G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Siliguri W/S Division
Item :Gun Metal Ferrule (MI/03112) , Dia(mm):10
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 23/03/2024 ISS/000001/2023-2024 1675/SWSD 10/11/2022 Construction of 2 Nos. Pump House (5.4 X 3.60) size, boundary wall allied with laying of rising main, distribution system & providing functional household tap connection (FHTC) for Augmentation TRIHANA TEA GARDEN Area Piped Water Supply Scheme under Naxal S.K. BANIK AUGMENTATION OF TRIHANA TEA GARDEN PIPED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME ( SM/12748 ) 200