No. of village with 11-50 HHs to be provided with FHTC to complete it Har Ghar Jal Village Back
Sl. No. District Block Gram Panchayat Village HouseholdsSchoolsAnganwadi Centres (AWCs) 
Total HouseholdFHTC ProvidedRemaining Total Nos. of SchoolTotal Nos. of School with tap connection Nos. of School remaining to be provided with tap connection Total Nos. of AWC Total Nos. of AWC with tap connection Nos. of AWC remaining to be provided with tap connection 
Sl. No. 
Gram Panchayat 
Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) 
Total Household
FHTC Provided
Total Nos. of School
Total Nos. of School with tap connection
Nos. of School remaining to be provided with tap connection 
Total Nos. of AWC
Total Nos. of AWC with tap connection
Nos. of AWC remaining to be provided with tap connection 
Grand Total
1 Jalpaiguri Mal Damdim Betbari Tea Garden 237 187 50 16 0 16 40 0 40
2 Jalpaiguri Dhupguri Gadong-i Kazipara 613 563 50 30 0 30 42 0 42
3 Jalpaiguri Rajganj Mantadari Lalitabari 325 279 46 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 Jalpaiguri Dhupguri Barogharia Patkidaha 366 323 43 3 3 0 4 1 3
5 Jalpaiguri Matiali Matiali Batabari-ii Nimna Tandu Forest 92 53 39 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 Jalpaiguri Maynaguri Domohani-i Domohani 627 591 33 13 1 12 3 0 3
7 Jalpaiguri Matiali Matiali Batabari-i Aibhil Tea Garden 984 953 31 9 6 3 21 6 15
8 Jalpaiguri Maynaguri Burnesh Sisuabari 168 139 29 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Jalpaiguri Matiali Matalihat Chalauni Tea Garden 1,023 999 24 6 0 6 22 0 22
10 Jalpaiguri Matiali Bidhannagar Nakhati Tea Garden 708 685 23 2 1 1 11 6 5
11 Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Nagar Berubari Rarmmadeb 85 65 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Jalpaiguri Matiali Indong Matiali Engo Tea Garden 267 249 18 1 0 1 1 0 1
13 Jalpaiguri BANARHAT CHAMURCHI HARITALGURI TEA GARDEN (D) 1,491 1,476 15 52 13 39 130 104 26
14 Jalpaiguri Jalpaiguri Kharija Berubari-i Kharija Berubari 2,306 2,292 14 1,300 0 1,300 1,352 0 1,352
15 Jalpaiguri Nagrakata Champaguri Hope Tea Garden 879 867 12 154 143 11 99 22 77
Grand Total10,1719,7214471,5861671,4191,7251391,586