Sl. No. | Transaction Date | HR Number | Scheme | Opening | Receipt | Closing |
1 | 16/04/2024 | GRNT000003/2024-2025 | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Harirampur Piped Water Supply Scheme ( SM/12798 ) | 7,935 | 2,079 | 10,014 |
2 | 16/04/2024 | TRN/000005/2024-2025 | Providing Functional House Hold Tap Connection by Retrofitting of 10 nos Zones of Tapan Eastern Sector Under Sub Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Tapan Block in the District of Dakshin Dinajpur ( SM/10516 ) | 7,435 | 500 | 7,935 |
3 | 16/04/2024 | TRN/000006/2024-2025 | Providing Functional House Hold Tap Connection by Retrofitting of 05 nos Zones under Tapan Sub Surface Based Piped Water Supply Project in the District of Dakshin Dinajpur (Phase I) ( SM/09796 ) | 7,435 | 500 | 7,935 |
4 | 16/04/2024 | TRN/000007/2024-2025 | Providing Functional House Hold Tap Connection by Retrofitting of 05 nos Zones under Tapan Sub Surface Based Piped Water Supply Project in the District of Dakshin Dinajpur (Phase I) ( SM/09796 ) | 7,435 | 500 | 7,935 |