List of villages where scheme Approved in SlSSC

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
SL NoDistrict
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Gram Panchayat
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Retrofitting/ Augmentation Scheme under Parent Scheme as per PHED-MIS
TSM Code
Temporary Scheme Code as per PHED-MIS
Total Households
Household information of the Covered Villages as per JJM-IMIS
Approved FHTC Count considered under the Village Modified after appropriation in YDU as per PHED-MIS
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Gram Panchayat
As per Census (2011)
As per Census (2011)
Retrofitting/ Augmentation Scheme under Parent Scheme as per PHED-MIS
TSM Code
Temporary Scheme Code as per PHED-MIS
Total Households
Household information of the Covered Villages as per JJM-IMIS
Approved FHTC Count considered under the Village Modified after appropriation in YDU as per PHED-MIS
1 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Sihika Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 53 0
2 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Dhopahari Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 158 1,450
3 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Sutabai Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 946 0
4 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Rangunigora Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 179 0
5 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Rautara Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 85 0
6 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Talajuri Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 961 0
7 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Gourangadih Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 670 0
8 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Jamkuri Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 202 0
9 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Jekro Alias Panchagora Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 723 0
10 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Babirdi Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 185 0
11 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Krishtaganj Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 36 0
12 PURULIA Kashipur KALIDAHA Indrabil Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 31 0
13 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Saldiha Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 66 0
14 PURULIA Kashipur GOURANDIH Gopalpur Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 166 0
15 PURULIA Kashipur BARRAH Palsara Augmentation of Sutabai Water Supply Scheme at Kashipur Block under Purulia Division, PHE Dte.(SM/09579) TSM/009009 150 0
Total 4,6111,450
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries