1 | COOCHBEHAR | Coochbehar Division | Retrofitting works for providing functional household tap connection(FHTC) eithin the cpmmand area of BOGDABARI KESAIBARI Water Supply Scheme , SM/08154 | Retrofitting | Providing House connection for BHOGDABRI KESIABARI PWSS under Cooch Behar Division. PHE Dte. | ASSISTANT ENGINEER, COOCHBEHAR SADAR SUB-DIVISION | JUNIOR ENGINEER, COOCH BEHAR SADAR SUB-DIVISION | ORD/000329/2021-2022 | 1230/CD | 09/02/2022 | 30 | MS BIDYUT SARKAR | 14.04 | 0.00 | 0 | 1 |