Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Showing 1 to 114 of 114 entries
Sl No.District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrustedName of JE entrustedSystem Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
114 215.59180.7583.84 
Sl No.
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted
Name of JE entrusted
System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
1 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2022 to 30.06.2022] Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000587/2021-2022 1302/KSD 31/12/2021 180 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.57 0.00 0 0
2 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Supply & delivery of Chemicals for Arsenic test through AAS at District Laboratories under Burdwan Division PHE Dte. [Group : A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000063/2022-2023 275/AE/HQ 10/05/2022 7 BHARATI CHEMICAL & SCIENTIFIC WORKS 3.09 0.00 0 0
3 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub-District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2022 to 30.06.2022]. Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000586/2021-2022 1301/KSD 31/12/2021 180 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.57 0.00 0 0
4 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in 1 No. Sub District Laboratory (Banonabagram Sub District Laboratory) within Durgapur Sub Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/08/2022 to 31/12/2023] Assistant Engineer, Durgapur Sub Division, P.H.E. Dte JUNIOR ENGINEER DURGAPUR SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE,Junior Engineer1, Durgapur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. ORD/000309/2022-2023 463/DSD 29/07/2022 510 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 4.55 1.88 41.32 70
5 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Water Testing Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000611/2022-2023 1145/KSD 30/12/2022 31 SURATH DEY 0.59 0.59 100 0
6 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000613/2022-2023 1149/KSD 30/12/2022 31 BUILD-TECH 0.37 0.37 100 0
7 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Water Testing Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000748/2022-2023 71/B/KSD 30/01/2023 28 SURATH DEY 0.59 0.59 100 0
8 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000747/2022-2023 71/A/KSD 30/01/2023 28 BUILD-TECH 0.37 0.37 100 0
9 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. AAS Operator (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman, For the period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023. ORD/000836/2022-2023 337/BSD 27/02/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.40 0.40 100 0
10 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person), Sampling Assistant (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman. For the period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023. ORD/000837/2022-2023 336/BSD 27/02/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.84 0.84 100 0
11 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000822/2022-2023 292/KSD 31/03/2023 30 BUILD-TECH 0.37 0.37 100 0
12 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Cotinuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub District Water Testing laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023]" JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000783/2022-2023 165/KSD 27/02/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.37 0.37 100 0
13 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023]." JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000784/2022-2023 166/KSD 27/02/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.59 0.59 100 0
14 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Water Testing Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023]" JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000786/2022-2023 168/KSD 27/02/2023 31 SURATH DEY 0.59 0.59 100 0
15 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Laboratory maintenance in 7 Nos. Sub District Laboratories under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023] AE(HQs) JUNIOR ENGINEER KATWA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000154/2023-2024 274/AE/HQ 28/04/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.47 0.00 0 100
16 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Water Testing Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER R.W.S. BURDWAN SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000185/2023-2024 370/KSD 25/04/2023 31 SURATH DEY 0.59 0.00 0 0
17 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant)in 2 Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman for the period from 01-05-2023 to 31-05-2023 ORD/000217/2023-2024 792/BSD 28/04/2023 31 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 0.52 0.00 0 0
18 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. Chemist (One Person), AAS Operator (One person) Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person), Sampling Assistant (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman. [Period for 6 (Six) Months i.e. 01.06.2023 to 30.11.2023]. ORD/000156/2023-2024 2449/BWD 31/05/2023 180 ALAKA GHOSH 7.40 3.97 53.65 100
19 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in BONNABAGRAM Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000361/2023-2024 357/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 UDYOG CONSTRUCTION 0.96 0.00 0 0
20 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.07.2021 to 30.06.2022 (Sl No-1) Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000109/2021-2022 564/KSD 30/06/2021 360 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 4.93 1.64 33.27 0
21 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Proposed extension, renovation and modification for NABL accreditation of SANKARI Sub District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E. Dte. Dist:Purba Bardhaman._2ND CALL. ORD/000161/2021-2022 4930/BWD 28/09/2021 45 KAJAL MUKHERJEE 5.84 5.94 101.71 0
