1 | HOWRAH | Amta - II | AMRAGORI | Nakubar | Source Augmentation of Chitnan Water Supply Scheme(SM/18848) | TSM/021553 | 1,130 | 0 |
2 | HOWRAH | Amta - II | AMRAGORI | Boalia | Source Augmentation of Chitnan Water Supply Scheme(SM/18848) | TSM/021553 | 335 | 0 |
3 | HOWRAH | Amta - II | AMRAGORI | Rautara | Source Augmentation of Chitnan Water Supply Scheme(SM/18848) | TSM/021553 | 946 | 0 |
4 | HOWRAH | Amta - II | AMRAGORI | Amragari | Source Augmentation of Chitnan Water Supply Scheme(SM/18848) | TSM/021553 | 704 | 0 |