of Gaseous Chlorination system at OHR Site under Zone-VII under Augmentation of RCFA Part-I water Supply Scheme, Block-Salanpur, Dist.- Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-5 ORD/000416/2022-2023 365/AMD 09/02/2023 90 ORIENTAL ENGINEERING CO. 20.75 18.34 88.39 80
74 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply within command area of Zone-VI under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-B) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000874/2022-2023 1134/RCD-I 24/03/2023 30 M/S K & KONAR CONSTRUCTION 30.49 19.00 62.32 100
75 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation fuel bill For WB 37D 0482 Nov 2022 BILL/00432/2022-2023 821/22-23 20/01/2023 RANAJIT AUTO 0.27 0.00 0 0
76 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation VEHICLE BILL BILL/00705/2022-2023 1165/22-23 30/03/2023 PRAMIT CHATTERJEE 1.20 0.00 0 0
77 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Hiring of Maxi Cab (Non Air-conditioned) Bharat Stage-II/BS-III purchased on or after 01.05.2008 with Diesel/LPG/CNG Engine. for the Office use of the Assistant Engineer, RCFA Division-I, Public Health Engineering Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal (w.e.f. 01.07.2022 to 30.06.2023)(sl no 01) BILL/00703/2022-2023 1210/22-23 31/03/2023 NIRMALA TRADERS 2.80 0.00 0 0
78 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation IT GST FILLING BILL/00706/2022-2023 1206/22-23 30/03/2023 SHRESTHA & ASSOCIATES 0.50 0.00 0 0
79 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Vehicle bill BILL/00704/2022-2023 1166/22-23 31/03/2023 KHEPI MAA TRADERS 2.21 0.00 0 0
80 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Supply of computer for Assistant Enginner-II BILL/00708/2022-2023 944/22-23 30/03/2023 MUKHERJEE TRADERS 0.42 0.00 0 0
81 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation VEHICLE BILL BILL/00707/2022-2023 1113/22-23 30/03/2023 SHYAMAL MAJI 0.19 0.00 0 0
82 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-2 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000532/2021-2022 492/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 SNEHA ELECTRIC 25.78 25.39 98.49 75
83 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-7 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000542/2021-2022 497/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 23.75 23.72 99.87 80
84 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-8 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000543/2021-2022 498/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 SIMA ENTERPRISE 30.98 29.26 94.45 81
85 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-3 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000533/2021-2022 493/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 VISUVIOUS 25.41 23.70 93.27 75
86 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-5 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000538/2021-2022 495/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 M/S B.K. CONSTRUCTION 44.11 37.17 84.27 85
87 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VI under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-A) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000002/2022-2023 932/RCD-I 26/04/2022 90 DIP CONSTRUCTION 61.83 51.53 83.34 90
88 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-IX under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-A) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000004/2022-2023 934/RCD-I 26/04/2022 90 SRI KRISHNA ENTERPRISE 86.98 30.45 35.01 65
89 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-IX under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-B) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000005/2022-2023 935/RCD-I 26/04/2022 90 KHEPI MAA TRADERS 71.89 65.45 91.04 75
90 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-A) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000006/2022-2023 936/RCD-I 26/04/2022 90 M/S MONI TRADERS 75.17 40.20 53.48 70
91 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-D) (2nd Call) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000011/2022-2023 1007/RCD-I 05/05/2022 90 GITASREE FABRICATION 77.41 66.72 86.19 85
92 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work order for Rising Main for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme for Salanpur and Barabani Block under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part ¿ A) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000016/2022-2023 1073/RCD-I 13/05/2022 90 MD AAMIR KHAN 115.25 75.01 65.08 90
93 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply within command area of Zone-VI under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part ¿ C) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000096/2022-2023 1214/RCD-I 30/05/2022 90 RANJIB GHATAK 100.72 90.61 89.96 90
94 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-B) (2nd Call) Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000010/2022-2023 1006/RCD-I 05/05/2022 60 M/S SANTANU PALIT & CO. 93.20 0.00 0 70
95 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Rising Main for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme for Salanpur and Barabani Block under RCFA Div-I PHE Dte. (Part B) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000001/2022-2023 931/RCD-I 26/04/2022 90 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 82.94 61.98 74.73 90
