G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Alipurduar Division
Item :D.I. Pipe (MI/01863) , Dia(mm):150, Class :K9
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 20/03/2024 TRN/000003/2023-2024 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 16.5
2 03/04/2024 TRN/000008/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 60.5
3 03/04/2024 ISS/000002/2024-2025 2920/ALD 19/01/2023 Tube well Boring by ODEX-195 Method of drilling of Constructions of 1no. pump house, boundary wall, distribution line with FHTC for Lankapara 20no. Line for Augmentation of Lankapara TG for Lonkapara Hat Area PWSS Under Birpara Sub-Division, Alipurduar Di SUDDHYA SING LAMA AUGMENTATION OF LANKAPARA TG FOR LONKAPARA HAT AREA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/11767 ) 60.5
4 02/05/2024 TRN/000012/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 495
5 02/05/2024 ISS/000006/2024-2025 1114/ALD 28/07/2023 Construction of tube wells (2 nos.) by Reverse rotary method of drilling at HW site and 2nd TW site , soil investigation at OHR site, constructions of 400 Cum OHR at HW , construction of pump house and boundary wall at H/W and 2nd site, laying of rising M/S ELITE CONSTRUCTION BENGKANDI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/16820 ) 495