Sl. No. | Transaction Date | HR Number | Wo Number | WO Date | Work Name | Agency | Scheme | Issue |
1 | 23/07/2024 | TRN/000053/2024-2025 | Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) | 1,000 | ||||
2 | 23/07/2024 | ISS/000041/2024-2025 | 3000/ALD | 06/02/2023 | Tube well boring by ODEX-165, Construction of pump house and boundary wall including laying distribution system with new UPVC pipeline with rising and delivery line connection, Providing FHTC and other allied works for KUMARGRAM PWSS under Alipurduar Divi | ANUGRAH CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED | AUGMENTATION OF KUMARGRAM PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/11985 ) | 1,000 |