96 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply within command area of Zone-IX under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part C) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000095/2022-2023 1213/RCD-I 30/05/2022 90 T M CONCRETE CREATION PRIVATE LIMITED 131.44 108.90 82.85 65
97 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-3 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000129/2022-2023 1701/RCD-I 14/07/2022 45 VISUVIOUS 20.93 0.00 0 5
98 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XIII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-C) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000119/2022-2023 1605/RCD-I 06/07/2022 90 PINKI ENTERPRISE 78.73 37.76 47.96 80
99 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-C) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000126/2022-2023 1612/RCD-I 06/07/2022 90 PINKI ENTERPRISE 60.85 21.88 35.96 65
100 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-E) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000128/2022-2023 1614/RCD-I 06/07/2022 90 TARA CONSTRUCTION 88.30 43.84 49.65 70
101 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-7 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000130/2022-2023 1702/RCD-I 14/07/2022 45 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 20.25 19.99 98.72 5
102 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-1 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000155/2022-2023 1700/RCD-I 14/07/2022 45 R B ENTERPRISE 21.60 0.00 0 5
103 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-2 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000156/2022-2023 1704/RCD-I 14/07/2022 45 SNEHA ELECTRIC 21.26 0.00 0 5
104 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Construction of 250 cum capacity 20 Mtr staging height RCC Over Head Reservoir (Pipe connection and cost of pipes, specials at (Zone-VI) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District of Paschim Bardhaman Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000205/2022-2023 1874/RCD-I 04/08/2022 12 KAMIRUL SK & CO 76.60 68.94 90 100
105 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-8 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000163/2022-2023 1712/RCD-I 15/07/2022 45 SIMA ENTERPRISE 24.13 0.00 0 5
106 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-5 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000158/2022-2023 1707/RCD-I 14/07/2022 45 M/S B.K. CONSTRUCTION 32.05 20.27 63.24 5
107 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order of Construction of CWR (Clear Water Reservoir) of Capacity 500 cum and allied work at Dendua under Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000302/2022-2023 2484/RCD I 18/10/2022 120 D.S. ENTERPRISE 61.78 43.72 70.77 96
108 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Sub Soil Investigation for 900 cum capacity RCC Over Head Reservoir (Zone-XI) of Barabani Block for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District of Paschim Bardhaman Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000530/2022-2023 3143/RCDI 12/12/2022 7 P.K TEWARY DRILLING CO. 0.55 0.00 0 100
109 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-F) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000327/2022-2023 2404/RCD-I 30/09/2022 180 GITA CONSTRUCTION 201.57 131.66 65.32 67
110 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Different dia HDPE pipe line including extra cutting Laterate /sandstone and concrete cutting of distribution of pipe line Zone-I (Part-B) at Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000682/2022-2023 370/RCD I 30/01/2023 15 SWATI CORPORATION 25.76 11.14 43.25 95
111 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Accepatance cum work order for construction of chlorine room of size (4.50 X 3.50m) at (Zone-IX) of Baraboni Block for Improvement of RCFA Part-I piped water supply scheme under RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte., in the District Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000737/2022-2023 676/RCDI 24/02/2023 15 ZEROTH CONTROL SYSTEM 4.61 2.91 63.12 100
112 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-3 Distribution Segment) under RCAF Division-I PHE Dte. (Sl No. 11) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000890/2022-2023 1132/ RCD I 24/03/2023 30 VISUVIOUS 38.88 0.00 0 90
113 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Laying & Pushing of 500 mm dia RCC (NP3) Hume pipe by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) of water pipe lines including supplying and laying of 200 mm dia 250 mm dia MS pipe line at different location on Asansol Chittanrajan Road, Kalyaneswari Dendua road within command area of rising main (Part-A) under Improvement of RCFA Part-I PWSS under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000834/2022-2023 1060/RCD-I 23/03/2023 15 MAK CONSTRUCTION CO. 40.50 39.62 97.83 100
114 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Dismanting of existing Drain and reconstruction the same, Construction of RCC pipe carring structur and other allied work at Alladih more and Rupnarayanpur Railway Station Site of improvement of RCFA Part -I in Connection of Rising main Part-A under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte.(Sl No. 06) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000838/2022-2023 1066/RCD I 23/03/2023 30 MAK CONSTRUCTION CO. 31.64 29.75 94.03 100
115 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-7 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000878/2022-2023 1138/RCD-I 24/03/2023 30 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 24.64 17.12 69.48 90