22 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in 1 No. Sub District Laboratory within Durgapur Sub Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/01/2022 to 30/04/2022] Junior Engineer1, Durgapur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. ORD/000435/2021-2022 726/DSD 22/12/2021 120 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.13 0.26 23.01 0
23 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant)in 2 Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman for the period from 01-01-2022 to 30-06-2022¿.Gr.C. ORD/000413/2021-2022 1799/BSD 31/12/2021 180 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 3.14 2.09 66.56 0
24 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work for 'Operation & Maintenance of 08 (Eight) Nos. Sub District Laboratories in different Blocks under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (Period from 01.03.2022 to 31.08.2022)' [GROUP : A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000541/2021-2022 111/AE/HQ 28/02/2022 180 COMPUTER MEDIA 3.01 2.83 94.02 0
25 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnels i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person) , Sampling Assistant (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman For the period from 01.03.2022 to 31.08.2022.Gr.C. ORD/000646/2021-2022 360/BSD 28/02/2022 6 ALAKA GHOSH 4.69 4.69 100 0
26 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for software up-gradation and other software related issues in existing computers, refilling of cartridge of the printers, replacement of battery of UPS in District, Sub-District and NGO Laboratories under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte.[Period from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000686/2021-2022 1733/AE/HQ 27/08/2021 365 COMPUTER MEDIA 1.96 0.98 50 0
27 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of resource person to operate AAS at District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Period from 16.05.2022 to 31.08.2022] [Gr. A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000064/2022-2023 276/AE/HQ 10/05/2022 108 ALAKA GHOSH 0.46 0.46 100 0
28 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Supply of different laboratory equipment's at UPVC pipe Testing laboratory at Nababhat PHE Complex for monitoring and control over the quality of concrete of different water supply scheme under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte._2nd Call Assistant Engineer, Durgapur Sub Division, P.H.E. Dte Junior Engineer2, Durgapur Sub-Division, PHE Dte. ORD/000024/2022-2023 195/DSD 04/04/2022 7 MAUVE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES PVT LTD 2.74 2.74 100 0
29 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of resource person to operate AAS at District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Period from 16.11.2021 to 15.05.2022]_Gr-A ORD/000675/2021-2022 1903/AE/HQ 16/11/2021 180 ALAKA GHOSH 0.79 0.79 100 0
30 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work for Engagement of laboratory personnel (Contractual) for smooth running of the uPVC pipe testing laboratory at Nababhat under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Period from 15.04.2022 to 14.09.2022]_Gr-A AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000651/2021-2022 132/AE/HQ 10/03/2022 6 M/S ASHA CONSTRUCTION 2.99 2.99 100 0
31 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub-District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte.[Period from 01/01/2022 to 30/06/2022] Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000685/2021-2022 1302/KSD 31/12/2021 180 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.57 1.05 66.88 0
32 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub-District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte.[Period from 01/01/2022 to 30/06/2022] Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000687/2021-2022 1301/KSD 31/12/2021 180 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.57 1.05 66.88 0
33 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in 02 Nos. Sub-District laboratories within Head Quarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. [Period from 01/01/2022 to 30/06/2022] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000802/2021-2022 1962/AE/HQ 28/12/2021 180 COMPUTER MEDIA 3.14 3.14 100 0
34 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel (Sampling Assistant) in 7 Nos. Sub District Laboratories under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte. [Period from 01.08.2022 to 31.12.2022] GROUP : B AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000328/2022-2023 418/AE/HQ 29/07/2022 150 COMPUTER MEDIA 3.92 3.92 100 0
35 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work for Engagement of resource person to operate AAS at District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Period from 01.09.2022 to 30.09.2022] [Gr. A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000427/2022-2023 457/AE/HQ 31/08/2022 30 ALAKA GHOSH 0.13 0.13 100 0
36 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Providing service by assigning resource person for a period of 03 Months supervision of process of preparation for NABL recognition for Chemical Testing of portable water of Sub-District Level water quality laboratory including supply, installation of a requisites for NABL recognition through NABL GLAP application for 11 mandatory parameters and training on procedures with documentation thereof for SATGACHIA Sub-District water Testing Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte.[Gr.-C] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000780/2021-2022 1725/AE/HQ 25/08/2021 15 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSORTIUM 4.83 4.83 100 0
37 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel (Sampling Assistant) in 7 Nos. Sub-District Laboratories under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. [Period from 01/01/2022 to 30/06/2022] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000812/2021-2022 1961/AE/HQ 28/12/2021 180 COMPUTER MEDIA 4.69 4.69 100 0
38 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in 2 Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman for the period from 01-07-2022 to 31-12-2022. Sl.No.69. ORD/000424/2022-2023 1129/BSD 30/06/2022 180 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 3.33 3.33 100 0
