G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Alipurduar Division
Item :D.I. Pipe (MI/01854) , Dia(mm):200, Class :K7
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 16/05/2024 TRN/000018/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 550
2 16/05/2024 TRN/000019/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 20
3 16/05/2024 TRN/000020/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 80
4 16/05/2024 ISS/000013/2024-2025 2855/ALD 17/01/2023 Cons. of pump house and Sinking of 250 mm x 200 mm X 150 mtr. Big dia. TW at HW site and 2nd site, LDS with UPVC pipeline, Cons. of 200 Cum OHR as per Departmental Design and drawing inclu. Soil testing, providing FHTC and others allied works for Brajerku TAPASH KUMAR BHOWMICK BRAJERKUTHI PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/13300 ) 20
5 16/05/2024 TRN/000021/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 66
6 16/05/2024 ISS/000015/2024-2025 209/ALD 16/01/2024 Laying of HDPE/DI Pipeline for filling up the gap & bridge / culvert crossing, specials repair with trial run of pipeline and allied works at Sankosh TG PWSS under Alipurduar Division, PHE Dte. SOUVIK ROY PALADHI SANKOSH TG AREA PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/11485 ) 66