116 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Pipe line crossing by adopting trench less technology (e.g. Jack Pushing Method etc) at 7 nos location at Zone-V area Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000837/2022-2023 1065/RCD-I 23/03/2023 30 MRITYUNJOY MUKHERJEE & CO. 45.79 45.79 100 50
117 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VI under RCAF Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-C) (Sl. No. 17) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000893/2022-2023 1143/ RCD I 24/03/2023 30 RANJIB GHATAK 26.19 12.65 48.3 90
118 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-6 Distribution Segment) under RCAF Division-I PHE Dte. (SL No. 16) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000895/2022-2023 1142/ RCD I 24/03/2023 30 UMA ENTERPRISE 76.17 32.70 42.93 90
119 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Road crossing by open cut near to Nuni more including construction of drain, laterite cutting, concrete and bitumen road cutting and allied works at Ethora and adjacent area for laying of Rising Main (Part-B) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Sl No. 08) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000898/2022-2023 1152/RCD-1 24/03/2023 15 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 5.09 4.70 92.34 100
120 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for additional work for laying of distribution network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-9 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Div-I, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000831/2022-2023 1035/RCDI 23/03/2023 90 SOMNATH SAMANTA 42.19 20.02 47.45 80
121 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Additional work for the laying of Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-4 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000875/2022-2023 1136/RCD-I 24/03/2023 30 DAWN CONSTRUCTION 56.15 31.27 55.69 90
122 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal work order for 200 mm, 160 mm & 90 mm dia HDPE PE-80 distribution network of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme command area of Zone-IX under RCFA Div-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000034/2023-2024 1612/RCD I 25/04/2023 90 KHEPI MAA TRADERS 149.55 53.69 35.9 90
123 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Laying & Pushing of 600mm dia ms water Carrer pipe and road Crossing by adopting trenchless technology at Dendua more to Kalyaneswri road of improvement of RCFA Part-I in connection of rasing main (part-A) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte.(Sl No. 07) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000007/2023-2024 1405/RCD-1 12/04/2023 15 MD AAMIR KHAN 90.31 68.18 75.5 100
124 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - I (Dendua OHR Site) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part - B) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000012/2022-2023 1020/RCD-I 06/05/2022 180 SWATI CORPORATION 149.90 63.87 42.61 85
125 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-4 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000536/2021-2022 494/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 DAWN CONSTRUCTION 68.87 65.56 95.19 85
126 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order Construction of drain at Dabor mouzas under RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme within command area of Zone-VII (Part-E) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000106/2023-2024 1865/RCD-1 01/06/2023 60 TARA CONSTRUCTION 10.11 10.00 98.91 85
127 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-D) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000127/2022-2023 1613/RCD-I 06/07/2022 90 KONAR CONSTRUCTION 64.73 23.94 36.98 75
128 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - XI (Part-1 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000531/2021-2022 491/RCD-I 24/02/2022 90 R B ENTERPRISE 27.59 26.92 97.57 85
129 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone - I (Dendua OHR Site) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part - C) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000014/2022-2023 1039/RCD-I 10/05/2022 180 DAS & CHAKRABORTY 130.86 56.55 43.21 85
130 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Laying of Rising Main (Part-B) at Mohismura Culvat crossing by constructing concrete piller, MS work and allied works under Improvement of RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000581/2022-2023 3289/RCD I 20/12/2022 17 M/S MONDAL ENTERPRISE 10.26 8.52 83.04 100
131 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-V with LDS & FHTC work Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000117/2022-2023 1379/RCD-I 17/06/2022 180 MRITYUNJOY MUKHERJEE & CO. 466.46 346.89 74.37 80
132 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Providing FHTC work for the Command area of Zone-XI (Part-9 Segment) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000131/2022-2023 1703/RCD-I 14/07/2022 45 SOMNATH SAMANTA 28.67 0.00 0 5
133 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Quotation for Earnest money deposit for Bulk Power Supply at Ethora boosting Station Under Improvement of RCFA Part I WS Scheme. BILL/00452/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-31 13/09/2023 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 0.05 0.00 0 0
