Work Order Tracking
Status Report on the Progress and Achievement at Individual Work Order Level

Rs. in Lakh
Sl No. District
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Working Divisions
Schemes for which Work Order has been issued as per PHED-MIS
Scheme Category
Category of Scheme as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Name of AE entrusted Name of JE entrusted System Order No.
System Order Number
WO Number
Manual No. Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
WO Date
Date of Issuance of Work Order
Days of Completion
Target Days for Work Completion as per PHED-MIS
Agency Name
Agency Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Amount of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Payment %
Percentage of Payment made for this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Physical Progress %
Achievement of Physical Progress of the work under this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
24 535.29 276.89 51.73  
1 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing functional house hold tap connection (unmetered) 135 nos. in NALANGIBARI Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000319/2021-2022 329/MTB 04/01/2022 15 PARITOSH PANDIT 5.01 0.00 0 1
2 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation PAYMENT TO RESOURCE DIV VCH/001333/2021-2022 BP-2021-22-400 22/02/2022 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER RESOURCES DIVISION P.H.E.DTE. 40.00 0.00 0 0
3 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing FHTC, Sinking of big dia tube well( 250 mm X 200 mm),Constuction of pump house, boundary wall,Repairing of reservior at head work site and laying of UPVC pipe line and other allied works at in-connection with augmentation NALANGIBARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED.(Part-B) ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000429/2021-2022 1525/CD 15/03/2022 90 GHOSH AND SAHA CONSTRUCTION 127.12 104.82 82.46 1
4 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing FHTC and Laying of Pipe line at NALANGIBARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000411/2021-2022 1469/CD 10/03/2022 30 PARITOSH PANDIT 24.60 23.10 93.9 1
5 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation FHTC VCH/001617/2021-2022 BP_2021_22_441 11/03/2022 ORIENTAL CO OP LABOUR CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION SO 8.82 0.00 0 0
6 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation FHTC VCH/001769/2021-2022 BP-2021_22_454 16/03/2022 TAPAN CHANDA 1.26 0.00 0 0
7 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation FHTC VCH/000036/2022-2023 BP_22_23_10 13/04/2022 PARITOSH PANDIT 23.10 0.00 0 0
8 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing functional house hold tap connection within command area of Nalangibari Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. (Part-F) Under Jaldhara Programme. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000078/2022-2023 44/MTB 02/05/2022 7 PARITOSH PANDIT 4.96 4.93 99.4 1
9 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing functional house hold tap connection within command area under Nalangibari Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000126/2022-2023 129/MTB 23/06/2022 15 PARITOSH PANDIT 4.82 4.81 99.79 1
10 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing functional house hold tap connection within Nalangibari Piped Water Supply Scheme under Mathabhanga Sub-Division, P.H.E.Dte. Under Jaldhara Programme. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000130/2022-2023 132/MTB 23/06/2022 15 NORTHE BENGAL CONST CO 4.96 4.85 97.78 1
11 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing FHTC & other allied works at NALANGIBARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000281/2022-2023 888/CD 22/09/2022 30 PARITOSH PANDIT 9.98 9.13 91.48 1
12 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Supply of C.I Specials for NALANGIBARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000246/2022-2023 739/CD 27/08/2022 30 MS SSB CONSTRUCTION CO 9.67 9.67 100 1
13 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Laying of Additional boosting line for FHTC under BURABURI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division PHE Dte. ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000067/2022-2023 264/CD 24/05/2022 45 PARITOSH PANDIT 11.73 0.00 0 1
14 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation FHTC AT PWSS UNDER COB DIVN, PHED VCH/000998/2022-2023 355 22/10/2022 MS SSB CONSTRUCTION CO 3.15 0.00 0 0
15 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Execution of different works related to NALANGIBARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000440/2022-2023 1417/CD 29/12/2022 30 PINAKI SAHA 9.57 6.71 70.11 1
16 COOCHBEHAR Northern Mechanical Division II Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation QUOTATION FOR NEW SERVICE CONNECTION AT NALANGIBARI (AUG) W/SS TW V BILL/00016/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-91 15/05/2023 WBSEDCL 0.98 0.00 0 0
17 COOCHBEHAR Northern Mechanical Division II Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation QUOTATION FOR NEW SERVICE CONNECTION AT NALANGIBARI (AUG) W/SS TW IV BILL/00015/2023-2024 BP-2023-24-92 15/05/2023 WBSEDCL 1.06 0.00 0 0
18 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Material Requisition To Resource Division RTOR000032/2021-2022 1176/CD 01/02/2022 Resource Division 5.50 0.00 0 0
19 COOCHBEHAR Northern Mechanical Division II Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Supply, installation, commissioning and trial operation of electro-mechanical components along with copper wound line voltage corrector for NALANGIBARI TW no IV in the district of COOCHBEHAR under Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte ALIPURDUAR. Assistant Engineer, Cooch-Behar Mechanical Sub-Division Junior Engineer 4, Cooch-Behar Mechanical Sub-Division, ORD/000806/2022-2023 398/NMD-II 23/02/2023 30 ANUP BASU 10.70 0.00 0 60
20 COOCHBEHAR Northern Mechanical Division II Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Supply & delivery of Submersible pump motor set and other Electro Mechanical Components at NALANGIBARI (AUG) PWSS and adjacent W/S Scheme in the district of Coochbehar under Northern Mechanical Division-II P.H.E Dte. Junior Engineer 4, Cooch-Behar Mechanical Sub-Division, ORD/000044/2024-2025 1935/CMSD 13/06/2024 30 M/S SAJAHAN CHOWDHURY 4.36 0.00 0 0
21 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Execution of different works related to NALANGIBARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000027/2023-2024 383/CD 23/05/2023 60 MS SURAJIT MAJUMDER 17.74 7.49 42.22 90
22 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Execution of different works related to NALANGIBARI PWSS under JAL JEEVAN MISSION ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000771/2022-2023 1658/CD 10/02/2023 60 KRISHNA GOPAL BASK 28.46 14.68 51.58 70
23 COOCHBEHAR Coochbehar Division Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Providing FHTC, Sinking of big dia tube well( 250 mm X 200 mm), Construction of pump house, boundary wall, Repairing of boundary wall at head work site and laying of UPVC pipe line and other allied works at in-connection with augmentation NALANGIBARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division, PHED.(Part-A) ASSISTANT ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION JUNIOR ENGINEER, MATHABHANGA SUB-DIVISION ORD/000430/2021-2022 1526/CD 15/03/2022 90 GHOSH AND SAHA CONSTRUCTION 166.74 85.99 51.57 70
24 COOCHBEHAR Northern Mechanical Division II Augumentation of Nalangibari Water Supply scheme , SM/09823 Augmentation Supply, installation, commissioning and trial operation of electro-mechanical components along with copper wound line voltage corrector for Augumentation of Nalangibari water supply scheme, TW no IV under Northern Mechanical Division-II, PHE Dte.Alipurduar Assistant Engineer, Cooch-Behar Mechanical Sub-Division Junior Engineer 4, Cooch-Behar Mechanical Sub-Division, ORD/000174/2023-2024 1373/NMD-II 12/07/2023 30 M/S ANJALI ENTERPRISE 11.00 0.71 6.45 100
Total 535.29 276.88 51.73