39 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Providing service by assigning resource person for a period of 03 Months supervision of process of preparation for NABL recognition for Chemical Testing of portable water of Sub-District Level water quality laboratory including supply, installation of a requisites for NABL recognition through NABL GLAP application for 11 mandatory parameters and training on procedures with documentation thereof for SANKARI Sub-District water Testing Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte.[Gr.-A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000809/2021-2022 1724/AE/HQ 25/08/2021 15 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSORTIUM 4.83 4.83 100 0
40 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.07.2022 to 30.09.2022]". Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000213/2022-2023 581/KSD 30/06/2022 92 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 0.78 0.78 100 0
41 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub-District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.07.2022 to 30.09.2022]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000214/2022-2023 582/KSD 30/06/2022 92 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 0.78 0.78 100 0
42 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.07.2022 to 30.09.2022]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000215/2022-2023 583/KSD 30/06/2022 92 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.23 1.23 100 0
43 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Providing service by assigning resource person for a period of 03 Months supervision of process of preparation for NABL recognition for Chemical Testing of portable water of Sub-District Level water quality laboratory including supply, installation of a requisites for NABL recognition through NABL GLAP application for 11 mandatory parameters and training on procedures with documentation thereof for SHAKTIGARH Sub-District water Testing Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte.[Gr.-B] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000810/2021-2022 1723/AE/HQ 25/08/2021 15 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSORTIUM 4.83 4.83 100 0
44 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work for 'Operation & Maintenance of 08 (Eight) Nos. Sub District Laboratories in different Blocks under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (Period from 01.09.2022 to 31.12.2022)' [GROUP : A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000465/2022-2023 459/AE/HQ 31/08/2022 120 COMPUTER MEDIA 1.99 1.81 90.95 100
45 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for software upgradation and other software related issues in existing computers, refilling of Cartridge of the printers, replacement of battery of UPS in District, Sub-Dist. and NGO Laboratories under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte. [Period from 01.09.2022 to 31.12.2022] [Group : A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000466/2022-2023 458/AE/HQ 31/08/2022 120 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.65 0.65 100 100
46 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in 1 (One) Sub District Laboratoriy within Headquaters under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.07.2022 to 31.07.2022] [GROUP : A] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000304/2022-2023 362/AE/HQ 30/06/2022 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.26 0.26 100 0
47 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Supply & Delivery of Chemicals, reagents and consumables for 14(Fourteen) laboratories under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte. ORD/000303/2022-2023 3598/BWD 18/08/2022 20 M/S LAXMI ENTERPRISE 26.61 26.61 100 0
48 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub-District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022] " Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000556/2022-2023 941/KSD 29/09/2022 92 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 0.78 0.78 100 100
49 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Maintenance charges of Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division PHE Dte. [Period from 01/08/2021 to 31/07/2022] ORD/000840/2021-2022 983/BSD 29/07/2021 360 ALAKA GHOSH 0.97 0.77 79.38 0
50 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Supply & delivery of Chemicals for Arsenic test through AAS at District Laboratories under Burdwan Division PHE Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000834/2021-2022 1578/AE/HQ 14/07/2021 7 BHARATI CHEMICAL & SCIENTIFIC WORKS 3.09 2.57 83.17 0
51 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub District Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000558/2022-2023 941/B/KSD 29/09/2022 92 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 0.78 0.78 100 100
52 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Providing service by assigning Resource person for a period of 3 months supervision of process of preparation for NABL recognition for Chemical Testing of potable water of Sub-District Level Water Quality Testing Laboratory including supply, installation of a requisites for NABL recognition through NABL GLAP application for 11 mandatory parameters and training on procedures with documentation thereof for ANUKHAL Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory under Burdwan Divn., PHE. Dte. [Group : D] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000817/2021-2022 1726/AE/HQ 25/08/2021 90 LAXMI ENTERPRISE 4.83 4.83 100 0
53 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022] Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000559/2022-2023 941/C/KSD 29/09/2022 92 CLIFFORD FACILITY SERVICES PVT.LTD. 1.23 1.23 100 100
54 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Providing service by assigning Resource person for a period of 3 months supervision of process of preparation for NABL recognition for Chemical Testing of potable water of Sub-District Level Water Quality Testing Laboratory including supply, installation of a requisites for NABL recognition through NABL GLAP application for 11 mandatory parameters and training on procedures with documentation thereof for BANNABAGRAM Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory under Burdwan Divn., PHE. Dte. [Group : F] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000818/2021-2022 1721/AE/HQ 25/08/2021 90 LAXMI ENTERPRISE 4.83 4.83 100 0