134 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal work order for Supplying aligning and laying of different dia HDPE pipe line instead of DI pipe line within distribution network within command are of Zone-I (Dendua OHR Site) of Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000036/2023-2024 1610/RCD I 25/04/2023 90 SWATI CORPORATION 114.21 98.16 85.95 86
135 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VI under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-B) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000003/2022-2023 933/RCD-I 26/04/2022 90 M/S K & KONAR CONSTRUCTION 75.35 69.50 92.24 90
136 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Engagement of 01 (One) no person under control of 2 (Two) nos AE/RCFA Div-I day to day report and return of FHTC as per scheme wise panchayet wise and updation of JJm BILL/00761/2023-2024 320/23-24 16/10/2023 MUKHERJEE TRADERS 0.49 0.00 0 0
137 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000011/2021-2022 677/RCD-I 21/03/2022 Resource Division 57.29 0.00 0 0
138 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000005/2021-2022 301/RCD-I 02/02/2022 Resource Division 676.57 0.00 0 0
139 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000006/2021-2022 392/RCD-I 16/02/2022 Resource Division 2,340.25 0.00 0 0
140 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000008/2022-2023 2352/RCD-I 28/09/2022 Resource Division 92.40 0.00 0 0
141 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000013/2022-2023 2644/RCD-I 28/10/2022 Resource Division 64.50 0.00 0 0
142 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Oder for Construction of 900 cum capacity 20 Mtr staging height RCC Over Head Reservoir (Pipe connection and cost of pipes, specials at (Zone-XI) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District of Paschim Bardhaman Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000380/2022-2023 2005/RCD-I 25/08/2022 360 AMAR CONSTRUCTION 181.00 162.90 90 100
143 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Meter Shifting Charge of Ethora Water tank under Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme BILL/00564/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-53 29/11/2023 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 0.02 0.00 0 0
144 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Balance work in connection with Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-V under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000217/2023-2024 2211/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 MACHINO TECHNO 19.71 11.22 56.93 60
145 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work for the laying of DI pipe, MS work, making valve chamber and other allied works for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-2 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000295/2023-2024 2366/RCD-I 04/08/2023 30 SNEHA ELECTRIC 51.75 50.20 97 98
146 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Construction of CWR (90 cum) at Surjanagar Head Works Site to replace existing damaged CWR under Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. ORD/000939/2021-2022 376_RCD_I 15/02/2022 30 MD AAMIR KHAN 0.00 0.00 NAN 0
147 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Construction of CWR (90 cum) at Surjanagar Head Works Site to replace existing damaged CWR under Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000490/2021-2022 376/RCD-I 15/02/2022 30 MD AAMIR KHAN 22.72 5.21 22.93 100
148 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Shifting of High Tension Line and Street Light from the Proposed WTP plant area in Kalyaneswari Campus under Improvement of RCFA I Water Supply Scheme BILL/00682/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-59 26/12/2023 CHIEF ACCOUNTS OFFICER, DAMODAR VALLEY CORPORATION 0.24 0.00 0 0
149 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work laying of 180 mm dia HDPE pipe line at Alladi More to Jemnari Bus Stand and Railway crossing at Rupnarayanpur village in connection with Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of (Zone-V) with LDS & FHTC work under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000227/2023-2024 2212/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 MACHINO TECHNO 54.74 10.58 19.33 20
150 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Additional work for the laying of distribution network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-XI (Part-5 Distribution Segment) under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-B) Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000207/2023-2024 2208/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 M/S B.K. CONSTRUCTION 12.78 11.55 90.38 100
151 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Construction of Boundary wall including land development, approach road (Length-65 mtr) and drain (Length-160 mtr) at Malbahal OHR site of Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under Salanpur Block under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000431/2023-2024 2662/RCD-I 26/09/2023 30 AMAR CONSTRUCTION 35.50 0.00 0 0
152 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Service connection and Security Deposit charge at Ethora Boosting Station under Improvement of RCFA Part-I W/S Scheme. BILL/00778/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-67 11/01/2024 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED 25.69 0.00 0 0
