Sl. No. | Division
Working Divisions
System Order No
System generated Order No. for the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Order Date
Date of Issuance of the Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Memo Number
Memo no. for Work Order Provided by the Divisions as per PHED-MIS
Vendor Name
Vendor Appointed Against this Work Order as per PHED-MIS
Work Name
Name of the Work as per the Issued Work Order
Order Value
Value of Work as mentioned in the Work Order
64 | 1,664.71 | ||||||
1 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000113/2021-2022 | 19/05/2021 | 915/BD-I | M/S J.A CONSTRUCTION | Laying of additional pipeline for providing Balanced Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) which is not covered by exisitng distribution pipeline from nearest Ground Water Supply Scheme in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under comma | 0.77 |
2 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000561/2021-2022 | 01/11/2021 | 1989/BD-I | DEBASIS BOSE | Relaying of different dia DI and UPVC distribution Pipe Line instead of damage portion in between different node point for faciliating FHTC works under Raipur Surface based Water Supply Scheme under Central Sector Part-II of Murshidabad District under Be | 31.04 |
3 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000498/2021-2022 | 08/10/2021 | 1905/BD-I | M/S RUBIET HOSSAIN | Formal Work Order for Retrofitting Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under command area of village of Swaruppur (Village code 315505) under Lochanmati (Zone-E) Water Supply Scheme of Central Se | 144.19 |
4 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000552/2021-2022 | 08/10/2021 | 1910/BD-I | PRADIP KUMAR SAHA | Providing Retrofitting Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under command area of village of Begampur (Village code 314908) under Amaipara (Zone-A) Surface water based Water Supply Scheme o | 2.61 |
5 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000746/2021-2022 | 22/12/2021 | 2260/BD-I | KUNTAL SAHA | Providing Retrofitting Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Swapna under command area of village of Arazi Alaipur (village code 314537) under HASANPUR Ground water based Water Supply Scheme for Bh | 6.91 |
6 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000796/2021-2022 | 29/12/2021 | 2312/BD-I | BENOY DOBEY | Additional Laying works at village Kasbagoas (Village code-314795) to facilitate Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) works in connection to JalJeevan Mission &JalSwapna under Kasbagoas Ground water based Water supply scheme (Raninagar-I,Block) und | 14.34 |
7 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000794/2021-2022 | 29/12/2021 | 2310/BD-I | BENOY DOBEY | Additional Laying works at village Rampara Foridpur (Village code-315664) to facilitate Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) works in connection to Jal Jeevan Mission & Jal Swapna under Rampara Foridpur Ground water based Water supply scheme (Belda | 15.18 |
8 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000130/2024-2025 | 19/09/2024 | 1529/BD-I | M/S. THE LOTUS ENTERPRISE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Sarpakia (Code-314194) In The Command Area Of Rajarampur Ground Water Supply Scheme (Part-A) in the distri | 5.12 |
9 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000097/2024-2025 | 22/08/2024 | 1369/BD-I | ANIRBAN CHATTERJEE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area for the Village of Topidanga (VillageCode-314522) , Dhwajamat (VillageCode-314528) ,Kamal | 7.59 |
10 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000288/2024-2025 | 14/01/2025 | 56/BD-I | SUMAN ENTERPRISE AND SUMAN AQUA | Planning, Design, Investigation, Construction, Erection, Installation, Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant (AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Groun | 122.79 |
11 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000116/2024-2025 | 04/09/2024 | 1451/BD-I | K.S.ENTERPRISE (PROP. SAMIM SK.) | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION at Sadatpur(VillageCode-315671) ,Chhatiai (Village Code-315673) under command area of Sadhukhali ground wate | 3.55 |
12 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/001067/2021-2022 | 07/10/2021 | 1847/BD-I | M/S RUBIET HOSSAIN | Additional and balance work of HDPE pipe for house service connection and relaying of damage and Laying of extension different dia UPVC pipeline in connection to Jal Jeevan Mission & Jal Swapna from Choa Thana more towards Sahebnagar & Tangramari Villag | 44.49 |
13 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000158/2024-2025 | 23/10/2024 | 1646/BD-I | PRATAP KUMAR SINHA | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Sarkarpara ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berhampor | 5.92 |
14 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000033/2024-2025 | 20/06/2024 | 996/BD-I | M/S RUBIET HOSSAIN | Planning,Design,Investigation,Construction,Erection,Installation,Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant (AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Ground Wate | 159.77 |
