Sl No. | District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted | Name of JE entrusted | System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
23 | 193.52 | 128.79 | 66.55 | ||||||||||||||
1 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Preparation of D.P.R. (Consultancy work) in connection with the Functional Household Tap Connection of existing PWSS (Lutunia, Block - Sabang) to be Retrofitting under Midnapore Division, PHE Dte. | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000118/2021-2022 | 1007/MD | 24/06/2021 | 10 | SIRCON ENGINEERING SERVICES | 3.70 | 3.47 | 93.78 | 0 | |
2 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-B) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000484/2021-2022 | 532/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | ADITYA ENTERPRISE | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
3 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped W/S Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC (Balance = 300 Nos.) under JJM under Sabang Block in Paschim Medinipur District under Midnapore Division, PHE Dte. | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000591/2022-2023 | 342/MD | 31/01/2023 | 60 | UTTAM KUMAR DAS | 67.59 | 37.98 | 56.19 | 65 | |
4 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accommodate FHTC including supplying, laying, fitting, fixing pipe with all necessary specials, saddle piece etc. all complete for Augmentation of Lutunia W/S Scheme under JJM within Sabang Dev. Block under Kharagpur Sub-Division of Midnapore Division, PHE Dte. in the district of Paschim Medinipur. | AE/RWS Midnapore Sub Division | ORD/000017/2024-2025 | 2035/MD | 01/07/2024 | 30 | RITESH AGARWALL | 11.85 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | ||
5 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-C) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000463/2021-2022 | 533/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | HYDRO TECH ASSOCIATES | 4.85 | 4.89 | 100.82 | 0 | |
6 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-H) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000465/2021-2022 | 538/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | M/S. BLUE BIRD | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
7 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-I) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000466/2021-2022 | 539/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | SAJAL JANA | 4.84 | 4.84 | 100 | 0 | |
8 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-K) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000496/2021-2022 | 541/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | M/S. SUBHAS CHANDRA KUNDU | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
9 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part- E) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000498/2021-2022 | 535/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | R. CONSTRUCTION | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
10 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-F) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000499/2021-2022 | 536/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | FUTURE CONSTRUCTION | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
11 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part- J) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000468/2021-2022 | 540/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | SUJOY RANJAN BHOWMICK | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
12 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-G) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000464/2021-2022 | 537/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | RITESH AGARWALL | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
13 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Distribution pipe line for accommodation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block-Sabang, District- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-I) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | ORD/000676/2021-2022 | 66/AE/KSD | 03/02/2022 | 15 | M/S SARADA CONSTRUCTION | 4.01 | 4.00 | 99.75 | 0 | ||
14 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Distribution pipe line for accommodation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block-Sabang, District- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-II) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | ORD/000677/2021-2022 | 67/AE/KSD | 03/02/2022 | 15 | SUJOY RANJAN BHOWMICK | 4.00 | 4.00 | 100 | 0 | ||
15 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-L) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000453/2021-2022 | 542/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | M/S SARADA CONSTRUCTION | 4.85 | 4.84 | 99.79 | 0 | |
16 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-D) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000497/2021-2022 | 534/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | OM UDYUG | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
17 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Laying pipeline (Distribution System) at Mouza Lutunia (Prembazar) for Augmentation of ground water based piped water Supply Schemes to accommodate FHTC under JJM under Sabang Block under Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | ORD/000168/2022-2023 | 419/AE/KSD | 19/07/2022 | 30 | PALASH KUMAR DAS | 4.69 | 4.63 | 98.72 | 0 | ||
18 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Mechanical | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Providing and Installation of Submersible pumping machineries and other electromechanical equipments for Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Tube Well-IV of Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur under JJM Program under MMD PHE Dte. | Sri Bikash Das, AE/Midnapur Mechanical Sub-Division-I | Sri Mahadev Dutta, JE/Midnapur Mechanical Sub-Division- | ORD/000160/2023-2024 | 1348/W/MMD | 24/05/2023 | 180 | SUJOY RANJAN BHOWMICK | 11.88 | 11.65 | 98.06 | 100 | |
19 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-M) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000469/2021-2022 | 543/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | S.K. CONSTRUCTION | 4.85 | 4.85 | 100 | 0 | |
20 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Accomdation of FHTC under JJM for the Lutunia Water Supply Scheme, Block:- Sabang, within Midnapore Division, P.H.E. Dte. District :- Paschim Midnapore.(Part-A) | AE Kharagpur Sub-division | JE RWS Kharagpur Sub-Division( Sabang) | ORD/000462/2021-2022 | 531/AE/KSD | 17/12/2021 | 30 | BOSE & CO. | 4.84 | 4.84 | 100 | 0 | |
21 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Material Requisition To Resource Division | RTOR000014/2021-2022 | 2129/MD | 14/12/2021 | Resource Division | 7.59 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | ||||
22 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Purchasing of Materials. | VCH/001688/2021-2022 | BP-2021-22-445 | 08/03/2022 | EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,RESOURCES DIVISION PHE DTE. | 7.59 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | ||||
23 | PASCHIM MEDINIPUR | Midnapore Division | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate FHTC, Block - Sabang, District - Paschim Medinipur. , SM/09432 | Augmentation | Purchasing of materials for the Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Lutunia to Accommodate PHTC. Block - Sabang. District - Paschim Medinipur. | VCH/000461/2022-2023 | null | 11/08/2022 | EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,RESOURCES DIVISION PHE DTE. | 7.59 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Total | 193.53 | 128.79 | 66.55 |