Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Sl No.District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrustedName of JE entrustedSystem Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
15 537.17188.5735.1 
Sl No.
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted
Name of JE entrusted
System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
1 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Construction of Boundary wall Toilet Pathway and other allied work at Garapota WS Scheme within Hanskhali Block under NAD I PHE Dte ( Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000061/2022-2023 1593/NAD-I 06/09/2022 45 M/S KALIMATA ENTERPRISE 12.85 0.00 0 0
2 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Operation & Maintenance of Distribution System and Rising Main Pipeline (CI/DI/UPVC) and Iron Elimination Plant of Different Ground Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for arsenic affected areas of Joypur, Itaberia, Chupria Z-I, Chupria Z-II, Gobindapur ( Hanskhali ) and Garapota & adjoining mouzas for the period of 1 year under Nadia Arsenic Division - I, P.H. Engineering Dte. ( 01) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000083/2022-2023 1920 / NAD-I 30/09/2022 365 APURBA MANDAL 28.60 0.00 0 0
3 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Construction of Boundary wall, Toilet, Pathway and other allied work at Head Work T/W site in connectionwith Augmentation of Chupria Zone-II water supply Scheme within Hanskhali Block under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. (SL.19) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000248/2022-2023 579/NAD-I 17/03/2023 15 DIPANKAR DUTTA 18.87 8.18 43.35 48
4 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Construction and installation of MANIFOLD and allied works at OHR site under Chupria Zone-II Ground Based Water Supply Scheme under Hanskhali under Nadia Arsenic Division-I,P.H.E Dte. in connection with Augmentation of Chupria Zone-II W/S Scheme under JJM (SL.NO.13) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000013/2023-2024 1117 / NAD-I 27/04/2023 15 MONDAL ENTERPRISE 12.96 0.00 0 0
5 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Providing FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection) under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Garapota Bazar to H/O Chayan Biswas, Boro Chupria & Paschim Garapota to H/O Sanjiban Biswas, Boro Chupria at Hanskhali Block by retrofitting of Ground Water Based PWSS for Chupria W/S Scheme underNadia Arsenic Division-I, P.H.E. Dte. (Sl.20) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000267/2022-2023 827 / NAD-I 31/03/2023 30 JAGADANADAPUR CO-OPT LABOUR CONTTRACT AND CONSTRUTION SOCITY LTD. 32.85 20.68 62.95 0
6 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Construction and installation of MANIFOLD and allied works at OHR site under Garapota Ground Based Water Supply Scheme under Hanskhali under Nadia Arsenic Division-I,P.H.E Dte. in connection with Augmentation of Garapota W/S Scheme under JJM ( 08) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000082/2023-2024 1072/NAD-I 24/04/2023 15 SWAPAN KUMAR BISWAS 12.00 0.00 0 100
7 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Conversion of IEP to AIRP (Pressure Type) at Garapota W/S Scheme under Hanskhali Block of capacity 120 cum/hr. under augmentation of Garapota W/S Scheme under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. ( Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000133/2023-2024 1901/NAD-I 14/08/2023 592 HARBAUER INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED 166.14 0.00 0 56
8 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Providing FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection) under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) for Chupria Zone-II Part-III at Hanskhali Block by retrofitting of Ground Water based PWSS for Chupria Water Supply Scheme under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. (Sl. No. 08) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000166/2021-2022 434/NAD-I 07/03/2022 60 M/S SHIL AND CO. 45.66 43.22 94.66 100
9 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Providing FHTC under Jaldhara / Jalswapna for Garapota P-III at Hanskhali block by retrofitting of Ground Water Based PWSS W/S Scheme under Nadia Arsenic Division -I , P.H.E. Dte. (Sl. No. 12) Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-I,Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000032/2022-2023 1512 / NAD-I 26/08/2022 21 SAHA ENGINEERS 43.43 43.43 100 100
10 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Construction of Boundary Wall Toilet Pathway and other allied work at Chupria Zone II WS Scheme within Hanskhali Block under NAD- I PHE Dte ( Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-I,Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000062/2022-2023 1594 /NAD-I 06/09/2022 45 SUBIR KUMAR DEY 12.65 12.59 99.53 100
11 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Repair of 450 cum capacity Over Head Reservoir ,Painting and Pump House at Chupria, Zone-II underSurface W/S Scheme in Hanskhali Block under NadiaArsenic Division - I P. H.E. Dte ( Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-I,Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000191/2022-2023 154 /NAD-I 07/02/2023 30 APURBA MANDAL 22.40 22.33 99.69 45
12 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Construction of Boundary wall, Toilet, Pathway and other allied work at Head Work T/W site in connection with Augmentation of Garapota water supply Scheme within Hanskhali Block under Nadia Arsenic Division-I,P.H.E. Dte. ( Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000249/2022-2023 580/NAD-I 17/03/2023 21 ONKAR ENTERPRISE 19.03 0.00 0 100
13 NADIA Eastern Mechanical Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Supply, Delivery & Installation of Submersible Pumping Machinery alongwith allied Electro-Mechanical works, Voltage Stabilizer, Automatic Chlorinator etc Augmentation to Accomodate FHTC under GARAPOTA,BHAYNA(Z-I), BHAYNA(Z-II) & MAMJOANI W/S Scheme, Block-HANSKHALI , Dist. - Nadia. NIET No.- 39 of EE/EMD of 2022-23 (Sl. No.- 04) Assistant Engineer Junior Engineer ORD/000025/2023-2024 1604/EMD 26/04/2023 30 ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 61.43 0.00 0 80
14 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Repair of 550 cum capacity Over Head Reservoir, Painting of Pump House in connection with Augmentation of Garapota W/S Scheme in Hanskhali Block under Nadia Arsenic Division-I, PHE Dte. ( Assistant Engineer-II Junior Engineer-IV ORD/000097/2023-2024 892/NAD-I 04/04/2023 30 S B CONSTRUCTION 26.31 16.15 61.38 75
15 NADIA Nadia Arsenic Division I Augmentation of Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme under Jaldhara / Jal Swapna by retrofitting of CHUPRIA ZONE-II & GARAPOTA Under Hanskhali Block, District-Nadia to accommodate FHTC (Functional Household Tap Connection), Construction AIRP , , SM/09961 Augmentation Retrofitting work at Kautaknagar, Ramdulalpur, under Mayurhat-I G.P. for Ground Water Based PWSS at Hanskhali Block in connection with augmenttaion of Garapota W/S Scheme under Jal Jeevna Mission (JJM) under Nadia Arsenic Division-I , PHE Dte. ( Assistant Engineer-I Junior Engineer-I,Junior Engineer-II ORD/000048/2023-2024 1457 /NAD-I 29/05/2023 21 TAPU SAHA 21.99 21.99 100 100
Total 537.17188.5635.1 
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries