Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
20 628.19 71.31 11.35  
1 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Extension of pipeline for providing functional house hold tap connection at Jougram village of Jougram piped water supply scheme within Burdwan Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte..Gr.A. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000311/2021-2022 1033/BSD 05/08/2021 30 N.S. ENTERPRISE 0.69 0.67 97.1 1
2 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Continuation work order for Water tap connection in each house hold from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction in Jougram village (Jougram habitation) of Jougram Piped Water Supply Scheme within Burdwan Sub-Divn. under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. (Part-C) [SL. No. : 11] Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000031/2021-2022 3408/BWD 25/06/2021 15 N.S. ENTERPRISE 4.86 0.59 12.14 1
3 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) from existing distribution system within the command area of Jaugram Piped Water Supply Scheme at Jaugram Village (P) (Mouza), Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000278/2021-2022 6952/BWD 14/12/2021 30 SAIKAT RAY 33.69 29.78 88.39 1
4 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Replace damaged and chokaged various dia. A.C. Pipeline with UPVC pipes, construction of valve chambers and providing FHTC at mouza (Habitation) under JOUGRAM PWSS, Jamalpur Development Block of Burdwan Sub-Division under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte". Gr.B. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000475/2022-2023 1599/BSD 14/09/2022 30 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 3.38 3.19 94.38 1
5 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Land Development at Jougram 4th T/W Site at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Sub Division in Burdwan Division,PHE Dte. Gr.G. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000445/2022-2023 1487/BSD 26/08/2022 30 PANCHANAN CHAKROBORTY 1.17 1.10 94.02 1
6 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Water tap connection in each house hold from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction in Ilsora village and Ilsora habitation of JAUGRAM Piped Water Supply Scheme within Burdwan Sub-Divn. under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Phase - I] [GROUP : ¿6A¿] Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000779/2020-2021 3330/BWD 18/09/2020 30 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 4.86 4.86 100 1
7 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Replacement of 775 meter AC pipeline by using UPVC pipeline in Jaugram piped water supply scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE Dte.Gr.A. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000400/2021-2022 69/BSD 14/01/2022 30 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 4.83 4.71 97.52 1
8 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Providing leftout water tap connection in different villages for 100% coverage to make it Sajal Gram from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction of different Piped Water Supply Schemes within Jamalpur Block (Paratal-II, Berugram, Abujhati & Chakdighi G.P.) under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. (Part-B). AE(HQs),Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. JE/RWS/JAMALPUR ORD/000345/2021-2022 40/BWD 05/01/2022 30 PREMANANDA ROY BISWAS 22.68 3.33 14.68 1
9 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Construction of Boundary wall at 4th Tubewell site Of Jaugram Water Supply scheme under JAMALPUR Block of Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (LENGTH- 71.0M, COL.- 28 NOS )Gr.F. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000650/2021-2022 471/BSD 21/03/2022 45 PANCHANAN CHAKROBORTY 3.77 3.72 98.67 1
10 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Providing leftout water tap connection in different villages for 100% coverage to make it Sajal Gram from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction of different Piped Water Supply Schemes within Jamalpur Block (Jarogram, Ajhapur, Panchra & Jougram G.P.) under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. (Part-A)_2ND CALL. AE(HQs),Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. JE/RWS/JAMALPUR ORD/000592/2021-2022 1454/BWD 11/03/2022 30 PREMANANDA ROY BISWAS 18.83 0.00 0 1
11 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Construction of Boundary wall at 3RD Tubewell site Of Jaugram Water Supply scheme under JAMALPUR Block of Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (LENGTH- 70.0M , COL- 28 NOS ) Gr.E Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000649/2021-2022 470/BSD 21/03/2022 45 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 3.83 3.81 99.48 1
12 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting BALANCE PORTION Boundary wall at 3RD Tubewell site Of Jaugram Water Supply scheme under JAMALPUR Block of Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. (LENGTH- 34.0M , COL- 14 NOS) GROUP : G Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000086/2022-2023 820/BSD 20/05/2022 45 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 3.30 3.29 99.7 1
13 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Repairing and Restoration of damaged and chokaged various Dia UPVC Pipeline and Construction of Valve Chambers to conrrol flow of waer for providing FHTC in JOUGRAM PWSS at Jamalpur Dev.block under Burdwan Division,PHE Dte.Group : D. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000112/2022-2023 1017/BSD 20/06/2022 30 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 1.43 1.39 97.2 1
14 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Concrete road at Head Work site Tubewell site of Jaugram Water Supply Scheme under JAMALPUR Block of Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. Gr.L Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000484/2022-2023 1608/BSD 14/09/2022 15 DUBE ENTERPRISE 1.70 0.00 0 1
15 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Continuation work order for Water tap connection in each house hold from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction in Ilsora village and Ilsora habitation of JAUGRAM Piped Water Supply Scheme within Burdwan Sub-Divn. under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [Phase - I] [GROUP : ¿6A¿] Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. Junior Engineer, R.W.S. Burdwan Sub Division, P.H.E. Dt ORD/001347/2020-2021 4513/BWD 12/11/2020 30 MUKHERJEE ENTERPRISE 4.86 1.98 40.74 100
16 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Laying of 100 mm dia D.I Pipe for Road widening from 4 lane to 6 lane of NH2 at chainage 599+654 & 599+154 at Jougram Water supply within Jamalpur Block,under Burdwan Division,PHE Dte". Group : B. ORD/000109/2022-2023 981/BSD 16/06/2022 30 PRATIVA CONSTRUCTION 2.97 0.00 0 0
17 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Water tap connection in each house hold from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction in Moyna Habitation of Jougram Piped Water Supply Scheme within Burdwan Sub-Divn. under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. [GROUP - 'B'] ORD/001346/2020-2021 2401/BWD 20/07/2020 30 DEY NIRMAN 4.92 4.05 82.32 100
18 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Providing FHTC for Dogachia Mouza [(Habitation (Village)] for AMRA piped W/S Scheme, Jamalpur Dev. Block under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. ORD/000068/2023-2024 2019/BWD 28/04/2023 30 DEY NIRMAN 20.61 0.00 0 100
19 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Continuation work order for Water tap connection in each house hold from existing distribution system within scheme jurisdiction in Jougram village (Jougram habitation) of Jougram Piped Water Supply Scheme within Burdwan Sub-Divn. under Burdwan Division, PHE. Dte. (Part-B) [SL. No. : 13] Assistant Engineer Burdwan Sadar Sub-Division PHE. DTE. Junior Engineer, R.W.S. Burdwan Sub Division, P.H.E. Dt ORD/000444/2020-2021 1398/BWD 15/02/2021 15 DEY NIRMAN 4.84 4.84 100 0
20 PURBA BARDHAMAN Burdwan Division Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by retrofitting within the command area of Jaugram piped Water Supply Scheme at Jamalpur Block under Burdwan Division PHE. DTE. , SM/09104 Retrofitting Laying of pipeline for providing FHTC 100% coverage and also construction & installation of Sluice Valve & Valve Chamber to control the flow of water, road restoration work etc. of different Piped W/S Schemes, Block Jamalpur under Burdwan Division, PHE Dte. AE(HQs) ORD/000194/2024-2025 2488/BWD 01/07/2024 120 M/S NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION 480.97 0.00 0 0
Total 628.18 71.30 11.35