Sl. No. | Transaction Date | HR Number | Wo Number | WO Date | Work Name | Agency | Scheme | Issue |
1 | 28/06/2024 | TRN/000022/2024-2025 | Sub Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Tapan Block (Mitigation of Fluoride Affected Areas) ( SM/04796 ) | 66 | ||||
2 | 28/06/2024 | TRN/000023/2024-2025 | Sub Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Tapan Block (Mitigation of Fluoride Affected Areas) ( SM/04796 ) | 66 | ||||
3 | 28/06/2024 | ISS/000025/2024-2025 | 1096/BD | 10/08/2023 | Sinking of tubewell, Laying of Rising Main & Distribution System, Providing FHTC, Construction of 450 Cum capacity OHR with 20m Staging Height including with Soil Investigation, Repairing of Pump House & Blower Room, Installation of IEP, Construction of B | M/S. ANWESHA ENTERPRISE | Augmentation of Ground Water Based Tior Piped Water Supply Scheme ( SM/18630 ) | 66 |