G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

Howrah Division
Item :D.I. Pipe (MI/01870) , Dia(mm):600, Class :K9
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 30/09/2024 ISS/000001/2024-2025 1288/HD 13/03/2024 Surveying, designing, laying, commissioning of two separate rising mains for conveyance of treated water from CWR at Sankrail WTP premises to 14 nos. OHRs (12 nos. new, 02 no. existing) falling under jurisdiction of PHE Dte. at Sankrail, Domjur (Part), Pa ECO PROTECTION ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED Augmentation of surface water based Sankrail Piped water supply scheme ( SM/19187 ) 1,496