Sl. No. | Transaction Date | HR Number | Wo Number | WO Date | Work Name | Agency | Scheme | Issue |
1 | 11/11/2024 | ISS/000012/2024-2025 | 1120/NAD-I | 22/07/2024 | Providing FHTC with laying of pipeline and Construction of Boundary wall ,Land Development, Construction of Pathway and other allied works at Headwork site of Matikumra under Ranaghat-II Dev. Block under Matikumra Water Supply Scheme under Nadia Arsen | CHOWDHURY & CO. | Augmentation to accommodate FHTC for Matikumra Ground Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme (Phase-I), Block-Ranaghat-II, District-Nadia. ( SM/10661 ) | 300 |