Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
3 83.01 0 0  
1 NADIA Tehatta - II Nadia Arsenic Civil Division II Mini Piped Water Supply Scheme at Labangola village, Block- Tehatta-II, Nadia District, under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II. , SM/16105 New Sinking of Tubewell, Laying of distribution system, providing FHTC, construction of Arsenic cum Iron treatment plant and ancillary works for Mini Piped Water Supply Scheme (upto 100 HHs) at Labangola of Tehatta- II Block under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II PHE Dte Assistant Engineer -I (HQ), Nadia Arsenic Civil Divisio,Assistant Engineer -II, Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II Junior Engineer 3 ,Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II ORD/000025/2023-2024 565/NACD_II 11/05/2023 90 BIPLAB GUHA 28.05 0.00 0 0
2 NADIA Tehatta - II Eastern Mechanical Mini Piped Water Supply Scheme at Labangola village, Block- Tehatta-II, Nadia District, under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II. , SM/16105 New Supply and Installation of single phase Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc for 10 nos Mini Piped water Supply Scheme Dharampur part-A, Dharampur part-B, Satikhali part-A , Satikhali part-B, Chak Rudranagar, Labangola, Chak Ramnagar, Jaba part-A, Jaba part-B and Jayghata for 7 nos. Mouza under Tehatta-II, Krishnagar-I and Karimpur-I Block, Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC , Dist. - Nadia. Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000355/2023-2024 4491/EMD 14/07/2023 30 ORIENTAL ENGINEERING CO. 54.05 0.00 0 0
3 NADIA Tehatta - II Nadia Arsenic Civil Division II Mini Piped Water Supply Scheme at Labangola village, Block- Tehatta-II, Nadia District, under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II. , SM/16105 New Providing 1 no. Guard at Labongola Mini Public Water Supply Scheme in Tehatta-II Block for guarding of various Departmental materials under Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II,P.H.E. Dte.[Period of work :01/07/2024 to 31/10/2024] Assistant Engineer -I (HQ), Nadia Arsenic Civil Divisio Junior Engineer 3 ,Nadia Arsenic Civil Division-II ORD/000158/2024-2025 787/AE-I/NACD-II 01/07/2024 120 ZOOM CONSTRUCTION & INTERIO 0.91 0.00 0 0
Total 83.00 0.00 0