Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
13 725.07 494.44 68.19  
1 PURBA MEDINIPUR Central Drilling Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Providing drilling crew and other allied works for construction of tube well (300mm x 200mm x 230 mtrs. depth) by utilising Departmental machineries for Gobindanagar W/S Scheme (Z-II) panskura block under purba medinipur district, CDD, PHE Dte. Driller In Charge Junior Engineer ORD/000426/2022-2023 2112/CDD 02/03/2023 30 PADMA ENGINEERING & CO. 17.76 13.68 77.03 0
2 PURBA MEDINIPUR Central Drilling Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation PROVIDING DRILLING CREW AND OTHER ALLIED WORKS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (300MM X 200MM X 230 MTRS DEPTH) BY UTILISING DEPARTMENTAL MACHINERIES FOR GOBINDANAGAR W/S SCH (ZONE-I, TW-III), PANSKURA BLOCK UNDER PURBA MEDINIPUR DISTRICT, CDD, PHE DTE. Driller In Charge Junior Engineer ORD/000410/2022-2023 2119/CDD 02/03/2023 30 PADMA ENGINEERING & CO. 17.76 15.08 84.91 0
3 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Laying distribution pipe line, and providing of FHTC for Rejuvenation of GOBINDANAGAR & its adjoining moujas Water Supply Scheme within Panskura Dev. Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division, P.H.E. Dte. Dist. Purba Medinipur. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000409/2021-2022 1899/TD 23/02/2022 180 TARUN KOLEY 554.16 397.79 71.78 100
4 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Land development and making approach road of 3 (three) nos. Boosting Tube Well site at Gobindanagar Water Supply Scheme of Panskura-I Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer, Headquaters Junior Engineer ORD/000729/2023-2024 2980/TD 29/11/2023 20 M/S. S. A. CONSTRUCTION 5.11 0.00 0 0
5 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Preparation of D.P.R. for different works for providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by Augmentation of Gobindanagar (Zone-I & Zone-II) Water Supply Scheme under Tamluk Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000183/2021-2022 1192/TD 02/12/2021 20 INDRANIL DUTTA & ASSOCIATES 9.26 9.26 100 100
6 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Charges for entry of Household data in J.J.M. website along with House hold Addhar detai1s and Geo-tagging the same along with a hard copy of the same in requisite format supplied by the department. The work should be taken up as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge. N.B. This item should be exclusively used for IMIS entry through J.J.M. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000029/2022-2023 90/TD 11/04/2022 30 MISHRA ENTERPRISE 4.85 4.85 100 100
7 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Supply of sluice valve & delivery at Chapbasan Store for Gobindanagar Zone-I & II PWSS within Panskura-I Dev. Block and under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division PHE Dte.(PART-A) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000088/2022-2023 424/TD 27/05/2022 15 TARUN KOLEY 4.32 4.32 100 100
8 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Supply of sluice valve & delivery at Chapbasan Store for Gobindanagar Zone-I & II PWSS within Panskura-I Dev. Block and under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division PHE Dte.(PART-B) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000089/2022-2023 425/TD 27/05/2022 15 TARUN KOLEY 3.65 3.65 100 100
9 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Augmentation of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura-I Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000728/2022-2023 2558/TD 24/01/2023 60 TARUN KOLEY 73.36 45.81 62.45 100
10 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000017/2021-2022 1259/TD 13/12/2021 Resource Division 4.42 0.00 0 0
11 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000027/2022-2023 417/TD 25/05/2022 Resource Division 2.19 0.00 0 0
12 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000049/2021-2022 1954/TD 04/03/2022 Resource Division 23.84 0.00 0 0
13 PURBA MEDINIPUR Tamluk Division Rejuvenation & Retrofitting of Ground Water Based Gobindanagar PWSS to Accommodate FHTC in Panskura Block under Tamluk Sub-Division of Tamluk Division in Purba Medinipur District. (Zone - I & Zone- II) , SM/09286 Augmentation Quotation money payment to WBSEDCL for GobindanagarZone-II Water Supply Scheme of Tube Well No. - IV BILL/00599/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-324 29/08/2023 WBSEDCL 4.39 0.00 0 0
Total 725.05 494.43 68.19