15 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000128/2024-2025 | 06/09/2024 | 1478/BD-I | SANTANU BISWAS | Allied works of Laying of distribution pipeline of MASHIMPUR piped water supply scheme under JJM within Beldanga-II Block in the district of Murshidabad under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. | 16.93 |
16 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000287/2024-2025 | 27/12/2024 | 2326/BD-I | TARUN KUMAR BHATTACHARYA | Continuation work order for Hiring of one no. Car No. W.B-51B/6299 Bolero Diesel car for official use of Assistant Engineer, Raghunathganj Sub Division, PHE Dte. period for 01.01.2025 to 30.06.2025. | 0.91 |
17 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000038/2024-2025 | 28/06/2024 | 1037/BD-I | ACQUA CONSTRUCTION CONSORTIUM | Planning,Design,Investigation,Construction,Erection,Installation,Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant (AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Ground Wate | 234.01 |
18 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000115/2024-2025 | 04/09/2024 | 1450/BD-I | SUDIPA SINGHA ROY | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Charkamnagar Village (Code-315620), Nagar Village (Code-315622), Maklishpur Village(Code-315623) Under Com | 13.53 |
19 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000174/2024-2025 | 22/11/2024 | 2089/BD-I | REDSEA CONSTRUCTION | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Hurshi zone-I ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berham | 3.79 |
20 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000124/2024-2025 | 06/09/2024 | 1472/BD-I | SARAJIT KUMAR MAJUMDAR | Allied work for the work of Improvement of Distribution piped water line for providing drinking water facility to the local habitation within command area of Purbo Narayanpur Water supply scheme (Central Sector, Part-II) under Berhampore Division-I,PHE Dt | 21.24 |
21 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000293/2024-2025 | 20/01/2025 | 99/BD-I | SUJIT KUMAR SAHA | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at KASHIPUR ZONE-I (PART-B) Water Supply Scheme (TW-I & II Site) within Beldanga-II Block under JJM in connection w | 18.02 |
22 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000066/2024-2025 | 26/07/2024 | 1203/BD-I | M/S S.R.K ENTERPRISE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission And Jal Swapna At The Village Of Bhundar Kismat (Code-314468) In The Command Area Of Bhundar Kismat Ground W | 31.89 |
23 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000074/2024-2025 | 29/07/2024 | 1222/BD-I | SANTA TRADING | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Gopalpur Village (Code-315686) Under Command Area Of Kashipur Ground Water Supply Scheme (Part-B) in the | 25.60 |
24 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000077/2024-2025 | 29/07/2024 | 1225/BD-I | AZAD CONSTRUCTION & CO. | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at The Villages Of Madhya Gobindopur (Code-314485), Maheshpur(Code-314486) In The Command Area Of Bhundar K | 17.71 |
25 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000078/2024-2025 | 29/07/2024 | 1226/BD-I | SARKAR BROTHERS | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Kamnagar Village (Code-315621), Saharbati Village (Code-315625) Under Command Area Of Charkamnagar Ground | 12.07 |
26 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000079/2024-2025 | 29/07/2024 | 1227/BD-I | M/S JOY MA BANAMALI | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Hasanpur ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berhampore D | 15.89 |
27 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000132/2024-2025 | 19/09/2024 | 1530/BD-I | HAFIZUL SEIKH | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Basantapur Village (Code-314446),Lalitakuri (Code-314449) In The Command Area Of Sundarpur Ground Water S | 17.26 |
28 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000101/2024-2025 | 04/09/2024 | 1439/BD-I | KUNTAL SAHA | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Naudaparavillage (Code-314456) In The Command Area Of Paschim Rampur Ground Water Supply Scheme (Part-B) | 10.13 |
29 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000091/2024-2025 | 07/08/2024 | 1303/BD-I | DAS ENTERPRISE(GORABAZAR) | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Diar Syampur ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berhamp | 2.91 |
30 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000111/2024-2025 | 04/09/2024 | 1447/BD-I | KALAM SK | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION at Sadhukali (VillageCode-315672) under command area of Sadhukhali ground water supply scheme (Part-A)" in t | 0.99 |
31 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000156/2024-2025 | 23/10/2024 | 1644/BD-I | GITA CONSTRUCTION | Allied works for upgradation ,Improvement and laying of "GHOLLA PWSS to accommodate FHTC, OHR, Laying Distribution System, Rising Main under Jal Jivan Mission of BELDANGA - II Block, Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. (PART A)". | 16.79 |
32 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000102/2024-2025 | 04/09/2024 | 1438/BD-I | ALOK BANERJEE ENTERPRISE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Paranpur Village (Code-314173), Fatepur(Code-314174) In The Command Area Of Maiya Ground Water Supply Sch | 8.85 |