55 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of resource person to operate AAS at District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Period from 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000522/2022-2023 520/AE/HQ 29/09/2022 90 ALAKA GHOSH 0.50 0.50 100 0
56 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub District Water Testing laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000612/2022-2023 1148/KSD 30/12/2022 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.37 0.37 100 0
57 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Payment of festival bonus for the accounting year 2021-22 to laboratory personnel of District and Sub-District laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000615/2022-2023 511/AE/HQ 26/09/2022 7 M/S S. CHOUDHURY 0.83 0.00 0 100
58 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Satgachia Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/01/2023 to 31/01/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000616/2022-2023 661/AE/HQ 30/12/2022 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
59 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist & Lab Assistant) in Barshul Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/01/2023 to 31/01/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000618/2022-2023 663/AE/HQ 30/12/2022 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.58 0.58 100 100
60 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of Laboratory Personnel i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant(One Person), Sampling Assistant (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Burdwan. For the period from 01.09.2022 to 31.12.2022¿. ORD/000557/2022-2023 1489/BSD 26/08/2022 120 ALAKA GHOSH 3.14 3.14 100 0
61 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023]." Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000609/2022-2023 1115/KSD 23/12/2022 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.59 0.59 100 0
62 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Maintenance charges of Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division,PHE Dte (Period from 01.08.2022 to 31.12.2022). Gr.A. ORD/000505/2022-2023 1328/BSD 28/07/2022 150 ALAKA GHOSH 0.37 0.35 94.59 0
63 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.10.2022 to 31.10.2022]." Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000606/2022-2023 937/KSD 29/09/2022 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.43 0.43 100 0
64 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.09.2022 to 30.09.2022]." Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000586/2022-2023 711/KSD 23/08/2022 30 ALAKA GHOSH 0.43 0.43 100 0
65 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Construction of concrete road & providing plinth protection due to soil erosion including wiring work at SANKARI Sub District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000623/2022-2023 521/AE/HQ 29/09/2022 30 KAJAL MUKHERJEE 0.72 0.51 70.83 0
66 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.08.2022 to 31.08.2022]". Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000585/2022-2023 607/KSD 25/07/2022 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.43 0.43 100 0
67 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.11.2022 to 31.12.2022]." Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000608/2022-2023 969/KSD 20/10/2022 61 ALAKA GHOSH 0.87 0.87 100 0
68 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person), Sampling Assistant (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman. For the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023. ORD/000642/2022-2023 2328/BSD 30/12/2022 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.84 0.84 100 0
69 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. AAS Operator (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman, For the period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023. ORD/000643/2022-2023 2329/BSD 30/12/2022 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.40 0.40 100 0
70 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Providing acrylic distemper including electrical wiring work and fitting of wash basin for modification of old building of Bursul Godown area to set up Sikhaniketan Sub-Dist. Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000631/2022-2023 598/AE/HQ 07/12/2022 15 ANWESHA CONSTRUCTION 0.40 0.40 100 0
71 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Proposed renovation extension and modification (Civil Structure Part) of Old Building of Borsul Godown area to set up Barshul Sub District Laboratory under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000624/2022-2023 522/AE/HQ 29/09/2022 30 ANWESHA CONSTRUCTION 0.89 0.83 93.26 0
72 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Supplying, delivery and installation of metal vinyle ACP board (4' x 3') for various water testing laboratories under Burdwan Division PHE Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000705/2022-2023 115/AE/HQ 22/02/2023 15 ISHAN CONSTRUCTION 0.84 0.84 100 0
73 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023]." Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000745/2022-2023 70/A/KSD 30/01/2023 28 ALAKA GHOSH 0.59 0.59 100 0
74 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub District Water Testing laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000746/2022-2023 70/B/KSD 30/01/2023 28 ALAKA GHOSH 0.37 0.37 100 0
75 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in 2 Nos. Sub-Dist Laboratories within Head Quarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. [Period from 01/07/2022 to 31/07/2022] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000738/2022-2023 358/AE/HQ 28/06/2022 30 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.52 0.52 100 0
