No. of village with 11-50 HHs to be provided with FHTC to complete it Har Ghar Jal Village Back
Sl. No. District Block Gram Panchayat Village HouseholdsSchoolsAnganwadi Centres (AWCs) 
Total HouseholdFHTC ProvidedRemaining Total Nos. of SchoolTotal Nos. of School with tap connection Nos. of School remaining to be provided with tap connection Total Nos. of AWC Total Nos. of AWC with tap connection Nos. of AWC remaining to be provided with tap connection 
Sl. No. 
Gram Panchayat 
Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) 
Total Household
FHTC Provided
Total Nos. of School
Total Nos. of School with tap connection
Nos. of School remaining to be provided with tap connection 
Total Nos. of AWC
Total Nos. of AWC with tap connection
Nos. of AWC remaining to be provided with tap connection 
Grand Total
1 Alipurduar Kumargram Rydak Rahimabad Tea Garden 1,188 996 47 90 90 0 190 110 80
2 Alipurduar Kalchini Chuapara Bhutri Forest 78 35 43 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 Alipurduar Kumargram Turturi Khanda Jayanti Tea Garden 1,429 1,389 40 60 20 40 260 80 180
4 Alipurduar Alipurduar-ii Bhatibari Bhatibari 954 917 37 30 0 30 27 0 27
5 Alipurduar Kumargram Rydak Kartika Tea Garden 1,149 1,114 35 75 0 75 195 15 180
6 Alipurduar Madarihat-birpara Sishujhumra Dangapara 90 65 25 2 0 2 1 0 1
7 Alipurduar Madarihat-birpara Bundapani Garochera Bandapani 134 109 25 2 0 2 2 0 2
8 Alipurduar Kalchini Latabari Nimtijhora Tea Garden 1,002 979 23 15 0 15 24 0 24
9 Alipurduar Alipurduar-ii Parokata Dakshin Parokata 1,200 1,179 21 24 4 20 36 4 32
10 Alipurduar Falakata Dhanirampur-ii Sarugaon Tea Garden 191 172 19 4 0 4 2 0 2
11 Alipurduar Kumargram Newland Kumargram Sankosh Sankos Tea Garden 1,407 1,392 15 192 64 128 288 96 192
12 Alipurduar Madarihat-birpara Birpara-ii Singhania Tea Garden 516 504 12 2 0 2 14 4 10
13 Alipurduar Falakata Guabarnagar Malsagaon 543 532 11 16 0 16 8 0 8
14 Alipurduar Kumargram Turturi Khanda Sachapho Forest 28 17 11 3 0 3 0 0 0
Grand Total9,9099,4003645151783371,047309738