33 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000104/2024-2025 | 04/09/2024 | 1436/BD-I | DAS CONSTRUCTION 13/1/2 UKILABAD ROAD, BERHAMPORE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Illampur Village (Code-314175) In The Command Area Of Maiya Ground Water Supply Scheme (Part-B) Under La | 15.60 |
34 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000140/2024-2025 | 03/10/2024 | 1606/BD-I | PAMIR ROY | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at the Villages Of Jagarpara (Code-314183), Janardanpur (Code-314184),Chamunda(Code-314171) In The Command Ar | 11.94 |
35 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000054/2024-2025 | 11/07/2024 | 1120/BD-I | S.K ENTERPRISE (RANITALA) | Construction of Service Road for approach and Pump House at Augmentation of Ramnagar Doemkanon Zone-I (Part-B) PWSS of Raninagar-II Block under Jal Jeevan Mission of Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. | 7.92 |
36 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000093/2024-2025 | 07/08/2024 | 1306/BD-I | M/S BHAGIRATHI ENTERPRISE | Construction of Service Road for approach and Pump House at Augnentation of MUKTARPUR PWSS of Raninagar-I Block under Jal Jeevan Mission of Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. | 7.65 |
37 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000270/2024-2025 | 30/12/2024 | 2331/BD-I | KAMIRUL SK AND CO. | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at Khamardiar Water Supply Scheme under JJM under Berhampore Division - I, P.H.Engineering Dte. | 18.01 |
38 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000160/2024-2025 | 25/10/2024 | 1663/BD-I | LAKSHMI IRON | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection(FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION for Village of Chengta (VillageCode-314463), Gobra (Village code- 314470)& Ramnagobra (Village Code-3144 | 16.77 |
39 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000141/2024-2025 | 03/10/2024 | 1607/BD-I | SUJIT CHOWDHURY | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Ramchandrapur ground water supply scheme in the district of Murshidabad under Berhamp | 5.13 |
40 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000278/2024-2025 | 06/01/2025 | 12/BD-I | MAMATA USHA ENTERPRISE | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at ANDULBERIA ZONE-I Water Supply Scheme(TW-II) within Beldanga-II Block under JJM in connection with Augmentati | 9.01 |
41 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000138/2024-2025 | 24/09/2024 | 1553/BD-I | M/S. OBAIDUR RAHAMAN | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at the Villages Of Balijana (Code-314514), Nandanpur (Code-314515), Jibanpur (Code-314516) In The Command A | 18.33 |
42 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000273/2024-2025 | 27/12/2024 | 2327/BD-I | SEBAYAN CONSTRUCTION | Continuation work order for Hiring of one no. Car No. W.B-57C/5576 Bolero Diesel car for official use of Assistant Engineer-II, under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. period for 01.01.2025 to 30.04.2025. | 0.60 |
43 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000258/2024-2025 | 16/12/2024 | 2271/BD-I | M/S S.S ENTERPRISE VILL. & P.O.-BHAGIRATHPUR | Laying of CI/DI pipeline and sluice valve with chamber at different places under Rampur Zone-C,central sector part-I under JJM under Berhampore Division-I ,P.H.E Dte. In the district of Murshidabad. | 5.02 |
44 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000080/2024-2025 | 29/07/2024 | 1228/BD-I | M/S S. DAS & ENTERPRISE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting For Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) In Connection With Jal Jeevan Mission at Kazipara Village (Code-314608) Under Command Area Of Kazipara Ground Water Supply Scheme (Part-B) in the d | 74.15 |
45 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000253/2024-2025 | 10/12/2024 | 2249/BD-I | M/S B.R. SUPPLIERS | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at Rampara Faridpur Water Supply Scheme in connection with Augmentation work under Berhampore Division - I, P.H. | 9.00 |
46 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000276/2024-2025 | 06/01/2025 | 08/BD-I | MAMATA USHA ENTERPRISE | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at SAMASKAR Water Supply Scheme(TW - II) within Berhampore Block under JJM in connection with Augmentation work | 9.01 |
47 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000295/2024-2025 | 20/01/2025 | 101/BD-I | MAMATA USHA ENTERPRISE | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at GHOLLA Water Supply Scheme(2nd TW Site) within Beldanga-II Block under JJM in connection with Augmentation wo | 9.01 |
48 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000297/2024-2025 | 20/01/2025 | 103/BD-I | HARUN ALL RASHID & BROTHERS | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at ANDULBERIA ZONE - II Water Supply Scheme(3rd TW Site) within Beldanga - II Block under JJM in connection with | 8.95 |