76 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel (Sampling Assistant) in 7 Nos. Sub-Dist Laboratories within Head Quarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. [Period from 01/07/2022 to 31/07/2022] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000739/2022-2023 357/AE/HQ 28/06/2022 30 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.78 0.78 100 0
77 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Parulia Sub District Water Testing Laboratory & Kamalnagar WTP laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000823/2022-2023 293/KSD 31/03/2023 30 SURATH DEY 0.59 0.59 100 100
78 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person) , Sampling Assistant (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman. For the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. ORD/000781/2022-2023 121/BSD 01/02/2023 28 ALAKA GHOSH 0.84 0.84 100 0
79 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work order "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023]" JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000785/2022-2023 167/KSD 27/02/2023 31 BUILD-TECH 0.37 0.37 100 100
80 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub District Water Testing laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023]" Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000820/2022-2023 290/KSD 31/03/2023 30 ALAKA GHOSH 0.37 0.37 100 100
81 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work Order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023]." Assistant Engineer JUNIOR ENGINEER KALNA SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000821/2022-2023 291/KSD 31/03/2023 30 ALAKA GHOSH 0.59 0.59 100 100
82 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for ¿engagement of laboratory personnels i.e. AAS Operator (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman, For the period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023. ORD/000782/2022-2023 122/BSD 01/02/2023 28 ALAKA GHOSH 0.40 0.40 100 0
83 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Sampling Assistant) in 5 Nos. Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.01.2023 to 31.01.2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000873/2022-2023 666/AE/HQ 30/12/2022 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.74 0.74 100 100
84 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist & Lab Assistant) in Barshul Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/02/2023 to 28/02/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000907/2022-2023 89-A/AE/HQ 31/01/2023 28 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.58 0.58 100 100
85 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person) , Sampling Assistant (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman. For the period from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023. ORD/000883/2022-2023 599/BSD 30/03/2023 30 ALAKA GHOSH 0.84 0.84 100 100
86 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. AAS Operator (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman, For the period from 01.04.2023 to 30.04.2023. ORD/000884/2022-2023 600/BSD 30/03/2023 30 ALAKA GHOSH 0.40 0.40 100 100
87 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Laboratory maintenance in 7 Nos. Sub District Laboratories under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.03.2023 to 30.04.2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000899/2022-2023 122/AE/HQ 27/02/2023 59 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.85 0.41 48.24 100
88 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Ganganandapur Sub-District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023]". JUNIOR ENGINEER R.W.S. BURDWAN SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000189/2023-2024 373/KSD 25/04/2023 31 BUILD-TECH 0.37 0.37 100 100
89 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Shaktigarh Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/02/2023 to 28/02/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000896/2022-2023 89/AE/HQ 31/01/2023 28 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
90 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for "Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist , Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Anukhal Sub District Water Testing laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023]" JUNIOR ENGINEER R.W.S. BURDWAN SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000186/2023-2024 371/KSD 25/04/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.37 0.37 100 100
91 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnels i.e. Chemist (One Person), Bacteriologist (One Person), Laboratory Assistant (One Person), Sampling Assistant (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman. For the period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023. ORD/000165/2023-2024 777/BSD 27/04/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.84 0.84 100 100
92 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for engagement of laboratory personnel i.e. AAS Operator (One Person) and Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (One Person) for Burdwan District Laboratory under Burdwan Division P.H.E Dte. at PHE Complex, Nababhat, Purba Bardhaman, For the period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023. ORD/000166/2023-2024 778/BSD 27/04/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.40 0.40 100 100
93 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Sampling Assistant) in 5 Nos. Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.03.2023 to 31.03.2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000905/2022-2023 121/AE/HQ 27/02/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.74 0.74 100 100
94 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Supply & Delivery of Chemicals, reagents and consumables for 14(Fourteen) laboratories under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte. ORD/000087/2023-2024 2153/BWD 10/05/2023 20 BHARATI CHEMICAL & SCIENTIFIC WORKS 30.43 30.43 100 100
95 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist & Lab Assistant) in Barshul Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/05/2023 to 31/05/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000168/2023-2024 274-A/AE/HQ 27/04/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.58 0.58 100 100
