G6- Division wise Store Data (Issue)

North 24 Pgs W/S Division I
Item :D.I. Pipe (MI/01856) , Dia(mm):300, Class :K7
Sl. No. Transaction Date HR Number Wo Number WO Date Work Name Agency Scheme Issue
1 29/07/2024 ISS/000001/2024-2025 1424/NWSD-I 08/09/2023 Augmentation of Intake, Water Treatment Plant (augmented to 45.4 MLD) for Surface water Based piped Water Supply Scheme including augmentation, laying & construction of various components like Laying Distribution System, OHR, FHTC, Repairing of pump house RMN-SREE SUBHA JOINT VENTURE Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Zone-IA-II (Chak Kanthalia) in Barrackpore-II Block of North 24 Parganas District Under North 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte. ( SM/12728 ) 0
2 29/07/2024 ISS/000002/2024-2025 1424/NWSD-I 08/09/2023 Augmentation of Intake, Water Treatment Plant (augmented to 45.4 MLD) for Surface water Based piped Water Supply Scheme including augmentation, laying & construction of various components like Laying Distribution System, OHR, FHTC, Repairing of pump house RMN-SREE SUBHA JOINT VENTURE Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Zone-I-B (Telinipara) in Barrackpore-II Block of North 24 Parganas District Under North 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte. ( SM/13902 ) 0
3 15/09/2024 TRN/000002/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 3,349.5
4 15/09/2024 TRN/000003/2024-2025 Opening Stock ( SM/10027 ) 1,958
5 29/10/2024 ISS/000019/2024-2025 1424/NWSD-I 08/09/2023 Augmentation of Intake, Water Treatment Plant (augmented to 45.4 MLD) for Surface water Based piped Water Supply Scheme including augmentation, laying & construction of various components like Laying Distribution System, OHR, FHTC, Repairing of pump house RMN-SREE SUBHA JOINT VENTURE Augmentation of Surface Water Based Piped Water Supply Scheme for Zone-VII-B (Rautara) in Amdanga Block of North 24 Parganas District Under North 24 Parganas W/S Division-I, PHE Dte. ( SM/12565 ) 1,034