49 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000071/2024-2025 | 29/07/2024 | 1219/BD-I | CHATTERJEE ENTERPRISE | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Dakhsin Gopalpur ground water supply scheme in the district of Murshidabad under Berha | 15.96 |
50 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000291/2024-2025 | 17/01/2025 | 74/BD-I | AJOY GHOSH | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at NASIPUR ZONE - I Water Supply Scheme(2nd TW Site) within Lalgola Block under JJM in connection with Augmentat | 9.01 |
51 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000057/2024-2025 | 11/07/2024 | 1129/BD-I | KHANDAKAR CONSTRUCTION | Construction of Boundary Wall with Main Entrance gate and barbed wire facing at Augmentation of BALI ZONE-I PWSS of Nawda Block under Jal Jeevan Mission of Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. | 18.69 |
52 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000173/2024-2025 | 12/11/2024 | 2038/BD-I | SHIV SHAKTI CONSTRUCTION | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Udaynagar Diar ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berha | 9.10 |
53 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000257/2024-2025 | 16/12/2024 | 2270/BD-I | M/S GOUTAM CHAKRABORTY | Allied work of Dakshin Gopalpur Piped Water Supply Scheme for laying of Pipeline ,Rising Main, Pump House Repairing under Jal Jeevan Mission within Raninagar - I Block under Berhampore Division - I PHE Dte in Murshidabad District. | 4.31 |
54 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000083/2024-2025 | 30/07/2024 | 1244/BD-I | R.S. CONSTRUCTION | Balance & Allied Work for the work of Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Komnagar ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berhampore D | 9.36 |
55 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000267/2024-2025 | 27/12/2024 | 2328/BD-I | TARUN KUMAR BHATTACHARYA | Continuation work order for Hiring of one no. Car No. W.B-51B/5774 Bolero Diesel car for official use of Assistant Engineer-I, under Berhampore Division-I, PHE Dte. period for 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2025 | 1.81 |
56 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000146/2024-2025 | 03/10/2024 | 1619/BD-I | SWAPAN DAS | Water Supply arrangement for arsenic affected habitation with SOLAR Power connection by Construction /installation of CPP unit including Tubewell with Submersible pump ( for Population 351 - 500 & Raw Water As concentration upto | 14.52 |
57 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000275/2024-2025 | 06/01/2025 | 07/BD-I | BARUN DUTTA | Construction Pump House Cum Chlorine Room at Head Work site of Maia Zone -II Water Supply Scheme , under Jal Jevan Mission of Lalgola Block of Murshidabad District under Berhampore Division -I, PHE.Dte. | 8.11 |
58 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000294/2024-2025 | 20/01/2025 | 100/BD-I | SUJIT KUMAR SAHA | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at GOBINDAPUR Water Supply Scheme(TW -II) within Berhampore Block under JJM in connection with Augmentation work u | 9.01 |
59 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000037/2024-2025 | 20/06/2024 | 1000/BD-I | ACQUA CONSTRUCTION CONSORTIUM | Planning,Design,Investigation,Construction,Erection,Installation,Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant (AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Ground Wate | 147.90 |
60 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000292/2024-2025 | 17/01/2025 | 201 | M/S S. DAS & ENTERPRISE | Planning, Design, Investigation, Construction, Erection, Installation, Completion testing and Commissioning in all respect of entire units of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Plant (AIRP) of different capacities capable of removing arsenic & Iron Present in Groun | 122.80 |
61 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000065/2024-2025 | 26/07/2024 | 1198/BD-I | BURIMAA CONSTRUCTION | Balance & Allied Work for the work of "Retrofitting for Providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) in connection with JAL JEEVAN MISSION under command area of Makimnagar ground water supply scheme" in the district of Murshidabad under Berhampor | 12.74 |
62 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000296/2024-2025 | 20/01/2025 | 102/BD-I | HARUN ALL RASHID & BROTHERS | Sinking of 250mm x 150 mm dia tube well 120.00 mtr. deep by direct rotary rig method using UPVC Pipe and UPVC Deep Well Screen (RDS) filter at PURBA KASHIPUR Water Supply Scheme(2nd TW site) within Bhagwangola-I Block under JJM in connection with Augme | 8.93 |
63 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000299/2024-2025 | 29/01/2025 | 148/BD-I | SUPRIYA DEY | Construction Pump House Cum Chlorine Room at Head Work site of BALI ZONE-II Water Supply Scheme under Jal Jevan Mission within Nawda Block under Berhampore Division -I, PHE.Dte. In the district of Murshidabad. | 8.77 |
64 | Berhampur Division I | ORD/000298/2024-2025 | 29/01/2025 | 147/BD-I | RAWSHAN FOUNDATION | Balance and allied Work Laying Rising Main with DI (K-9) and distribution system with DI pipe including supply of necessary special for augmentation work of Rajarampur Water Supply Scheme under Jal Jevan Mission under Berhampore Division-I, PHE.Dte. of LA | 4.82 |
Total | 1,664.71 |