96 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of laboratory personnel (Chemist / Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) in Manteswar Sub District Water Testing Laboratory within Kalna Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023]. JUNIOR ENGINEER R.W.S. BURDWAN SUB-DIVISION PHE DTE ORD/000187/2023-2024 372/KSD 25/04/2023 31 ALAKA GHOSH 0.59 0.59 100 100
97 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Satgachia Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/03/2023 to 31/03/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000912/2022-2023 120/AE/HQ 27/02/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
98 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist and Lab Assistant) including maintenance in 2 Nos. Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Sadar Sub Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period For Six Months i.e. 01.06.2023 to 30.11.2023]._2ND CALL. ORD/000163/2023-2024 2451/BWD 31/05/2023 180 DULAL MAJUMDER 6.99 0.00 0 100
99 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Satgachia Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/04/2023 to 30/04/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000913/2022-2023 206/AE/HQ 31/03/2023 30 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
100 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Satgachia Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/05/2023 to 31/05/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000170/2023-2024 273/AE/HQ 27/04/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
101 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Sampling Assistant) in 5 Nos. Sub District Laboratories within Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period from 01.02.2023 to 28.02.2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000904/2022-2023 87/AE/HQ 31/01/2023 28 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.74 0.74 100 100
102 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist & Lab Assistant) in Barshul Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/04/2023 to 30/04/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000909/2022-2023 207/AE/HQ 31/03/2023 30 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.58 0.58 100 100
103 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Satgachia Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/02/2023 to 28/02/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000911/2022-2023 88/AE/HQ 31/01/2023 28 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
104 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in SHAKTIGARH Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000354/2023-2024 350/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 A R TRADERS 0.77 0.77 100 100
105 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/Bacteriologist, Lab Assistant & Sampling Assistant) in Shaktigarh Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/03/2023 to 31/03/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000897/2022-2023 119/AE/HQ 27/02/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.51 0.51 100 100
106 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation work order for Engagement of Laboratory personnel (Chemist/ Bacteriologist & Lab Assistant) in Barshul Sub District Laboratory within Headquarters under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte., Purba Bardhaman. [Period 01/03/2023 to 31/03/2023] AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000908/2022-2023 118/AE/HQ 27/02/2023 31 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.58 0.58 100 100
107 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in SANKARI Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000358/2023-2024 354/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 SOUMYAVASH DAS 0.96 0.47 48.96 100
108 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in ANUKHAL Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000360/2023-2024 356/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 M/S F.S. ENTERPRISE 0.96 0.96 100 100
109 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in MONTESWAR Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000362/2023-2024 358/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 SUPRIYA RAY 0.88 0.44 50 100
110 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in BARSHUL Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000357/2023-2024 353/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 ANWESHA CONSTRUCTION 0.80 0.00 0 100
111 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in SEHERA Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN,Junior Engineer, Burdwan Division ORD/000356/2023-2024 352/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 RUPALI ENTERPRISE 0.96 0.48 50 100
112 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Arrangement of drinking water supply in GANGANANDAPUR Water Testing Laboratory by sinking of 75 Mtr. Deep 40 x 100 mm. dia., with PVC pipe, DWP Tube wells in the district of Purba Bardhaman under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. AE(HQs) J.E. 2 BURDWAN ORD/000359/2023-2024 355/AE/HQ 18/07/2023 30 DEBJYOTI GOSWAMI 0.96 0.95 98.96 100
113 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Renovation of District Laboratory with meeting hall at Nababhat P.H.E Complex within RWS Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. ORD/000139/2023-2024 788/BSD 28/04/2023 30 GHOSH ENTERPRISE 0.94 0.94 100 100
114 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division OPERATIONAL CHARGES OF PHED & NGO MANAGED LABORATORIES RELATED WATER QUALITY MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE UNDER JAL JEEVAN MISSION , SM/11857 Support-WQMSP Continuation Work Order for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for software upgradation and other software related issues in existing computers, refilling of Cartridge of the printers, replacement of battery of UPS in District, Sub-Dist. and NGO Laboratories under Burdwan Division, P.H.E. Dte. [Period from 01.08.2023 to 31.01.2024] AE(HQs) J.E. 1 BURDWAN ORD/000414/2023-2024 396/AE/HQ 27/07/2023 180 COMPUTER MEDIA 0.99 0.00 0 100
Total 215.67180.8483.85 
Showing 1 to 114 of 114 entries