153 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Construction of 350 cum capacity 20 Mtr staging height RCC Over Head Reservoir (Pipe connection and cost of pipes, specials at (Zone-IX) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District of Paschim Bardhaman (2nd Call) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000324/2022-2023 2403/RCD-I 30/09/2022 360 MALLICK ENTERPRISE 107.64 102.25 94.99 95
154 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Reparing and renovation of Srabonpur village pipeline for FHTC work including Construction GI spout at Dabaor OHR Site under RCFA Division - I PHE Dte. Junior Engineer ORD/001132/2023-2024 930/RCD-I 15/03/2024 20 RAJAT BARAN CHAND 5.99 0.00 0 0
155 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Wall writing IEC message along with logo picture etc. of multiple colour as will be supplied by the PHE Dte. on smooth durable wall surface preferably of Govt. premises boundary wall under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/001164/2023-2024 Camp-02-Wall-Writing-AE-I 18/01/2024 30 MUKHERJEE TRADERS 6.61 3.30 49.92 100
156 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Repairing and renovation of Panchagachia OHR of Capacity 1000 cum staging height 15 mtr under Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000777/2022-2023 399/RCD I 30/01/2023 90 RUBY CONSTRUCTION 20.33 11.62 57.16 100
157 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Repairing and restoration of concrete road due to FHTC work at Samdi and surrounding villages within Samdi Gram Panchayat under Improvement of RCFA Part-I water Supply scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1,Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000653/2023-2024 3450/RCD-I 24/11/2023 15 RELIABLE ENGINEERS CO-OP CONSTRUCTION SOCIETY LTD. 3.39 3.35 98.82 100
158 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum Work Order for Construction of RCC column and M.S Structural Bridge for laying of 200 m dia MS pipe and other allied work for distribution network for Improvement of RCFA Part-I water supply scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division ¿I PHE Dte Assistant Engineer 1,Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/001172/2023-2024 1012/RCD-I 16/03/2024 30 UNITED CONSTRUCTION 6.54 3.23 49.39 100
159 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Construction of 900 cum capacity 20 Mtr staging height RCC Over Head Reservoir (Pipe connection and cost of pipes, specials at (Zone VII) for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District of Paschim Bardhaman (2nd Call) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000298/2022-2023 2453/RCD-I 13/10/2022 360 SINGHA ROY & CO. 181.16 166.66 92 100
160 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing & fitting, fixing of lighting luminaries, electrical wiring of pump house with yard lighting arrangement and other allied works at Dendua Pump House under Improvement R.C.F.A. PART-I Water Supply Scheme. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-3 ORD/000067/2024-2025 1198/AMD 07/08/2024 45 EASTERN INDIA SALES AND SERVICE 5.46 0.00 0 0
161 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Formal Work Order for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VIII with LDS & FHTC Work Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer ORD/000105/2022-2023 1329/RCD-I 09/06/2022 180 SWATI CORPORATION 399.20 327.20 81.96 100
162 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Balance Work of Road Restoration In Connection With Improvement of RCFA _Part-I Water Supply Scheme for Amritnagar Zone-II under RCFA Division PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000108/2024-2025 2130/RCD-I 27/08/2024 30 T M CONCRETE CREATION PVT.LTD 48.27 0.00 0 0
164 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for Distribution Network for Improvement RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-VII under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. (Part-A) Assistant Engineer 1 Junior Engineer,Junior Engineer 12 ORD/000124/2022-2023 1610/RCD-I 06/07/2022 90 RELIABLE ENGINEERS CO-OP CONSTRUCTION SOCIETY LTD. 64.62 18.73 28.98 70
165 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptance cum work order for construction of Chlorine Room of Size (4.50 x 3.50 m) at (Zone-VI) of Salanpur Block for Improvement of RCFA Part-I Piped Water Supply Scheme under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. in the District Paschim Bardhaman Assistant Engineer 1,Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000658/2022-2023 357/RCDI 30/01/2023 15 DAS & SARKAR ENTERPRISE 4.60 1.88 40.87 100
166 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN Asansol Mechanical Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Providing And Installation of Electro-Mechanical Equipments and Sub-Stations Equipments at Ethora Boosting Station under Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme, Block-Salanpur, Dist.-Paschim Bardhaman. Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-3,Junior Engineer-5 ORD/000437/2023-2024 2012/AMD 06/11/2023 360 NEW ALIGNMENT 267.24 141.19 52.83 67
167 PASCHIM BARDHAMAN RCFA Division -I Improvement of RCFA (Part-I) Piped Water Supply Scheme. , SM/09916 Augmentation Acceptation cum work order for Additional work for allied work in connection with Improvement of RCFA Part-I Water Supply Scheme within command area of Zone-V with LDS and FHTC work under RCFA Division-I PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer 1,Assistant Engineer 2 Junior Engineer ORD/000246/2023-2024 2254/RCD-I 17/07/2023 30 MACHINO TECHNO 99.31 71.44 71.94 100
Total 10,579.50 4,511.06 42.64